

The Research of Intra-industry Vertical Specialization

【作者】 黄晶

【导师】 胡春力;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国民经济学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文基于中外学者产业内垂直分工的研究成果,对国际分工方式的演变过程、产业内垂直分工的概念、特点和存在基础进行了分析研究,并基于产业组织的视角,构建了完全竞争市场下同质性产品产业内垂直分工模型,和不完全竞争市场下差异化产品产业内垂直分工模型。结合模型分析的结论,本文对产业内垂直分工下的全球产业发展、中国经济发展、中国区域经济发展进行了进一步的研究,并提出了相关的政策建议。本文的主要结论是:产业内垂直分工下,如果技术密集型工序的技术是可替代技术,产业内垂直分工能够实现产品和要素市场出清的均衡水平;如果技术密集型工序的技术是不可替代技术,从事劳动密集型工序国家的产品和要素市场难以实现出清,产业内垂直分工难以实现均衡。如果技术密集型工序的技术是不可替代技术,劳动密集型工序国家依靠对外技术引进,并不能提高本国的不可替代技术存量,难以实现由劳动密集型工序向技术密集型工序转换和延伸,长期内,产业发展必然受阻,整个国民经济的发展将陷入困境。而只有技术研发,才是摆脱这种困境的主要途径。所以,一国的劳动密集型工序发展到一定程度以后,必须以技术研发为中心对产业进行技术升级,只有实现了由劳动密集型工序向技术密集型工序延伸或转换,经济才能够持续、快速、健康发展。改革开放30年,中国出现了劳动密集型工序过度发展,技术密集型工序不足,产业内垂直分工比重大幅度上升,产业技术结构失衡的现象。要解决中国的结构失衡,实现经济的持续、快速、健康发展,必须加大技术研发的投入力度,对产业进行技术升级,由劳动密集型工序向技术密集型工序延伸或转换。

【Abstract】 This paper analyzes the history of international division of labor,and the concept, characteristic and basis of intra-industrial vertical specialization based on China and foreign scholars research findings.At the same time,this paper also creates perfect competitive market homogenous product intra-industrial vertical specialization model and imperfect competitive market heterogeneity product intra-industrial vertical specialization model based on industry organization.Then this paper further studies global industry development, China industry development,and China regional industry development based on the model conclusion.The following is this paper main conclusion:Under intra-industrial vertical specialization,if the technology of skill-intensive manufacturing stage is non-substitute,the intra-industrial vertical specialization is non-equilibrium in product and factor market;if the technology of skill- intensive manufacturing stage is substitute,the intra-industrial vertical specialization is equilibrium in product and factor market.If the technology of skill-intensive manufacturing stage is non-substitute,the country of labor-intensive manufacturing stage can’t improve itself non-substitute technology,in order to extend and transform from labor-intensive manufacturing stage to skill-intensive manufacturing stage through technology of introduction.In long time,the country economic and industrial development will not be successful unless technology research and development.Therefore, when a country labor-intensive manufacturing stage develop at an extent,the country need to invest in technology research and development,in order to development and extend and transform from labor-intensive manufacturing stage to skill-intensive manufacturing stage through technology of introduction.After China reforming and opening to the outside world,it is about 30 years.During this time,China labor-intensive manufacturing stage is superfluous and skill-intensive manufacturing stage is lacking,which is China main industrial structure problem.In order to resolve China industrial structure problem and sustainable economy growth,China needs to invest in technology research and development in order to realize industry technology update.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】F224;F062.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1322
  • 攻读期成果