

【作者】 文记东

【导师】 谢春涛;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 文化交流在深层意义上说,是各个国家、民族、地区的人民之间的情感交流、心灵交流、智慧交流。文化交流活动是建立和增进国家关系的重要渠道,是外交活动的先行者和重要组成部分。文化交流能推动国家的发展和进步,促进国家文化的发展和繁荣。文化交流是增进国家间、民族间了解和友谊的桥梁和纽带,对于建立和平、和谐的世界具有十分重大的意义。中苏文化交流,特别是20世纪50年代的中苏之间大规模的文化交流,在中外文化交流的历史上具有特殊重要的地位,对中国社会和历史的发展产生了重要的影响,是一个值得研究而又研究得不够的问题。回顾新中国成立以后中苏文化交流的历史,总结中苏文化交流的经验教训,对于中国今天的文化建设,促进文化交流的大发展大繁荣,具有重大的现实意义。全文由绪论、正文五章和结论构成。绪论部分主要讲述本论文选题的意义,并界定文化的概念,简介研究的现状、本论文主要的创新点和难点,基本框架和写作思路。第一章主要回顾新中国成立以前的中苏文化交流(1919—1949)。十月革命以后,苏联文化在中国传播的兴起;到了抗日战争时期,中苏文化交流进入了发展和繁荣时期;抗战胜利后到新中国成立中苏文化交流继续发展。新中国成立以前中苏文化交流适应了中国社会发展的需要,已有了相当规模的发展,为新中国成立后中苏文化交流的大发展和大繁荣奠定了基础。第二章主要介绍新中国成立后中苏文化交流的大发展(1949—1954)。新中国的成立和中苏同盟的建立,中苏友好的巩固和发展,使中苏文化交流获得了绝好的发展机遇,中苏文化交流大发展、大繁荣。这一时期的中苏文化交流形式多样,内容丰富,是两国友好关系的重要象征和组成部分。第三章主要介绍鼎盛时期的中苏文化交流(1954—1957)。赫鲁晓夫访华以后,中苏关系进入了“蜜月”期,中苏两国的文化交流进入了鼎盛时期,政府间交流和民间交流交相辉映。在浓厚的学苏氛围下,中苏文化交流全面而深入,科学、教育、文学、艺术等各方面的交流取得了丰硕的成果。第四章主要介绍中苏文化交流的继续发展时期(1957—1960)。这一时期中苏关系开始出现问题,学习苏联文化的色彩大为淡化,文化交流也受到了一些影响。但由于巨大的惯性,也因为两国都不想使矛盾表面化,双方企图维护和继续热络的文化交流,一些领域的交流继续发展,但交流过程中一些不和谐的因素时隐时现。第五章主要介绍走向低潮的中苏文化交流(1960—1966)。随着中苏两党两国关系的恶化和中苏同盟的分裂,再加上“左”倾思潮的影响,中苏文化交流逐渐进入了低潮,数量和质量大不如前,摩擦和争执时有发生。此时,为数不多的文化交流成为联系两国关系的特殊桥梁和纽带。中国“文化大革命”发动后,中外文化交流受到了冲击,中苏文化交流也完全中断。最后,对中苏文化交流进行总结。总结中苏文化交流的特点以及50年代的中苏文化交流对中国的影响,从中得出经验教训和历史启示。这一时期的中苏文化交流具有主要依靠官方推动、政治意识形态色彩浓厚、具有不平衡性和大起大落等特点。这一时期中苏文化交流对中国社会历史发展、对中国民众、对中国文化都有很大的影响,中苏文化交流有着深刻的经验教训和历史启示。

【Abstract】 Culture communication, for its deep level, is the communication of emotion, spirit and wisdom among states, nationalities and people. Culture communication activities are an important way to build up and put forward the national relationships and the pioneer and major part of diplomatic activities. Culture communication can promote the development and progress of nations, advance the growth and prosperity of national culture. It is the bridge and ligament to enhance the understanding and friendship between nations and nationalities, and it is also of great significance to create a peaceful and harmonious world.The culture communication between China and Soviet Union, especially the large scale communication in 1950s, takes a uniquely important place in the history of the culture communication between China and foreign countries and affects the development significantly of society and history in China, which is lack of study but worth it very much. It is of great importance for today’s culture construction and the huge development and prosperity of culture communication to look backward to the history of the culture communication between China and Soviet Union and sum up its experience and lesson.The full text is composed of preface, main body with five parts and conclusion.The preface is mainly about the meaning of the topic, makes a definition of culture and introduces briefly the current situation of this study on the topic, innovation and difficulty, the framework along with the writing train of thought.The first part traces back the culture communication between China and Soviet Union before 1949.After the October revolution, the culture of Soviet Union spread broadly in China; in the period of Anti-Japanese War, the communication went into development and prosperity; from winning the war to the foundation of the new China, it kept on developing. The communication in these years met to the needs of Chinese social development and reached a certain degree, which paved the way for the huge development and prosperity of culture communication after 1949.The second part introduces the growth from 1949 to 1954. The foundation of new China and the alliance between China and Soviet Union provided an absolutely good chance for the culture communication between China and Soviet Union. The communication took various forms and covered rich contents, which is an important symbol and component part of the friendship between the two nations.The third part is about the communication at the height of its development(1954—1957).After Khrushchev visiting China, the relationship between China and Soviet Union stepped into its most prosperous time, with communications between governments and non-governments boosting each other. Under the conditions of learning Soviet Union, the culture communication between China and Soviet Union was involved in many fields, such as science, education, literature and arts, with abundant achievements.The forth introduces its development from 1957-1960. In this period there was something wrong with the relationship between China and Soviet Union, the tide of learning Soviet Union faded down, so the culture communication was affected. However, because of the inertia and the both sides unwilling to make the contradiction known to the public, both tempted to maintain and continue the communication. It developed continuously in some fields, but some disharmony happened now and then.The fifth is about the communication at its low tide(1960—1966). With the worsening relationship between China and Soviet Union and the fission of the alliance of two nations as well as the“left”thoughts, the culture communication between China and Soviet Union slowed down in both span and quality, with frictions and disputes here and there. At this time, the culture communication was the special bridge and ligament to connect the two nations. After the beginning great proletarian cultural revolution, the communications between China and foreign countries was shocked and the culture communication between China and Soviet Union was interrupted completely.The last is to sum up the culture communication between China and Soviet Union. With concluding its characteristics and its effect on China in 1950s, we can get the experience, lessons and history enlightenment. The culture communication between China and Soviet Union in this period was characterized with governmental promotion, dense political ideology and disequilibrium as well as ups and downs. It affected deeply the social history development of China, Chinese people and Chinese culture, in which we can learn a lot.

  • 【分类号】D829.512
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1151