

Research on Global Quark Polarization and Bulk Viscosity Effect of Quark Matter

【作者】 陈寿万

【导师】 王群;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 粒子物理与原子核物理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文前两章主要讨论重离子碰撞产生的夸克物质中的整体极化现象。在核核碰撞的反应平面内,由于参加碰撞的核子数目不同,流速不同,在反应平面内沿垂直于碰撞轴的方向就有流速梯度,从而产生与反应平面垂直的轨道角动量.通过轨道角动量与自旋耦合,产生夸克整体极化效应.一种简单的静态势模型在小角散射近似下给出了自旋-轨道作用下夸克的整体极化效应。我们把小角近似下的有效静态势推广到包含介质效应的硬热圈的胶子传播子。并在小角近似和超出小角近似的情况下计算了夸克的极化度.发现极化度依赖于介质温度和粒子入射能量的比值。另外我们从场论严格推导出关于碰撞参数空间的微分截面的表达式;在领头级近似下给出了与小角近似的结果,该结果与传统方法一致;此外,我们还计算了夸克-胶子散射的情况。在理想流体情况下,中子星会产生所谓的r-模不稳定性.它将导致中子星辐射引力波,从而带走自转能量,最终使天体自转减慢,但粘滞能抑制这种不稳定性。我们给出了星体不同振荡模式下的通用的体粘滞公式,该公式能复原简单流体的结果.传统方法用的是从体积做功推导出的体粘滞公式,我们首次用熵增方法推导出体粘滞公式,这种方法即使在多元流体系统中也能保持体粘滞的正定性,我们还用熵增方法给出了不同反应过程和不同振荡模式下的结果.对于几个反应的耦合过程,我们的公式能够直观地显示,不同反应对体粘滞的贡献以及相互作用的影响.本论文的主要结果如下:●运用硬热圈的胶子传播子给出了超出小角近似下夸克的整体极化度。●从场论严格推导出关于碰撞参数空间的微分截面的表达式,小角近似下,领头级的结果与传统方法一致。给出了夸克-胶子散射的极化和非极化的在碰撞参数空间的微分截面。●给出了星体不同振荡模式下的通用的体粘滞公式,能复原简单流体的结果和奇异夸克散度为0极限条件下的结果.●传统方法用的是从体积做功推导出的体粘滞公式,我们首次用熵增方法推导出体粘滞公式,并给出了不同反应过程和不同振荡模式下的结果.对于几个反应参加的耦合过程,新的体粘滞公式能够直观的给出不同反应对体粘滞的贡献以及它们之间的相互作用对体粘滞的贡献。

【Abstract】 The first two chapters are about global quark polarization of quark matter produced in heavy ion collisions.A longitudinal fluid shear of partons that produced in the early stage of non-central heavy ion collisions can be developed due to unequal local number densities of participant target and projectile nucleons.Local patton pairs with non-zero impact parameters have finite local relative orbital angular momentum in the direction opposite to the reaction plane.Such finite relative orbital angular momentum among locally interacting quark pairs can lead to global quark polarization due to spin-orbital coupling.The global polarization was obtained with small angle approximation in an effective potential model.We extended the model to include the effect of the thermal medium and used hard-thermal-loop resummed gluon propagator.We calculated the global polarization with and beyond small angle approximation.Our results show that the polarization is sensitive to the ratio of the incident energy to temperature of the medium.There are ambiguity in the calculation of differential cross section in impact parameter space with the conventional approach.We derived it in quantum field theory and reproduced the same result with conventional one in the leading order of small angle scattering.Polarization of quark-gluon scattering was also calculated in the new approach.All pulsars will develop an r-mode instability if they are treated as ideal fluid. R-mode will lead to the production of gravitational waves and carry off the angular momentum and the rotational energy and make the rotation of pulsars slow down. Bulk viscosity can suppress these instabilities.We obtain an universal expression for the bulk viscosity for multi-component fluid which can reproduce the result of simple fluid.We derived the bulk viscosity in entropy approach and obtain results for multi-component fluid with a variety of reactions and oscillation patterns.The approach guarantees the positivity of the bulk viscosity explicitly.

【关键词】 整体极化QGPHTL近似体粘滞
【Key words】 global polarizationQGPHTLbulk viscosity