

【作者】 田侠

【导师】 刘春;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 2003年我国非典危机爆发后,中央及时采取各项措施全面遏制非典危机的继续蔓延,其中的一项果断措施就是免去当时的卫生部部长张文康和北京市市长孟学农的职务。两名省部级高官因一次重大公共卫生事故而被免职丢官,引起了国内外的广泛关注,行政问责制随后成为中国民主政治发展和行政管理体制改革中的热门话题。行政问责机制构建的目的是促进我国责任型政府的建设,是从责任的角度实现对行政权力的监督和制约。深入研究行政问责机制对于促进我国贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会、丰富权力监督制约理论等都具有重大的理论和实践意义。本文按照深入贯彻落实科学发展观的要求,从民主政治条件下对行政权力监督与制约的视角,针对我国行政问责实践过程中存在的问题,分析原因,进行科学的制度设计,力求建立健全适合中国政治体制特色的行政问责机制。文章包括导论、正文和结束语。第一章导论主要阐明对行政问责机制结合实践进行研究的重大意义,分析研究国内的主要研究成果、已有的主要观点和分歧、研究中存在的问题及对相关研究的评价,提出本文写作的基本思路、重点、难点、创新之处。本文研究中采用了辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义研究法、制度研究法、比较研究法、公共政策研究法、文献研究法等。第二章论述行政问责机制的基本概念和基本理论。行政问责制是在现代民主政治条件下,行政问责主体按照法定的程序和规则,强制性地要求政府官员就其行政决策、行政行为和行政结果进行解释和接受失责的惩罚的行政权力监督与制约机制。其基本构成要素包括行政问责主体、客体、事由、手段和责任形式。行政问责机制涉及的基本理论包括社会契约论、有限政府论、有关行政管理理论、权力监督与制约理论、新制度主义理论及责任政府理论,从而奠定了行政问责机制建构的理论基石。第三章是对中外有关行政问责制度的考察,考察古今中外有关行政问责方面的机制构成及运行方式。具体包括三个方面的内容:一是关于国外行政问责制度考察,分析研究其相对完善的行政问责机制概况。二是对中国香港特区高官问责制度进行分析研究。三是分析研究中国古代“行政问责机制”运行方式及与当代的区别和联系。对这三个方面的内容的考察,目的是对我国当前行政问责机制的构建提供有益的启示。第四章阐述当代我国行政问责制度的发展。主要考察了从新中国成立以来我国行政问责从思想理念到为构建责任政府进行行政问责实践发展的历史脉络。重点分析新时期我国行政问责问题凸显的原因,论述了新时期进行行政问责机制构建的重大意义。分析研究我国行政问责实践发展中存在的主要问题。第五章和第六章分析研究我国行政问责机制建构问题。提出建立健全行政问责机制要遵循权责一致、公开透明、责任形式有机结合及适用性原则。健全行政问责主体体系,实现“同体问责”与“异体问责”的有机结合,形成问责合力。明确行政问责对象,有效区分决策者、执行者和监督者,将事前、事中、事后问责有机结合起来。确立行政问责事由,重点是日常型问责,将行政问责与绩效评估有机结合起来。完善行政问责手段,实现行政问责的制度化、规范化,将行政问责与政务公开相结合。健全行政问责责任形式,具体包括政治责任、法律责任、行政责任和道德责任,并通过建立规范的机制以保障行政问责的权威性。结语部分提出对行政问责机制进行正确定位,要和其它行政权力监督机制作有效区分和配合。明确建构行政问责机制的目的,是要建立起为人民服务、真正向人民负责的责任型政府。指出随着理论研究和实践发展的深入,应逐步实现从行政问责机制到公共权力问责机制体系,并为行政问责机制的深入研究提出了建议。

【Abstract】 The central government took many measures in time to control the spreading of“the SARS”thoroughly after this crisis broke out in our country in 2003. One of these measures was to recall the minister Zhou Wenkang of the sanitation department and the mayor Meng Xuenong of the Beijing city which were responsible to the crisis as well as others of the time. The deposing of two dignitaries at provincial and ministerial level by the central government because of one big accident arising from their negligence brought a lot of attention of mangy people inside and outside China including the sphere of learning. Then, the mechanism of administrative accountability became the hot topic in the development of the democratic politics and the reforming of the administrative system in our country. Motivation to construct the mechanism of administrative accountability is to promote the building of the responsibility government and to realize the surveillance and restriction to the administrative power. The thorough research of the mechanism of administrative accountability as the great theoretical and practicing significance regarding the advancing of carrying out the viewpoint of scientific development thoroughly, the building of the harmonious socialism community, the development of the democracy and the enriching of the surveillance and restriction theory to the power.This dissertation takes the Marxism-Leninism, the Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of“The Three Represents”as the instruction and is according to the requirement of carrying out the viewpoint of scientific development thoroughly, and aiming at the problems arisen from the practice of the administrative accountability, this paper analyses the reasons, put up scientific system arrangement and establishes the mechanism of administrative accountability suiting the characters of Chinese political system thoroughly from the perspective of the surveillance and restriction to the administrative power in democracy. This paper is composed of the foreword, main text and a brief summary.Chapter one mainly sets forth the great significance of researching the mechanism of administrative accountability combining with the practice and analyses the main researching fruit, known viewpoints and differences, the problems in foregone research and the appraisals to it and introduces the basic train of thoughts, the key, the difficulty, the innovation as well as the main research methods such as dialectical materialism and historical materialism, system study, comparative study, public policy and literature etc adopted by this paper. Chapter two elaborates the basic concept and the basic theory of the mechanism of administrative accountability. This mechanism is a method of the surveillance and restriction to the administrative power in which the subject of the administrative accountability restrictedly calls for governors to interpret and reasonably vindicate the administrative decisions, the administrative behaviors and the administrative results and accept the punishment for being be irresponsible for the duty according to the legal process and rule in the modern democracy. It includes five key elements which are the subject, the object, the matters, the measures and the responsibility types. The mechanism of administrative accountability refers some basic principles including society contract theory, limited government theory, relating administrative theory, surveillance and restriction to the public power theory, new institutionalism theory and responsibility government theory which are the theoretical stones to construct the mechanism.Chapter three sees about domestic and foreign system of administrative accountability, namely sees about the method to construct the mechanism of administrative accountability in three respects in domestic and foreign countries of ancient and modern time: analyzing and studying the comparatively perfect mechanism of administrative accountability of foreign countries, analyzing and studying the system of dignitaries accountability in Hongkong of china, analyzing and studying the differences and the relations between ancient“mechanism of administrative accountability”and modern one. Motivation to see about the three contents is to supply useful inspiration for constructing modern Chinese mechanism of administrative accountability.Chapter four sets forth the development of modern Chinese system of administrative accountability mainly analyzing the historical skeleton from the thought of administrative accountability to the practice for constructing responsibility government since the new China came into existence, emphasizing the reason that the problem of the administrative accountability emerges in new time of China, dissertating the great significance to carry out the construction of the mechanism of administrative accountability, analyzing and studying the main problems in the practice of our country’s administrative accountability development.Chapter five and chapter six analyze the tactics to construct the mechanism of administrative accountability: outline the basic principle which make power and duty unanimous, make the government affairs open and apparent, combine responsibility types with each other and apply to the practice of administrative accountability; strengthen the subjects of administrative accountability to realize the combination of accountability in one organization and in different organizations and to shape composition of forces of accountability; make clear the object of administrative accountability and distinguish the decision-maker, the executor and the supervisor effectively and combine the accountability before the affair happens, in the course of the affair and after the affair happened; establish especially daily type contents of accountability and combine the administrative accountability and the administrative performance evaluation; perfect the ways of administrative accountability and realize the administrative accountability institutionalized and standardized and combine the openness of the governments’affairs and the administrative accountability; amplify the types of the administrative accountability including political responsibility, lawful responsibility, administrative responsibility and moral responsibility and establish the standardizing restoration mechanism to ensure the authority of the mechanism of administrative accountability.In the part of the brief summary, this paper emphasizes the correct orientation to the mechanism of administrative accountability which is different from the mechanism of objecting corruption in the way of surveillance and restriction to the administrative power radically. Meanwhile, it should distinguish and cooperate from other mechanism of surveillance and restriction to the administrative power. This paper nails down the aim of the mechanism of administrative accountability is to establish the responsible government to serve the people and to answer for the people. It also emphasizes that China should realize the mechanism of public power accountability from the mechanism of administrative accountability along with the lucubrating of the theoretical study and the practical development and brings forward advises for the continue study of the mechanism of administrative accountability.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】56
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