

The Theoretical Source of the Form and Abandonment of Neo-Democratical Social Theory

【作者】 吴茜

【导师】 刘晶芳;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本论文主要是研究影响毛泽东的新民主主义社会论形成及其被放弃的理论根源。新民主主义社会论探索了半殖民地半封建社会的中国从小农社会跨越资本主义阶段、步入社会主义道路的具体途径和一般规律,它实际上反映了马克思关于落后国家非资本主义社会发展道路理论的中国化历程。毛泽东的“新民主主义社会论”在其形成过程中,不仅吸收了马克思、列宁的不断革命论与革命发展阶段论辩证统一的思想,吸收了列宁关于民族和殖民地问题的理论以及共产国际、斯大林关于中国革命的“非资本主义前途论”,还深受列宁在“新经济政策”中利用多种经济成分、国家资本主义和商品经济实现苏俄向社会主义迂回过渡思想的影响。而且,该理论在总结根据地政治、经济、文化建设实践的基础上,找到了落后国家由前资本主义社会过渡到社会主义社会的“中间站”,实现了国际共产主义运动中的一个最大胆、最富于创造性和系统性、也最为马克思主义化的理论创新。建国后新民主主义社会论很快就被放弃,也与毛泽东对马克思关于落后国家非资本主义社会发展道路理论理解的误区密切相关。由于在马克思主义俄国化和马克思主义中国化过程中,苏共和中共对马恩关于落后国家非资本主义社会发展道路理论的传播与运用中,出现了一些理论罅漏,即逐渐丢失了马恩关于落后国家跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”所必需的物质前提条件,只是一味强调政治力量对比和阶级斗争,认为夺取了政权就能够实现落后国家由民主革命不间断地向社会主义革命转变。在这种被“修正”了的“马克思列宁主义”的影响下,建国后,毛泽东用“从资本主义向社会主义过渡时期的理论”取代了新民主主义社会论,不顾中国当时生产力发展状况和社会发展阶段,过急过快地消灭资本主义、资产阶级,实现向社会主义社会的过渡。论文包括六章,根据历史和逻辑发展的脉络对新民主主义社会论形成与被放弃的理论根源进行阐述。第一章回顾了毛泽东的新民主主义社会论的理论来源——马克思主义经典作家关于落后国家社会发展道路的构想,并对其进行理论反思。马克思、恩格斯最早提出东方落后国家跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”、走新式社会发展道路的构想;列宁提出落后国家在先进国家无产阶级的帮助下,“可以不经过资本主义发展阶段而进入共产主义”的思想,提出了从资本主义向社会主义迂回过渡理论;斯大林提出了“第三时期理论”、中国革命“三阶段论”和共产国际关于中国革命“非资本主义前途论”。这些理论为毛泽东新民主主义社会论的形成提供了丰富的思想材料和历史经验。第二章研究马克思关于落后国家非资本主义社会发展道路理论在中国的早期传播及社会反响。20世纪20、30年代发生的社会主义论战、中国社会性质论战,大革命时期列宁的民族殖民地理论和“新经济政策”的传播,以及列宁在《两种策略》里关于资本主义、资产阶级的政策在根据地经济建设实践中的运用,都对中国革命和社会走向产生了深远的影响。另一方面,马克思主义在中国传播中,早期社会主义者对马克思主义的生产力决定论、社会主义物质基础论和关于资本主义、资产阶级理论理解上的一些偏差和误区,也对党和毛泽东探索中国社会发展道路产生了消极的影响。第三章阐述了1935年红军到达陕北后,毛泽东发愤攻读马克思列宁主义的书籍,从中吸收了马克思主义生产力决定论、社会形态理论、自由资本主义和垄断资本主义的理论以及列宁关于殖民地国家民族民主革命中革命阶段论与不断革命论辩证统一的思想、“新经济政策”,等等。同时,毛泽东通过研读马列哲学教科书,揭露中国革命中教条主义和经验主义产生的理论根源,提出马克思主义基本原理与中国革命具体实际相结合的实事求是的哲学指导思想,为创造中国化的马克思主义——新民主主义社会论,做了十分重要的理论准备。第四章探讨了毛泽东的新民主主义社会论对马克思关于落后国家非资本主义社会发展道路理论的继承、突破、创新:新民主主义社会是一种从前资本主义社会过渡到社会主义社会的新社会形态;新民主主义社会论对马克思的革命发展阶段论和社会发展阶段论、马克思主义生产力决定论、马克思主义国家学说都作出了重要的创新和发展;新民主主义社会论的利用私人资本主义和商品经济思想、民主政治建设思想以及文化建设思想等,都是对马克思主义思想宝库的丰富和创新。第五章研究毛泽东对马克思关于落后国家非资本主义社会发展道路理论的曲解、背离以及新民主主义社会论被放弃的原因:马克思对资本现代性的批判与落后国家对资本现代性追求之间形成悖论;建国后国际国内形势的巨大变动堵塞了新民主主义社会发展道路;毛泽东对民族资产阶级利用、限制到消灭的策略演变;毛泽东的阶级力量对比决定论导致新民主主义社会被放弃;毛泽东混淆新民主主义社会与从资本主义到社会主义过渡时期的社会;新民主主义社会论自身内在局限性导致实践操作的困难。第六章比较分析了新民主主义社会与社会主义初级阶段的联系和区别,说明了社会主义初级阶段理论实际上是对建国初期所走过的新民主主义社会道路更高层次上的继承、发展和超越。它在马克思主义发展史上第一次明确地论证了社会主义与市场经济的相容性,从根本上解除了把计划经济和市场经济看作属于社会基本制度范畴的思想束缚,从而使人们对社会主义本质的认识有了重大突破,实现了马克思主义中国化的第二次飞跃。论文最后总结了马克思关于落后国家非资本主义社会发展道路理论中国化的重要启示和意义。

【Abstract】 The dissertation mainly researches the theoretical source of the form and abandonment of Mao Zedong’s neo-democratical social theory. The neo-democratical social theory explores the particular route and law that the semi-colonial & semi-feudal China leaps over capitalist social stage and enters into socialist society from the agricultural society. It actually reflects the process of the sinofication of Marxism on non-capitalist social developmental road in the nations lagging behind .During the process of the form of neo-democratical social theory, Mao Zedong assimilated these theories such as Marxism-Leninism’s dialectical-unified ideology on continuous revolution and revolutionary developmental stage , the Lenin’s theory on nationality and colony, the theory of non-capitalist prospect of Chinese revolution from Stalin and the Communist International, and Lenin’s“neo-economic policy”which makes use of national capitalism and commodity economy to realize the tortuous transition from Russia to the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, on the basis of the political economic and cultural practice in the Red Army’s base, Mao Zedong discovered the“transitional-station”from the pre-capitalist society to socialist society and realized the most audacious systematic innovation of Marxism.After the establishment of China, Mao Zedong rapidly gave up the neo-democratical social theory, which was closely related with Mao Zedong’wrong comprehension on the Marxism theory of non-capitalist social developmental road in the nations lagging behind. During the process of Russianization and sinofication of Marxism, when the communist parties in the two countries spread and applied the theory, they gradually ignored the socialist material prerequisite that the nations lagging behind leaps over capitalist social stage and enters into socialist society due to their theoretical defect.The parties only emphasized the contrast of political power and class struggle and thought that the capture of regime can realize the transform of the nations lagging behind from democratic revolution to socialist revolution. Under the influence of the revised Marxism-Leninism, after the establishment of China, Mao Zedong replaced the neo-democratical social theory with the theory of transitional time from capitalism to socialism. Regardless of the situation of chinese productivity and the stage of social development, Mao-Zedong wanted to abolish capitalism and bourgeois quickly in order to realize the transition from agricultural society to socialist society.These dissertation researches and explores the theoretical source of the form and abandonment of neo-democratical social theory with six chapters.In the part one, author researches the theoretical source of Mao-Zedong’neo-democratical social theory and reviews it----the conception of class Marxism’s writers on the social developmental road in the nations lagging behind. Marx and Engels firstly put forward the conception of the oriental nations lagging behind leaping over capitalist stage and going into new social developmental road. Lenin advanced that under the help of proletarian regime in the socialist nation the nations lagging behind could enter into socialist society without going through capitalist stage. Lienin also put the theory of tortuous transition from capitalist society to socialist society. Stalin raised“the third time theory”, the third stages theory of chinese revolution and the theory of non-capitalist prospect of chinese revolution. All the theories provided abundant thought materials and historical experience for the form of neo-democratical social theory.In the part two, author researches that the Markxism theory of non-capitalist social developmental road in the nations lagging behind was disseminated in China at early stage and caused social reverberation. In early stage of the twentieth century, the debate on socialism and capitalism , the debate on chinese social character and the theoretical direct from Stalin and the Communist International, all of them reflected the deviation and error that socialist intellectuals at early stage comprehended Marxism’s productivity theory , the theory of socialist material foundation and Marxism’s theory on capitalism and bourgeois. Meanwhile, the experience also reflected the theoretial confusion of the Communist Paryt of China on the relation of democratic revolution and socialist revolution, and had profound and lasting effect on the chinese revolution.In the third part, the thesis researches that after arrival at Shanbei base in 1935, Mao Zedong worked hard on Marxism-leninism’s works .He assimilated these theory such as Marxism’s productivity theory, social pattern theory, the theory of liberty capitalism and monopolization capitalism, Lenin’s“neo-economic policy”and Lenin’s dialectical-unified ideology on continuous revolution and revolutionary developmental stage in the colonial national-democratic revolution .Simultaneously, Mao Zedong researched Marxism-leninism’s philosophic works and disclosed the theoretical origin of doctrinism and experientialism in the Chinese revolution. Mao Zedong put the philosophic guiding ideology of integration of theory and practice. The ideoloy was a significant theoretical preparation for the form of the neo-democratical social theory.In the forth part, the thesis studies that in the neo-democratical social theory Mao Zedong inherited and made innovations to the Marxism theory on non-capitalist social developmental road in the nations lagging behind. The neo-democratical society is a new transitional social pattern from agricultural society to socialist society. The neo-democratical society makes important innovations and development to the Marxism theory of revolutionary developmental stage and social developmental stage, Marxism’productivity theory and Marxism’s national theory. The thought of utilizing private capitalism and commodity economy, the thought of democratic political construction, and the thought of cultural construction in the neo-democratical social theory, they all enrich and make innovations to the treasure-house of Marxism’s thought.In the fifth part, the thesis considers that Mao Zedong misinterpreted and violated the Marxism theory on non-capitalist social developmental road in the nations lagging behind and that cause of abandoning the neo-democratical social theory. Marx’s criticism to capital modernity is contrary to the pursuit of capital modernity in the nations lagging behind. After the establishment of China, the great change in international and domestic situation blocked up and denied the developmental road of the neo-democratical society.The policy of Mao Zedong’s making use of bourgeois and restricting bourgeois took place variation. Mao Zedong’s determinant theory of social class power contrast resulted in the abandonment of the neo-democratical society. Mao Zedong confused the neo-democratical society with the transitional society from capitalism to socialist society. The inherent limit in the neo-democratical social theory led to the difficulty of practice manipulation.In the sixth part, the dissertation considers the distinction and connection in the neo-democratical society and the society of socialist elementary period. The theory of the society of socialist elementary period actually inherits and develops the neo-democratical social theory .In the history of Marxism’s development, The theory of the society of socialist elementary period first demonstrates the endure each other of socialism and market economy. It fundamentally gets ride of the thought tie that plan economy and market economy are considered social basic institution, which produces a significant break through to socialist nature and realizes the second leap of the sinofication of Marxism. At last, the dissertation concludes the important enlightenment and significance of the sinofication of Marxism on non-capitalist social developmental road in the nations lagging behind.

  • 【分类号】D239
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1549