

【作者】 庞德英

【导师】 李道中;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 构建社会主义和谐社会是党和国家现阶段的重要任务。实现社会和谐,既需要雄厚的物质基础和可靠的政治保障,也需要有力的精神支撑和良好的文化条件。党的十六届六中全会提出要建设社会主义和谐文化,为社会主义和谐社会提供坚实的思想保证和精神动力。作为和谐文化的重要内容,研究文化和谐有着重大而深远的意义。本文在对文化和谐问题进行概述的基础上,提出了实现文化和谐的基本思路和具体途径。论文由导论和正文两部分组成。导论部分阐述了论文的研究对象和研究意义,对既有的研究成果进行了梳理和总结,阐述了论文的主要思路、研究方法以及创新之处。正文分六章。第一章概括论述了文化和谐的相关概念和理论。首先阐明了文化、和谐和文化和谐的概念,分析了文化和谐与和谐文化的区别与联系。接着从现代化、全球化、社会转型、民族宗教等方面分析了我国文化领域存在的基本矛盾和冲突。在此基础上阐述了实现文化和谐对文化自身、社会和世界发展的意义,提出了实现文化和谐的基本思路和具体途径,即正确处理好文化领域的五对矛盾关系:传统文化与现代文化、本土文化与外来文化、不同民族文化、不同宗教文化以及主流与非主流文化的关系。从第二章开始,论文分五章论述上述五大关系。第二章讲传统文化与现代文化的关系。首先从历史上考察了传统文化向现代文化转型的历史进程。在这一历史进程中,传统文化与现代文化既有冲突又有联系。冲突方面,重点分析了冲突的表现、特点和原因;联系方面,重点分析了二者之间相契合的因素、连接点等等方面。最后提出了正确处理传统文化与现代文化之间关系的基本思路。第三章讲本土文化与外来文化的关系。首先阐述了全球化背景下外来文化对本土文化的冲击,接下来指出要正确地对待外来文化,使本土文化与外来文化和谐共存、协调发展。第四章讲汉族文化与少数民族文化之间的关系。汉族文化和少数民族文化之间在历史上既有和谐也有冲突,但是和谐是主流。今天的汉族和少数民族文化之间的关系也是如此。一方面,和谐共存有着坚实的基础;另一方面,也存在着矛盾和冲突。实现文化和谐就必须构建和谐的民族文化关系。第五章讲不同宗教文化之间的关系。我国境内存在着多元的宗教文化,不同宗教文化之间既相安共处,又有着矛盾和冲突。正确认识和处理矛盾和冲突,是实现宗教文化和谐的前提。第六章讲主流文化与非主流文化的关系。这是论文的总结和归纳部分。文化领域不同的文化最终归为两类:主流文化与非主流文化。本章对其进行概念界定,对二者历史上的关系和今天的关系进行了分析。在借鉴历史经验的基础上,提出了正确处理主流文化与非主流文化的方针和政策,这也是对正确处理上述四大关系的一个总结。认为要坚持百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针和政策,要坚持和而不同的原则,要做到弘扬主旋律、提倡多样化,坚决改造落后文化,抵制腐朽文化。

【Abstract】 Building the socialist harmonious society is the main task of the party and country of china at present. Realizing social harmony needs not only strong material basis and reliable political guarantee but also powerful mental supports and good culture conditions. The Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the party decided to build the socialist harmonious culture to provide solid ideological guarantee and spiritual power. As an important content of the harmonious culture, the study on cultural harmony has great and profound meaning. Based on the summery of cultural harmony, this paper puts forward the basic ideas and concrete ways to realize the cultural harmony.The paper includes two parts, introduction and body text.The introduction explains the research object, the study significance, native and alien research status, key points, puzzled issues, innovative points, and the research methods.The body text includes six chapters.The first chapter makes a summary on cultural harmony, including some relative definitions and theory. First of all, the paper explains three definitions, culture, harmony and cultural harmony, and analyzes the differences and connections between the cultural harmony and the harmonious culture. Then the writer analyzes the basic contradictions in culture from modernization, globalization, social transformation and national religions. Next, the paper expounds the significance of cultural harmony, which includes the meaning to culture, society and the world. Based on this, the paper puts forward the basic ideas and concrete ways to realize the culture harmony. That is to say, we should correctly handling five cultural relations: traditional culture and modern culture, local culture and foreign culture, different ethnic culture, different religious culture and main culture and branch culture.From the second chapter, this paper is divided into five chapters to analyze the above relations. The second chapter analyzes the relation between traditional culture and modern culture. The writer inspects the transformation process from traditional culture to modern culture through history. In this process, conflicts and contacts between the two cultures exist together. On conflicts, this paper emphasizes the Performance, characteristics and causes. On contacts, this paper stresses on the correspondence and connecting joints. Finally, the measures to correctly handle the relations between the traditional culture and modern culture are put forward.The third chapter analyzes the relations between local culture and foreign culture. First of all, the writer explains the impact on local culture from foreign culture on the context of globalization and then presents that we should treat foreign culture correctly. Only in this way can local culture and foreign culture live in harmony.The fourth chapter analyzes the relation between Han culture and the minority culture. In history, there are both contacts and conflicts between Han culture and the minority culture and the contact is the main stream. Today the relation between Han culture and the minority culture is also like this. On one hand, contacts has strong basis. On the other hand, there’s also has contradictions and conflicts. In order to realize culture harmony, harmonious relationship of national culture should be built.The fifth chapter works on the different religious culture. There are many religious cultures in our country. On the one hand, different religious culture coexists. On the other hand, there are some contradictions and conflicts. Correctly understanding and handling the contradictions and conflicts is the premise of religious and cultural harmony.The last chapter works on the relationship between main culture and branch culture. Different culture can be divided into two types: main culture and branch culture. In this chapter, definitions are explained and the relations of history and today are analyzed. Learning from historical experience, Principles and policies to correctly handle the relationship between main culture and branch culture are put forward, which is also a summary on the above four relations. There are four principles and policies: insist on letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools contend; adhere to harmonious but different principle; highlight the themes of the times while encouraging diversity; transform backward culture and resist the decadent culture.

【关键词】 文化矛盾冲突和谐
【Key words】 culturecontradictionconflictharmony
  • 【分类号】G122
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1325