

The Study on Equalization of Basic Public Services of China

【作者】 郭厚禄

【导师】 叶庆丰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 公共服务是各国政府高度关注的焦点。在我国,公共服务是政府的四大基本职能之一,也是政府存在的理由之一,建立服务型政府要求把公共服务放在更加重要的位置。基本公共服务是公共服务中最核心、最根本的部分,是政府回应社会基本公共需求而提供的产品和服务,关系到公民基本的生存权与基础性的发展权,因而政府应当承担主要的责任。2006年3月国家“十一五”规划《纲要》首次提出了“基本公共服务均等化”的政策目标,为基本公共服务指明了方向。此后,越来越多的学者开始关注这一问题,分别从不同的角度进行了探索性研究。在此背景下,全面、系统地研究我国的基本公共服务均等化问题具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。笔者在已有研究的基础上,立足我国经济社会发展水平的现实国情,并借鉴国外公共服务理论和实践经验,致力于探索适合我国国情的基本公共服务均等化路径,力图找到一些规律性的东西,为推进基本公共服务均等化提供可行的思路和对策建议。本文在研究方法上有两大特点,一是搜集了1596份政府公文公报,并对其进行了定量分析;二是结合在成都市的实地调研进行了实证分析。本论文结构主要包括四个部分,共七章。第一部分,包括导论和第一章。这一部分是本研究的理论基础。在简要指明本研究的选题背景、研究现状、思路方法和主要创新之后,对基本公共服务均等化的基本理论进行了系统阐述,包括基本公共服务的内涵和意义。在这一部分,笔者对公共服务和基本公共服务的概念进行了界定。第二部分,包括第二章和第三章。这一部分是本研究的实践基础。总的来说,是我国基本公共服务的现状及原因分析。其中,第二章主要总结了我国基本公共服务各个方面取得的成就和进展。第三章主要分析了目前还存在的基本公共服务非均衡供给问题和原因。在这一部分,笔者运用了定量分析与定性分析相结合的研究方法。第三部分,即第四章。这一部分是本研究的国际背景。主要介绍了国外基本公共服务均等化的理论,国外政府间的基本公共服务分工,国外缩小基本公共服务差距的主要做法。通过介绍国外基本公共服务的理论和实践,以期为我国的基本公共服务均等化提供参考和借鉴。第四部分,包括第五章、第六章和第七章。这一部分是本研究的核心。分别从基本原则和方法、制度设计、以及政策分析的角度系统地提出了实现基本公共服务均等化的思路和对策建议。这部分突出理论与实践相结合,既有文献研究,又有实证研究,将笔者在成都进行社会调查所获取的资料和经验融入其中,具有较强的可操作性。

【Abstract】 Public service is the focus of various countries’governments. In China, public service is not only one of the four basic functions of the government, but also the reason for its existence. Therefore, public service should be put in a more important position to meet the requirement of establishing a service-type government. Government should assume main responsibility of basic public service because it, as product and service provided by government to meet society’s basic public demand, is the most central and fundamental part of public service and involves citizens’basic rights to live and to develop. In March 2006, the policy goal of“equalizing basic public services”, which indicates the direction of our government’s basic public service, was initiated in state’s“11th five-year”plan. Since then, more and more scholars begin to pay close attention to the issue and carry out their exploratory research from different perspectives. Therefore, it is of important theoretical and practical significance to do some comprehensive and systematic research on equalizing basic public services in our country in current situation. Based on established research and China’s economic and social development, studying and absorbing foreign theories and practice on public service, the paper devotes to explore a suited path of equalizing basic public service for China and tries to find something regular to offer some feasible considerations and suggestions for carrying basic public service forward. There are two high spots in the paper’s research methods: one is the quantitative analysis on 1596 collections of government documents and statements, the other is the empirical analysis on field surveys carried on Chengdu.The paper is divided into four parts, total seven chapters with reasonable structure and solid logic.The first part, the paper’s theory basis, includes introduction and chapter one. The part systematically presents the fundamental theory of equalizing basic public service, including connotation and meaning of basic public service after simply explains the research background, research status, thinking method and the main innovation. Both concepts of public service and basic public service are also defined in the part.The second part, including chapter 2 and 3,is the paper’s practical foundation, analyzing situation and reasons of China’s basic public service by combining research methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. Achievements and progress of China’s basic public service are summarized in the second chapter; the third chapter basically analyses unbalanced supply problems and reasons existing in basic public service.The third part, namely the fourth chapter,is the paper’s international basis. It mainly introduces equalization theories of basic public service abroad, basic public service division among foreign governments and main practice of narrowing the gap of basic public service in foreign countries,with the purpose of offering reference for China’s equalizing basic public service.The fourth part, that is, chapter 5, 6 and 7, is the center of the paper. Considerations and suggestions on equalizing basic public service are systematically presented from perspectives of basic concept and principle, system design and policy analysis. This part highlights combining methods of practice and theory, not only literature research, but also empirical research, and puts data and experience obtained by investigation in Chengdu into it, with strong maneuverability.

  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【被引频次】54
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