

Association Management Mechanism of the Impact of Performance Management

【作者】 许家祥

【导师】 胡军;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 随着冷战时代的结束,国际社会的竞争,由武力对抗转换成为经济竞赛,因此,经济发展议题不但是本世纪世界各国高唱的主旋律,更是国际社会用来衡量富国、强国标准的硬道理。此外,经济全球化的发展趋势,使得共同地区的利益超越单一地区的单独利益,而台湾、大陆雄据东亚,皆为世界的经济重镇之一,因此,研究两岸经济的求同存异与分进合击问题,将不只是区域整合问题,更将对全世界未来的经济发展趋势造成深远影响。本文中的商会,是指介于政府与企业之间的非营利组织。是属于以联谊、公益活动为主轴的人民团体,也是政府与企业沟通的重要桥梁。在世界各国的经济史均显示:只要有工商业活动的地方,就会有商会组织的出现。由此可见,商会组织对经济发展的影响具备积极与不可或缺的地位。也因此,商会组织的经营绩效可视为发展经济的重要指针之一,吾人必须密切关注。有鉴于经济发展是目前国际社会竞争的主轴,而商会组织经营绩效又是经济发展的重要指针。台湾、大陆的经济整合状况又攸关亚洲及全世界经济发展趋势,因此,本研究的主要目的即是希望使用国际标准的平衡计分卡原则及多变量统计学中的典型相关分析方法找出商会经营机制与商会经营绩效的重要相关机制,期望能借由各商会自行改善经营机制来强化经营绩效,进而提升整体经济竞争力。此外,为了了解两岸之间的差异,本研究也使用假设检定的量化检定方法来判定两岸之间对商会的经营机制与经营绩效是否存在着显着差异。本研究显示:1.“商会对于组织内部成员权益越尊重”,越尽到对于社会责任的付出,则”对外服务方面做的越好”,表示商会越有影响力。2.“商会之管理阶层纪律越好,其沟通渠道越顺畅”,对于组织内部成员”学习与成长之成效越有显着的帮助”,这项指针也表示商会将更有影响力,3.假设检定显示:两岸看法一致。结论显示:商会影响力,与经济发展呈现正相关而两岸观点皆相同。

【Abstract】 With the end of the Cold War era,the international community to compete against conversion by force of economic competition,so the question of economic development not only of this century the world to sing the main theme,it is used to measure the international community to the rich,powerful hardware standards reason.In addition,the development trend of economic globalization,the common interests of the region beyond the individual interests of a single region,and Taiwan,the mainland-hung,according to East Asia,are one of the world’s economic center,and therefore the study of common ground while reserving differences in cross-strait economic and sub-issues into the strap will be not only the issue of regional integration,but also will be the world’s future economic development trends in a far-reaching impact.Chambers of commerce in this article refers to the range between the government and enterprises of non-profit organizations.Is a social,public welfare activities for the main axis of people’s organizations,government and enterprises is also an important bridge of communication. In the world have shown that the economic history;as long as the local industrial and commercial activities,there will be the emergence of trade associations.This shows that the Chamber of Commerce for economic development organizations have a positive impact on the status and indispensable.As a result,the Chamber of Commerce organizations,business performance can be seen as an important indicator of economic development,one I must pay close attention to.In view of economic development is the main competition in the international community, and trade associations operating performance is an important indicator of economic development, in addition,Taiwan,the mainland state of economic integration in Asia has received clearance and the world economic development trends,therefore,this study The main purpose of which is to use international standards and principles of the Balanced Scorecard in the multivariate statistical method of canonical correlation analysis to identify the operating mechanism and the Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce,an important performance-related mechanism, expected to be by the Chamber of Commerce,by its own mechanism to improve the business enhanced business performance to enhance the overall economic competitiveness.In addition,in order to understand the difference between the two sides,this study also used the assumption that test methods of quantitative test to determine between the two sides of the Chamber of Commerce,the operating mechanism and operating performance of the existence of significant differences.This study showed that:1."Chamber of Commerce members for the organization to respect the rights and interests of the more" do more to pay for social responsibility,the "external services to do better," said Chamber of Commerce,the mere influential.2."Disciplined management of the Chamber of Commerce,the better,its more smooth channels of communication," the members of the organization,"the effectiveness of learning and growth to help the more significant",the indicators that will be more influential Chamber of Commerce,3. The assumption that test showed that:the two sides share the same feelings.Concluded that: Chamber of Commerce influence,and that economic development is related to the two sides are the same point of view.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】633