

【作者】 师英杰

【导师】 韩庆祥;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 创新属于理论及实践领域的热点话题,尤其是在党中央提出构建创新型国家的目标以后,创新以及人的创新能力问题更成为人们关注的焦点。对人的创新能力的重视是历史的启示,具有历史必然性。从中西方对比来看,注重人的创新能力是反思中西方社会历史发展的经验教训得出的一个重要启示。从我国的发展现状与发展趋势来看,提高人的创新能力是当代中国发展的再生之路。从社会发展进程来看,社会已进入竞创时代,在这个时代,影响社会发展的力量总体上将转向人的创新能力。社会的发展与进步依赖人的创新能力的不断增强,重视人的创新能力,是人类进步的需要,更是我国建设创新型国家的需要。可见,研究人的创新能力不仅具有重要的理论意义,还具有极强的现实意义。对人的创新能力的研究在一些学科中早已展开,尤其是以创造学与创新学为代表。与其他学科不同,哲学着眼于整个人类的本质特性,从“类本性”入手,考察人的创新能力。本文运用逻辑分析与历史考察相一致、批判原则与建构原则相并用、自然属性与社会属性相互补、文本解读与现实关注相结合的方法,在哲学视野中分析了人的创新能力的概念界定与内涵,并分别在认识论、实践观、唯物史观以及方法论的框架中诠释了人的创新能力,进而探索了提升人的创新能力的实践路径。全文共由四章组成:第一章是对人的创新能力思想的历史考察,主要从中国哲学、西方哲学与马克思对人的创新能力的相关论述三方面着手。虽然以往单纯地从哲学层面对人的创新能力进行的分析不算多,但还是有一些思想家、哲学家给出了直接或间接的诠释。在我国传统哲学中,“生”的哲学思想和朴素辩证法的原理对研究人的创新能力具有启发意义;在西方哲学中,对人的主体性的确证,对创新及创造生成的阐述以及对思维方式创新的研究对把握人的创新能力有许多可借鉴之处;马克思的学术之道本身就是人的创新能力作用的典范,马克思对创新问题、能力问题的论述以及他对待创新活动与自然的关系的态度,对现在研究并发挥人的创新能力仍具有很好的引导作用。提及创新能力,一方面,发挥创新能力的主体具有多样性,另一方面,不少人将创新能力直接等同于科技领域内的创新技能。为了区别于一些先入为主的观念,第二章在前人的基础上,从哲学层面对人的创新能力进行了界定,包括人的创新能力的概念诠释、基本内容及典型特征。并且,第二章着重分析了探究人的创新能力的立足点。在哲学层面上研究人的创新能力,不仅要看到人的自然属性与社会属性,还要看到人的生态属性,人的生态属性是人对自然界规则的认知、遵守与仿效。立足于人的生态属性,发掘人的创新能力,既有利于使人的本质与人的生存环境达到内在统一,也有助于调节人的自然属性与社会属性的冲突。第三章是本文的重点,分别从认识论、实践观、唯物史观以及方法论的角度对人的创新能力进行了诠释,以展示人的创新能力在不同视野中的不同状态。人的创新能力的形成和发挥首先要求创新认知的形成,而创新认知需要创新思维。创新思维是对习惯性思维的突破,利用创新思维才能产生创见结果。另外,形成创新认知还需要有正确的认识路线,并依助于更有效的认识工具。从实践角度来说,人在实践中的需要产生了创新的动力,人的创新能力的发挥是人的实践活动的本质体现,从实践的类别分析,人的创新能力根植于领先的实践活动,而且,实践也是检验创新成果的唯一标准。在唯物史观的视野中分析人的创新能力,我们能明晰人的创新能力在社会历史发展中的作用和影响,明确历史合力主导了人的创新能力的方向,并确认自由而全面的发展是人的创新能力的目标。同时,人的创新能力需要有相应的方法论作支撑,这就是人本化的哲学方法。人本化的哲学方法以“介”寻找创新点位,其全面探索、异同互补、辩证协同的创新思路顺应了时代的人本化需求。利用人本化的哲学方法,有助于进行多元整合,以使人们更好地适应这个多元化的社会。第四章是对提升人的创新能力的实践路径的探索。鉴于文化的基础性作用,本章首先论述了创新文化的问题,我们要通过提高创新文化的自主性、倡导宽容失败的风气、树立能力本位理念与加固创新主体的责任感来提高认知水平、构建创新氛围。其次,在政治、经济、教育方面也要进行相应的改善。政治方面的改善主要是培育人本型权力结构,为人的创新能力的发挥营造自由、宽松的环境。在经济方面我们要大力发展创意经济。同时,彻底改变应试模式,使用创新式的教育手段,为人的创新能力的萌生、培养和发扬创立有利的外部条件。

【Abstract】 Since the goal to build an innovative country proposed by the Central Party Committee,innovation and people’s innovative ability has then become a hot topic in the fields of theory and practice.It is historical necessity to attach importance to people’s innovative ability.Paying great attention to people’s innovative ability is also an important enlightenment derived from the reconsideration of the historical development and experience of the western society.To increase people’s innovative ability is the road of regeneration for modern China.At present,we have already entered the innovative competition era,and in this time,the overall strength which affects social development will be transfered to people’s innovative ability.Social development and progress depends on the exertion and augment of people’s innovative ability. Emphasizing the innovative ability is the unceasing need for the historical development.It also becomes the necessity for human being’s progressiveness and it is the need of constructing the innovative country as well.Therefore,to study people’s innovative ability is not only of an important theoretical significance,but also of a great practical significance.Taking the creatology and the psychology as its representatives,the research work on the innovative ability in various disciplines has already been launched.Being different from other subjects,philosophy,as the mother of many other disciplines,bases herself on "generic essentiality" to inspect people’s innovative ability.It focuses on the essentiality of the entire humanity, but not the operation process of someone or of some organization.This article, utilizing the principles of the unity of the logic analysis with the historical inspection,of the mixed usages of both the critique and the construction principle,of the inter-modulation of the natural quality and the social attribute, the integration of text explanation and the reality attention,has analyzed the concept limits and the connotation of people’s innovative ability in the philosophical vision.From the angles of epistemology,the practice view,the historical materialism and the methodology,it has respectively annotated the understanding and the assurance of people’s innovative ability,and explored ways to promote people’s innovative ability in reality.The full text is composed of four chapters:The first chapter is the historical inspection of the thoughts on people’s innovative ability.It starts the innovative elaboration from the three aspects of Chinese philosophy,Western philosophy and Marxism.As far as people’s innovative ability is concerned,although the philosophy calculation does not take too much part,many thinkers and philosophers have given some direct or indirect analysis.The philosophic thinking on "life" both in our traditional philosophy and in the simple dialectics has now brought us the inspirational significance on the study of people’s innovative ability.In western philosophy, the corroboration of the subjectivity of man,the explanation of the generation of creative power and the research on innovating thinking mode could possibly be used for our reference;The way of Marx’s academics itself is a model of the function of innovative ability.Marx’s elaboration on the innovative question and ability as well as the attitude he adapted on the relationship between innovative activities and nature has now been a very good guidance to our studies on people’s innovative ability.The former researches are mainly concentrated on the innovative ability in the tech area,and the main body are organizations or collectives.So many people think that innovative ability is just technological skill in the tech area.In order to distinguish the first-impressions-are-most-lasting concept limits,on the basis of the predecessors’ foundation,the second chapter put forward the philosophical limits of people’s innovative ability,including its concept annotation,essential feature and domain constitution.It also inquires emphatically into its platform.When we study people’s innovative ability in the philosophical level,we not only need to see people’s natural quality and their social attribute,but also their ecological attribute.Since the ecological attribute is human’s cognition,observation and imitation to natural rule,to excavates people’s innovative ability from their ecology attribute,namely is helpful for us to adjust the conflict between our natural quality and social attribute,and it is also advantageous for us to achieve the intrinsic unification of man’s essence with his living environment.The third chapter is the keystone of this article.It respectively annotates people’s innovative ability from the angles of epistemology,practice view, historical materialism and methodology to demonstrate people’s innovative ability under different philosophical angles and in different condition.The formation and exertion of people’s innovative ability firstly need people’s innovative cognition,and the innovative cognition needs the innovative ideas, then the innovative ideas come from the breakthrough of routine thought.We can use innovative ideas to achieve the holographic cognition which contains the unique interpretation of unknown truth.To achieve the holographic cognition,we must have the correct understanding route and more effective cognitive tools.From the practice angle,innovative ability embodies the essence of people’s practice.Human beings produce their innovative power in practice,and practice is the only criterion to test whether innovation is successful or not.From the category of practice,man’s innovative ability is rooted in his leading activity in practice.Standing in the angle of historical materialism,we know that free and comprehensive development is the goal of people’s innovative ability,and the historical direction with joint forces does decide the direction of people’s innovative ability.At the same time,man’s innovative ability needs to have the corresponding methodology as its support. This is the people-centered philosophical method.People-centered philosophical method uses "medium" as a creative point,whose all-sided, complementary and dialectic creative thinking adapts the humanitarian need of this era.By using it,we can make people have the multi-dimensional conformity to be adapted in this multiplex society.The fourth chapter is the exploration of the ways to promote people’s innovative ability in practice.Because of culture’s fundamental role,the first part talks about the issue of cultural innovation.We must enhance the innovative cognition and cultivate innovative culture.Next,in those four aspects of politics,economics,education and law,we must carry on some corresponding improvement.The improvement of political environment is mainly to foster a people-oriented structure of power,and to build a free atmosphere to exert people’s innovative ability.We must develop vigorously the original-idea economy.Simultaneously,fundamental change should be made on the relative patterns.By using innovative method in education,we must establish a mechanism to produce and to perfect a legal protection on those who create property as soon as possible.At the same time,we should also change the examination-oriented education system and use creative methods of education,in order to build up an advantageous external condition for the germination,breeding and development of innovative ability.

  • 【分类号】B03
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