

Research on Rapid Optimization Design Method for Forging Machine

【作者】 陈开

【导师】 竺长安;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球化的不断深入,市场竞争随之加剧,现代企业所处的市场环境发生了巨大的变化,企业竞争越来越强调基于客户和基于时间的竞争:一方面要求企业、制造商从产品制造方面充分满足顾客要求,另一方面要求产品交货期尽可能缩短,并能快速响应顾客多样化需求,多品种小批量生产方式由此逐渐成为企业的主要生产模式。论文首先介绍了国内外锻压机床产业现状,锻压机床的研究趋势以及当前锻压机床设计中的主要问题:设计周期长,耗费材料多。为此,文中对锻压机床的快速优化设计方法进行研究,力求实现设计的快速性。随后,文中针对锻压机床等大型装备的特点,在综合现有设计模式的基础上,提出了以客户为中心的快速设计模式,该模式以客户需求为中心,建立起需求与具体设计之间的联系。然后提出多品种小批量产品快速设计模式,该模式包含产品整个设计周期,并建立产品和规则的数据库,以利于设计中信息的快速使用。在此基础上,建立了多品种小批量产品快速设计框架,以产品数据管理作为整个系统底层数据库,整合了快速建模模块、快速设计模块,并提供了面向用户的图形接口。紧接着文章围绕快速建模展开论述,建立客户需求和产品性能指标的联系,进而从产品性能指标计算归纳出产品的所有参数尺寸。在客户需求和性能之间利用变异的DSM方法建立矩阵,利用序列二叉树算法对矩阵进行操作,将大矩阵划分为相关性不强的子矩阵,进行独立设计。接着从性能指标出发,建立产品的参数化设计模块,由性能指标生成产品尺寸,进而驱动产品的模板库快速生成产品的三维、二维图形。产品的信息流对于产品设计作用巨大。快速设计软件的过程就是产品的实际设计过程,由此建立锻压机械设计的UML模型,包括用例图、类图、活动图和序列图,用于表示设计的步骤和产品中各部件之间的关系。并在UML内部使用XML树状结构来表示产品结构树,用XML节点表示产品以及各零部件之间的联系,产品信息从XML文档,并结合数据库快速获得。并在XML架构上,实现了批量图纸的快速自动排图。随后介绍了锻压机床的快速设计系统,该系统从客户需求出发,经过变异DSM模块,将产品设计划分为一系列子问题进行处理。然后进行快速参数化设计模块,根据计算准则,计算出产品的具体参数,在产品参数的基础上,建立二维和三维快速设计系统,提供辅助设计概念根据,并建立产品数据库,生成产品树,提供快速报表与快速报价。在快速设计系统的基础上,文中还研究了快速报价系统,根据快速设计系统的模块划分以及锻压机床自身的特点,将快速报价系统划分为三维设计快速报价,二维设计快速报价和辅助成本快速报价。三维报价包括产品的材料成本和加工成本;二维报价处理产品中如标准件、外购件和借用件的成本,而辅助成本报价处理非加工制造的成本,如环境、劳动力。基本的价格信息则存储在PDM数据库相应的价格表中。本文得到国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助(No 2007AA04Z1A2),是其研究内容的一部分。

【Abstract】 With the development of globalization and the increase of competition in the market,a great change has happened to environment of modern enterprise.The competition of enterprises has emphasized more and more on the competition based on customers and time.On one hand the company should adequately meet consumer’s demands in product manufacture,on the other hand the delivery should be as short time as possible and respond to varieties of product.Multi type&Small Batch rapid design module comes to the main model in production.We first introduce the present business situation and the research trend of forging machine both internal and abroad.The main problem in the forging machine design is the long period of design and so many raw materials costing.We focus on the research of rapid optimization design method for forging machine to achieve the quick-activity in design process and optimization in mechanical properties.Secondly we propose a customer-centric rapid design module based on current design model for equipment machinery such as forging machine.This module focuses on customer’s need to make a correlate between requirement and concrete design. Multi-type & small batch rapid design module is addressed including product and rule’s database in the whole product life cycle for the rapid information transmission. Then multi-type & small batch rapid design framework is build based on Product Data Management,integrating rapid modeling,rapid design and rapid optimization and the user interface.Subsequently,the relation between customer need and product performance is construct and calculation all dimension parameters from product performance.The change from customer need and product performance is based on altered DSM matrix. From matrix,array binary tree algorithm is run to divide the origin matrix to less relevant sub matrix for individual design.Parameter design model’s input is the product performance,and product’s dimensions are generated to drive the database to form 2D and 3D drawings.Information flow is critical for product design,and the process of rapid design software is as the same process of designing product.Hence,forging machine’s UML model is created including use case diagram,class diagram,activity diagram and sequence diagram.The product tree is showed with XML language,whose nodes express the relationship between product and its parts.From XML document,product information is obtained with database,and the rapid plotting of drawings is realized.A rapid design system is build using above technology.This system divided the product design into several sub problems from customers’ need.The parameters are counted in rapid parameter design module based on computational rules,and are the foundation of 2D and 3D design system.With PDM,the product tree,product BOM and quotation are realized.We also study the rapid quotation system of forging machine based on the rapid design system and PDM database.This system is divided into three parts:three dimension rapid quotation system including product’s material’s cost and manufacturing cost,two dimension rapid quotation system containing standard parts’ cost,purchased parts’ cost and common cost,and auxiliary cost quotation covering non machining cost such as environmental cost,labour cost and maintenance cost.All the price is stored in there sheet in PDM database.As a part,this task is sponsored by Chinese National programs for High Technology Research and Development.(No 2007AA04Z1A2).
