

Study on External Customer Demand Management for Supply Chain

【作者】 雷轶

【导师】 汤兵勇;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 现代的竞争已转变为供应链与供应链之间的竞争,外部客户需求是供应链赖以生存的源动力。外部客户需求的不确定将会影响到整个供应链的运作,阻碍企业获取供应链的最佳效益。因此,如何获取准确、有效的面向供应链的外部客户需求信息并对其进行有效的管理是提升供应链整体效用的关键因素。目前关于客户需求的研究大多仅停留在客户方,而企业关于产品设计的研究则只关注产品工艺、零件配置等问题,缺乏两者之间的转换映射路径的研究。对外部客户需求的零散研究使得需求不能很好的与供应链结合,延长了客户需求的响应时间,进而可能导致客户满意度下降,因此需要对以供应链为背景的外部客户需求进行研究,对外部客户需求的获取,技术需求的映射,如何提升对外部客户需求的响应速度以及满意程度进行系统的讨论与分析。外部客户自身通过自然语言对需求进行的描述容易存在模糊不清和易混淆的概念,为了解决这个问题,本文提出了需求单元的概念,并基于需求单元构建了需求单元分析树模型对客户需求建模。通过语义分割、转化、合并等客户需求分解原则,将模糊抽象的外部客户需求分解为明确具体的需求单元并对客户需求单元进行模糊聚类分析。然而,基于外部客户自身和产品设计者的不同角度,对同一产品的看法仍然存在很大不同。因此,本文进而对外部客户需求与生产的技术需求之间的转换与映射路径进行了深入分析。通过拓展的质量屋模型,依据对客户需求单元的模糊聚类分析,将完整的客户需求信息映射为生产设计时可以直接利用的技术需求。并且,可以对具有模糊聚类信息的技术需求进行加权计算,使技术需求权重更好的体现不同类别产品之间的差异性,满足外部客户不同的需求。为了能够更好的通过供应链快速的响应外部客户需求,就需要从实现外部客户需求的源头的生产设计开始,提高生产商对现有资源的利用水平,提升产品的开发速度、缩短开发周期。基于从源头开始快速响应的思路,本文对响应外部客户需求的产品设计过程中的知识检索和重用问题进行了深入讨论,希望通过提升知识检索的速度、效率以及知识重用的效率来进行产品的设计生产,进而达到对外部客户需求快速响应的目的。论文基于快速响应外部客户需求的出发点提出了双视图的知识检索算法和多维度的知识重用模型,以提升知识的使用效率、满足设计过程中对知识的需求。外部客户满意是供应链实现以客户为中心战略的目标,也是分析、讨论外部客户需求管理相关的一系列问题的最终目标。本文通过对衡量客户满意的客户满意度指数相关文献理论的研究和分析,认为外部客户需求的变动将会影响客户满意度指数的最终结果,因此构建了改进的客户满意度指数模型,添加客户需求作为辅助变量,以更好衡量客户需求对客户满意度的影响。论文对面向供应链的外部客户需求管理进行了深入的研究,以供应链大环境为基础,将获取准确的外部客户需求作为研究起点,构建了外部客户需求到生产所需技术需求的映射路径,进而研究了如何通过知识管理进行快速响应外部客户需求的生产设计过程,并对基于外部客户需求的客户满意度进行讨论,形成了面向供应链的外部客户需求管理的研究体系。根据论文的主要研究内容,创新点主要体现在:(1)面向供应链的视角,提出需求单元的概念并构建了需求单元分析树模型,通过需求分解原则将外部客户需求分解为清晰具体的需求单元。(2)构建了拓展的质量屋模型。在传统质量屋的基础上,增加了外部客户需求的类别信息,并依据不同类别客户需求对技术需求权重进行调整。(3)提出基于双视图的知识检索算法,添加客户需求知识视图以缩短产品设计过程中的检索时间、提高检索的准确性。并构建了多维知识重用模型,给出了快速响应外部客户需求的多维知识重用的过程与范畴。(4)提出了面向供应链的外部客户需求视角的改进的客户满意度指数模型,以衡量客户需求对满意度的影响。

【Abstract】 The competition nowadays turns to between supply chains other than just single enterprises,and external customer demands are the power source for the supply chain.While the uncertainty of the external customer demands will affect the operation of the whole supply chain and provide the enterprises from getting the best effective of the supply chain.Therefore,how to obtain the accurate external customer demands information and manage it effectively is the key factor to enhance the effectiveness of the whole supply chain.The present research on customer demands mostly stay in the side of customers,while the research on product design only concerned about technology and configuration issues,there lack the research of mapping between this two sides.The desperate research on external customer demands make it difficulty to combine with supply chain and also extended the respond time to the demands which could lead to the drop of customer satisfaction.Thus make it necessary to make a in-depth discussion and analysis on the external customer demands on supply chain including the access of external customer demand, mapping the technology demands,how to improve the response and satisfaction to the external customer demands.The description of the external customer demands through natural language often causes some confusion concept.In order to settle the problem of confusion concept,this dissertation modeling the external customer demands through analyze tree based on the concept of customer unit,and decompose the demands through semantic segmentation,semantic transfer and other decomposition principles for clear and specific customer demand units.The dissertation also arranges this customer demands unit through fuzzy cluster. However,it still has great difference between the external customers’ point of view and the designers’ point of view on the same product.Therefore,the dissertation analyses the transfer and mapping route of the external customer demand.Mapping the external customer demands to the technical demands through the extended HOQ model based on the fuzzy cluster of the customer demand units.Also,the technical demand can be weighted according to the result of fuzzy cluster in order to reflect the differences of the product more clearly.In order to response the external customer demand quickly through the supply chain,the enterprise should improve the product development and shorten the development cycle.Based on the idea of rapid response from the beginning of the supply chain,the dissertation discusses the knowledge search and knowledge reuse in the product designing in order to enhance the ability of knowledge search.The author present the dual-view knowledge search algorithm and multi-dimensional knowledge reuse model based on the point of quickly response to the external customer demands to enhance the efficiency in the use of knowledge and the demand for knowledge in the design process.The satisfaction of external customer is the objective of customer centurial strategic in the supply chain and the analyzing and discuss on external customer demands.Based on the research of customer satisfaction index and the related theory,we found that the changes of the external customer satisfaction on supply chain will affect the result of the customer satisfaction index.Thus,the dissertation present the improved customer satisfaction index model and add external customer demands as one of the value to assess the impact of customer demands for customer satisfaction.The dissertation in-depth research on the external customer demand management on supply chain,access to accurate external customer demands as a starting point for research,construct the mapping between external customer demands and technical demands,and studied how to rapid response to the external customer demands through knowledge management,and discuss the customer satisfaction based on the external customer demands.All these research format the external customer demand management system on supply chain.The innovation points of this dissertation are as follows:(1) Present the concept of customer demand unit and the model of customer demand analysis tree based on the supply chain.The demand unit analysis tree will help the manufactures get the clear and the exact customer demands through demands segmentation rules.(2) Present the extended HOQ model.The dissertation present the extended HOQ model based on the traditional HOQ theory and adds the type information about the external customer demand into the model and weighted the technical demand according to the variety of the customer demand.Also,the author explains the effect of the implementation of the extended HOQ through an example.(3) Present the dual-view knowledge search algorithm;add the customer demand knowledge view to accelerate the search speed.Also,the dissertation set the multi-dimensional knowledge reuse model and analysis the knowledge reuse process and areas in each dimensional.(4) In order to measure the impact of external customer demands to the customer satisfaction,the dissertation present the improved customer demand satisfaction index on the view of external customer on supply chain.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期