

【作者】 连志慧

【导师】 叶庆丰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 自从有了国家之后,在人们的政治生活中,政府就具有十分重要的地位,是人类社会得以发展所必需的组织。建立一个优良政府,始终是人类的美好愿望与理想;而探求“政府之谜”则一直是历代政治思想家关注的基本话题。在全球化、信息化以及知识经济的时代,如何使传统的政府治理模式更快地适应新时代的发展要求,实现高效、低价、廉洁行政,是一个世界性的难题。新中国建立后,中国共产党一直都在探索如何建设一个民主、活泼、高效的社会主义政府体系,致力于实现政府治理模式的变革。政府转型对于当下中国社会而言,是一项重要、迫切而复杂的政治工程,事关现代化事业的成败。服务型政府的理念跨越民族和地域的差异,更加深入人心,正塑造着公共领域新的话语体系和美好图景。建设服务型政府既需要无数的实践,也依赖于人们在理论上的研究和解析。目前,总的来看,建设服务型政府缺乏深厚、系统的理论根基。研究我国服务型政府的构建,具有重要的理论意义与实践意义。本文分五章。大体逻辑是,首先介绍选题背景、意义,研究现状与研究方法。接着,从界定服务型政府的概念与基本内涵入手,分析、阐释构建服务型政府的理论基础和现实依据,然后进行当前各地服务型政府建设的实践述评,最后具体探讨现阶段构建服务型政府的对策与途径。第一章对服务型政府进行概述。政府是迄今为止人类所创造的最为重要的制度安排,从它诞生的那天起就开始经历着一个变革、成长、发展的过程。人类社会至今主要经历了统治型治理模式和管理型治理模式,现在正在向服务型治理模式演变,这是一个不断超越、扬弃的过程,是政府形态趋于成熟的过程。服务型政府模式有着丰富而深刻的内涵,是一个包括从理念、职能到制度和行为方式等方面的有机整体。作为一个严密的逻辑体系,它以“公民本位”为基本行政理念,科学定位“服务者”角色,认识到作为社会公共组织,政府能力是有限的,政府不能凌驾于法律之上,强调行政的效率与效益,实现“阳光运作”,从而保障公民的权利和尊严。这是政府发展过程中具有划时代意义的革命性变革。第二章主要阐释构建服务型政府的理论基础。构建服务型政府的基本理念是公共性理念,“公共”精神是衡量政府活动性质和基本价值的分析工具,追求“公共性”是政府行政最基本的要义和首要属性。构建服务型政府的核心思想是民主理论,人民主权、主权在民的思想符合人类政治发展的客观规律和历史趋势,民主思想将贯穿于公共行政的全过程。构建服务型政府的直接思想动力是现代公共行政学理论,主要包括新公共管理理论与新公共服务理论,它们为服务型政府的建设提供了直接的理论支撑。构建服务型政府的制度建设依据是法治理论,法治一直以来都是人类社会追求文明进步的标志,行政法治尊崇人民主权、法律至上、人人平等、程序正义以及依法行政等原则,能够保障人的基本权利,协调利益关系,有效控制公共权力。构建服务型政府的根本落脚点是为人民服务思想,这是中国共产党的根本宗旨,从毛泽东的“为人民服务”到邓小平的“人民利益标准”,从江泽民“立党为公、执政为民”到新时期胡锦涛“以人为本”的科学发展观和“群众利益无小事”的为民思想,一部中国共产党的历史,就是一部为全心全意为人民服务的历史。第三章主要分析构建服务型政府的现实依据。建设服务型政府是当前发展社会主义市场经济的必然选择,要在政府与市场之间构建一种有效的协调与合作机制,实现二者的最优组合。建设服务型政府是当代中国社会转型、变革的现实需求,面对利益的重新分配、分化组合以及社会失衡、震荡,面对公民社会的兴起与初步发展,必须加快政府转型,建设社会主义和谐社会。建设服务型政府是增强国际合作与竞争力的客观需要,全球化趋势下,政府能力已成为一国综合国力和竞争力的主导性因素,改革政府管理模式并加以创新,是时代给予我们的严峻考验。第四章是对当前我国服务型政府建设进行实践述评。近年来,服务型政府建设的实践活动广泛兴起,各级政府及部门做了许多积极有益的探索,主要包括转变职能、运用电子政务、建立政务中心、关注民生福祉等举措,积累了许多成功的经验。但是,也存在一系列问题,如理论准备不足、缺乏统一的认识和规划,重视具体操作,缺乏体制、制度创新,民众参与不够,政府人员整体素质不高等问题。究其原因,既有传统行政文化的不良影响,也有机制、制度建设的匮乏,还有政府自利性的负面影响以及公民社会发育不够成熟等因素的影响。第五章提出了构建服务型政府的基本对策。改革的核心就是要促使“全能政府”向“有限政府”转变,建立一个更加灵活、更为精简、更富效率的“有效政府”。政府、市场、社会正确定位、相互配合,建立三者有机结合的新型公共治理模式。特别是科学定位政府职能,重塑政府治理边界,实现政府职能结构的优化。还要切实创新政府管理方式与运作方式,确立法律至上原则,严格依法行政;坚持为人民行政、靠人民行政,扩大公民参与,促进决策的科学化、民主化、制度化;遵循权责一致原则,唤醒政府的责任意识,建立健全责任追究制度并且完善监督体系;尊重、保障公民知情权,增强行政的透明度,建立阳光政府。

【Abstract】 Since the emergence of country, the government plays very important role as the organization which humanity rely for development in people’s political life. It has always been people’s happy desire and ideal to establish a fine government and it has always been the basic topic to find out“riddle of the government”for all previous political thinkers. In the era of globalization, information as well as knowledge-based economy, it is a worldwide difficult problem that how traditional governance pattern can adapt new times quickly and realize high efficient, low-cost and honest administration. After the establishment of new China, the Communist Party of China has been exploring that how to build a democratic, active and highly effective socialist government system, and devoting in realizing profound transformation of governance pattern. Government reforming is an important, urgent and complex political project for the current Chinese society which has vital importance to China’s modernization.The concept of service-oriented government spans differences of nations and regions, even more strikes root in the hearts of the people, and is shaping public domain’s new words system and better prospect. Building a service-oriented government not only needs innumerable practices, but also relies on people’s theoretical analysis and studies. At present, generally speaking, construction of service-oriented government lacks deep, systematic theory foundation. Therefore, it has very important theoretical and practical significance to make researches on construction of china’s service-oriented government.This thesis is divided into five chapters and the general logic is as follows. Firstly, it will introduce issue’s background, significance, present situation and techniques of researches. Then, the paper starts with an over-all account of service-oriented government’s concept and basic connotation. Then, it analyses the rationale and reality basis of constructing service-oriented government. Next, it carries on the practice commentary about current situations of construction. Finally, it discusses the concrete countermeasures and paths of service-oriented government’s construction on present stage.The first chapter is the general explanation about service-oriented government. Until now, government is the most important institutional arrangements which humanity creates, and it has been undergone process of transformation, growth and development from the day of its birth. The human society mainly has experienced rule-based governance pattern and management governance pattern; now it is evolving to service-oriented governance pattern. This is an unceasingly process of surmounting with developing the good and discarding the bad, and a process of tending mature which government shapes are enduring. The model of service-oriented government has rich and profound connotation, and it is an organic whole including ideas, functions, systems, behavior ways, and so on. As a strict logical system, it takes“citizen-based”as basic administrative idea, scientifically locates the role of“service provider”. It realizes that as the social public organization, government abilities are limited and it cannot place itself above the law. It stresses the administration’s efficiency and benefits and proposes“sunlight”operations in order to protect citizen’s right and dignity. In all, this is a revolutionary transformation with epoch-making significance in the process of government’s development.The second chapter mainly expounds the rationale basis of constructing service-oriented government. The basic idea to construct service-oriented government is“public”concept. The spirit of“public”is the analytical tool to measure government behaviors’quality and fundamental value, and the pursuit of“public nature”is the most essential meaning and the most important attribute for government administration. The core thought to construct service-oriented government is the democracy theory. The idea of people’s sovereignty conforms to the objective law and historical trends of humanity’s political development, and democracy thought will pass through the entire process during public administration. The direct thinking driving force to construct service-oriented government is modern theory on public administration, mainly including the new public administration theory and the new public services theory which provides direct theoretical support for it. The foundation of system construction to construct service-oriented government is theory of rule by law. Rule by law has always been the symbol during the process of human society’s pursuit of civilization and progress. Legal administration worships principles of people’s sovereignty, supremacy of law, all people’s equality, just procedure and administration according to law which can safeguard person’s basic rights, coordinated interest relations and control public authority effectively. The fundamental foothold to construct service-oriented government is to serve for the people which are Communist Party of China’s basic purpose. From Mao Zedong’s“serves for the people”to Deng Xiaoping’s“people interest-based standard”, from Jiang Zemin’s“serving the public interests and governing for the people”to Hu Jintao’s scientific development with“people-oriented”concept and“the interests of the masses is no small matter”, the Communist Party of China’s history is a history to serves the people wholeheartedly.The third chapter mainly analyses the reality basis of constructing service-oriented government. Construction of service-oriented government is the current inevitable choice to develop socialist market economy. We must construct one kind of effective coordination and cooperation mechanism between the government and the market and realize the most superior combination of both. Construction of service-oriented government is the realistic demand of contemporary China’s social reforming and transformation. Facing the redistribution, divide and combination of benefit, facing the unbalance and shock of society, facing the rise and preliminary development of civil society, we must speed up government reforming and build socialist harmonious society. Construction of service-oriented government is the objective need to enhance international cooperation and competitive power. Under the trend of globalization, the government ability has become a dominant factor in a country’s comprehensive national strength and the competitive power. Therefore, it is our severe test that the time gives us to reform and innovate government’s management pattern.The fourth chapter carries out the practice commentary about our country’s current construction of service-oriented government. In recent years, practices on construction of service-oriented government are emerging widely, and all levels of the government and their departments have made many positive, beneficial explorations. The measures mainly include transformation of functions, utilization of E-government, establishment of Administrative Center, and great attention to people’s livelihood, blessedness and happiness, and so on. We have accumulated a lot of successful experiences, but there are also a series of problems, such like insufficiency of theory preparation, lacks of uniform understanding and plan, lacks of innovations on systems and institutions in spite of many concrete operations, insufficiency of public participation and lower overall quality of government personnel. To investigate the reasons, we find that it mainly contains the adverse effects of traditional administrative culture, deficiency of mechanisms and systems, negative influences of government’s self-interesting nature and immature growth of the civil society and so on.The fifth chapter proposes essential countermeasures to construct service-oriented government. Core of reform is to approach the transformation from“all-round government”to“limited government”, and establish a more flexible, more streamlined, more efficient“effective government”. The government, the market and the society must make correct localization, coordinate each other, and establish new public governance pattern with the three’s organic combination mutually. Particularly, we should locate the government functions scientifically, reshape the boundary of governance, and achieve the optimal structure of government functions. We also have to innovate the government’s mode of administration and the operation way. We must establish principle of supreme law and do strict administration according to it. We must insist that our administration is for the people and by the people, expand citizen’s participation, and promote scientific, democratic and institutionalized decision-making. We must follow principle of consistent power and responsibility, awaken government’s responsibility awareness, amplify systems of investigating responsibility and improve the supervision systems. We must respect and protect the citizen’s right to know, enhance the transparency of administration and establish“the sunlight government”.

  • 【分类号】D625
  • 【被引频次】25
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