

Study on Mechanism to Build up the Enterprise Competitive Potential Based on Resource Energy

【作者】 赵世英

【导师】 张祥; 王方华;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 “势”是我国传统战略思想的重要概念之一。谋势制胜是中国传统谋略竞争观的重要理念,也是企业尤其是中国企业成长应予以重视的重要竞争模式。尽管实际中秉持这一理念的企业很多,然而在运作模式上十分多样化,规律性的内容却不多。究其原因,关键在于对企业谋势内涵与内在机理的研究不充分,以致对其理解不够清晰和完整。如何解决这一问题,是企业运用谋势战略的基础和前提,不仅对企业竞争实践具有现实的指导意义,同时也充实了企业战略管理理论。“势”的本质是一种能量。企业造势实质是对资源能量的前瞻性积累,是竞争前的预先铺垫,是战略性投资。本文从概念剖析入手,在对“势”能量本质和资源能量性的重要认知基础上,以能量为桥梁,将“势”的思想和西方战略管理相关理论相结合,从企业竞争势的涵义、识别、构建以及运用等多个方面对基于企业竞争势的战略观进行了初步的系统性理论分析。本文研究的目的在于建立一个更具可操作性的理论分析框架,为企业谋势战略管理的实践提供一种前瞻性的和动态性的有效分析工具。论文的研究主体分为四个部分:第一部分对资源能量视角的企业竞争势及其识别进行分析,并提出从资源能量积累的角度研究企业竞争势的基本分析框架,内容分布在第三章;第二部分在前部分的基础上,对资源能量导向的企业竞争势构建机理进行深入分析;这部分是论文的核心内容,分布在第四章到第六章;第三部分研究已构建的企业竞争势得以有效运用的机理,为本文的第七章;第四部分运用论文主要观点和结论进行实际分析,是第八章的内容。论文全文共分九章,其中除了第一章绪论和第九章结论与展望外,其余七章的主要内容安排如下:第二章对相关文献进行了梳理和评述,分别对战略期权理论中的相关思想、哲学角度的相关研究以及企业造势理论、资源理论、场势理论、兵法理论的相关研究展开综述,并指出现有研究的不足。第三章是对资源能量视角的企业竞争势及其识别的研究。首先,分析了资源能量视角的企业竞争势新内涵。从能量角度对企业竞争势的内涵进行新的界定,指出其管理和竞争特性;分析了企业竞争势的来源与形成的基本逻辑,指出企业竞争势是由企业资源及其能量的前瞻性积累所形成;对资源积累形成的资源平台及其与企业竞争势的关系做了深入分析。在此基础上,建立了从竞争势的识别、过程、时机、柔性适应等方面层层递进,涉及顾客、竞争对手、资源管理、杠杆化、企业家才能、竞争策略以及企业价值创造等诸多要素的企业竞争势构建基本分析框架。其次,对企业竞争势的识别进行分析,建立了基本评价模型,为企业竞争势的构建提供认知前提。第四章是对资源能量积累导向的企业竞争势构建过程的研究。首先研究单周期的企业竞争势构建。从企业竞争势构建的目标导向、基本动力和形成过程等方面详细阐述了企业竞争势构建的内在机理。研究表明,企业竞争势的构建应以顾客价值空间创造为目标;在形成阶段,通过资源获取、释放、整合与重构等途径获得资源能量的积累;在杠杆化阶段,通过竞争战略的杠杆化作用实现由企业竞争势到竞争获利的转变;这是一个完整的系统过程。在这一过程中,企业家才能也发挥着重要的作用。其次,研究了多周期的企业竞争势的构建进化机理。针对单周期中企业竞争势扩散的问题,分析了其产生的动因,并讨论了企业竞争势扩散的规律模式,然后运用生态位相关理论,探讨了判别企业竞争势扩散的基本方法,给出了消除扩散的四种企业竞争势进化模式。第五章是对企业竞争势资源能量积累投资最优时机选择的研究。引入实物期权的观点,分析了资源能量积累投资的期权性质。在此基础上,针对单一资源能量积累投资、多种资源能量积累投资和存在竞争者时的资源能量积累投资三种情况分别建立期权模型,对最优投资时机的选择及多种因素对结果的影响进行了分析。分析结果表明,在企业竞争势资源能量积累投资中,正确的审时度势是必须的,并非越早越好、越快越好;有时“等等看”更有利于企业长远发展。第六章是对不确定环境下企业竞争势资源能量积累的柔性适应的研究。首先引入了战略柔性的中间变量,然后运用期权的观点,分析了企业竞争势资源能量积累过程创造战略柔性的机理,指出这一过程所产生的企业特有期权范围的增加是其战略柔性的来源。然后在提出企业需要适度柔性的观点基础上,分析了在不确定环境下企业竞争势资源能量积累柔性适应的优化路径;最后分析了企业竞争势资源能量积累的前瞻性的影响,结论表明其对不确定环境中的企业是有利的。第七章是对企业竞争势资源能量运用机理的研究。首先分析了企业竞争势资源能量运用的微观机理,构建了包含企业竞争势子系统、企业竞争策略子系统和顾客价值子系统三个子系统的企业竞争势资源能量运用模型;然后分析了如何改进企业竞争势资源能量的运用效果,指出企业竞争势子系统和顾客价值子系统的能级契合度的提升是促进企业竞争势向企业竞争获利转化的关键,分析了影响契合度的因素;最后对企业竞争势运用的模式进行了分析。第八章是对企业竞争势构建观点的实例分析应用。先运用本文研究观点分别对海尔公司的多期资源积累和英特尔公司特定资源主导的资源积累过程进行了分析,验证了研究结论的正确性。然后,运用本文观点对中国企业本土品牌资产的建设失利进行分析,提出了相关策略建议。本论文在以资源能量积累为核心的统一框架下,初步系统地研究了企业竞争势构建的一系列基础性理论问题。论文的主要创新点表现在:1从新的视角对企业竞争势能量的积累、释放做了整体性深入阐释。突破以往过于重视企业谋势主体而忽视谋势客体的研究框架,从能量角度对企业竞争势、资源平台等概念进行了新的界定,建立了从资源能量视角分析企业竞争势构建的基本理论框架,提出了企业竞争势的构建是资源及其能量的前瞻性积累的观点。整合资源基础理论、能力理论以及动态能力理论的相关成果,初步系统地揭示了企业竞争势构建的过程机理及其价值实现机理,并对企业竞争势资源能量积累的最优时机、柔性适应以及企业竞争势资源能量的运用机理做了分析。对东西方理论的相互融合做了新的尝试。2考虑了企业竞争势构建的资源能量积累过程的动态性,运用生态位理论的相关思想和分析方法,定义了资源生态位、资源适宜度、适宜深度等概念,建立了判别企业竞争势扩散的评价方法,给出了消除企业竞争势扩散的更新模式。3引入期权分析的方法和模型,对企业竞争势资源能量积累的最优投资时机进行分析;为企业更精确地管理企业竞争势资源能量积累的投资提供了量化的依据,丰富了企业竞争势的研究工具。4引入战略柔性的观点,考虑了在不确定环境下,企业竞争势资源能量积累如何获得柔性适应的问题。运用实物期权的相关思想,对企业竞争势资源能量积累的柔性创造机理和柔性优化路径、因素影响进行了分析。

【Abstract】 The‘potential’is one of the most important concepts in Chinese traditional strategic thinking. To gain success in competition through seeking strong‘potential’is not only a very important logic in Chinese traditional competitive view, but also an important competing mode for enterprises, especially for Chinese enterprises. However, although many enterprises follow this logic in their operation, the actual model varies from enterprise to another, and lacks of regularity. The main reason is limited research on the meaning and internal mechanism of seeking‘potential’, which leads to unclearly and non-systemic understanding of it. To succeed in using the‘potential’, enterprises have to firstly solve the above problem. Furthermore, to solve this problem can provide guideline for enterprises’competitive practice. And also, it can contribute to the development of enterprise strategic management theory.The‘potential’is proactive accumulation of related resources, is the prior matting before competition, and is the strategic investment of enterprises. Begin with the analysis of basic concept and based on the understanding of the energy essence of‘potential’and the energy attribute of resource, this dissertation combines the‘potential’thinking with the dominative view in modern western strategic management theories to make elementary systemic analysis on the enterprise strategic view based on enterprise competitive potential. The contents include the meaning, the formation, the building, the evolution and the using of enterprise competitive potential. The object of this dissertation is to provide an effective, forward-looking, and dynamic tool for enterprise’s strategic management practice.The main contents of this dissertation have four sections. The first section mainly analyses the meaning and its recognization of enterprise competitive potential from the resource energy perspective, and gives a basic study framework of the enterprise competitive potential from the perspective of resource energy accumulation. This section is stated in the third chapter . The second section analyses the mechanism to build up enterprise competitive potential based on resource energy accumulation. This section is the core content of this dissertation, shown in chapters 4 to 6. The third section mainly focuses on how enterprises can effectively use the enterprise competitive potential which had been built up, included the seventh chapter. The fourth section is to use the main idea and results of this dissertation to analyse real problem, included the eighth chapter.There are 9 chapters in this dissertation. Chapter 1 is the introduction and Chapter 9 is the result. Other chapters arranges as follows:Chapter 2 summarizes the relevant former literatures. Researches in six aspects has been discussed: the strategic option theory, the resource-based theory, the researches from philosophy view, the field-potential theory, the strategic theory and the enterprise’s potential building theory.Chapter 3 studies the meaning and its recognization of enterprise competitive potential from the resource energy perspective. Firstly, the new content of enterprise competitive potential is analyzed from the angle of resource energy with the new definition and shows its specialties of management and competition. Meanwhile, the origin and the logic of its formation are analyzed with the results indicating that the enterprise competitive potential is formed though the proactive accumulation of resource energy. Further discussion also has been conducted regarding the relationship between the platform formed by the accumulation of resource and enterprise competitive potential. Based on these studies, a systematic framework to analyze the building of enterprise competitive potential has been build. This framework involves such aspects as recognization, process, timing and flexible fit and covers factors including consumers, competitors, resource management, leverage, entrepreneurship, competition strategies and value creation. Secondly, how to recognize the enterprise competitive potential is analyzed and a basic evaluate model is constructed. This provides a premise of recognization for the building of enterprise competitive potential.The chapter 4 studies the building process of enterprise competitive potential oriented by resource energy accumulation. At first, the research of building of enterprise competitive potential in single period is conducted and the mechanism is explicated from object orientation, basic motility and formation process. The result shows that the building of enterprise competitive potential should take creating customer value space as the objective, Meanwhile, in the formation stage, enterprises should to gain energy through the ways of acquirement, release, consolidation, reorganization. In the leveraging stage, enterprises should to realize the transfer from the enterprise competitive potential to the profit by their competitive strategies. This is a systematic program in which the entrepreneurship plays an important role. Secondly, the building mechanism in multi-period is discussed. Focusing on the diminution of enterprise competitive potential in single period, the cause and the rule of this phenomena is studied and by using the theory of niche, the way of estimating the diminution of the enterprise competitive potential is explored with four kinds of evolution models to eliminate the diminution phenomena.Chapter 5 studies the optimal timing of the enterprise’s resource energy accumulation. By introducing the point of real option, the option nature invested by accumulation of resources is analyzed. On this basis, analysis have been conducted regarding the optimal timing selection of investment and influence to the final results by multiple factors when considering the situation consisting one resource, two kinds of resources and one resource but several competitors. The results show that in the resource energy accumulation process, comprehensive consideration of timing and situation is necessary. Invest earlier or fast would not be good and sometimes, waiting for good timing could be more advantageous for development in long term.Chapter 6 studies the flexibility fit of the enterprise competitive potential’s energy accumulation in uncertain environment. By introducing a middle variable of flexibility and using the option viewpoints, the mechanism of creating strategic flexibility during the process of the resource energy accumulation of enterprise competitive potential is discussed. The study indicates that the strategic flexibility comes from the increase of option range which brings by the energy accumulation invest actions. Afterward, on the standpoint of right flexibility, the optimal paths to increase the resource energy accumulation of enterprise competitive potential under uncertain environment are explicated. Finally, the influence of the proactive of the enterprise competitive potential’s energy accumulation to the strategic flexibility level is discussed and the conclusion shows that it favors enterprises under uncertain environment.Chapter 7 studies the principles of applying enterprise competitive potential energy. First of all, the micro-mechanism of the using of enterprise competitive potential’s resouce energy is discussed. A model of enterprise competitive potential energy is established including three sub-system: enterprise competitive potential system, enterprise competitive tactic system and the customer value system. Secondly, how to improve the effect of the using of enterprise competitive potential’s resource energy is introduced. The results show that the escalation of match degree between the enterprise competitive potential system and the customer value system is pivotal. The factors which influence the match degree are then discussed. In the end, the models to using the enterprise competitive potential are analyzed.Chapter 8 uses the view of this dissertation to give the concrete examples. Firstly, Haier Corporation’s development inmulti-period and Intel Corporation’s development in CPU industry are anlysis based on the standpoints of this article. Then, based on the conclusions of this dissertation, several suggestions are brought forward for the management of Chinese corporations regarding the failure of brand asset establishment.In the frame work of resource energy accumulation, this dissertation explores a series of basic theoretic issues about the enterprise competitive potential’s building in a fundamental and systematic way. The innovative points include:1. From a new angle, it explicates the accumulation and the release of enterprise competitive potential deeply and comprehensively. As a break through to previous framework focusing more on the enterprise principle part than the other parts, this dissertation defines the new concepts of enterprise competitive potential and resource platform from the perspective of energy, establishes the theoretic framework by analyzing the building of enterprise competitive potential from resource energy perspective, brings forward the point of view that the enterprise competitive potential is the proactive accumulation of resource and its energy. By integrating the related views in the resource-based view, the capability theory and the dynamic capability theory, this dissertation fundamentally and systematically reveals the process mechanism and the value creation mechanism of the enterprise competitive potential’s building. Meanwhile analyses is given regarding the optimal timing, the flexibility fit of the enterprise competitive potential’s resource energy accumulation and the energy using of this accumulated energy. It also shows a new attempt to combine the management theories from the west and east to better understand explain enterprise behavior and strategies.2. Considering the dynamic characteristic of the resource energy accumulation in the enterprise competitive potential the concepts as resource niche, resource fitting degree and fitting depth are defined by using the theory of niche and releveant method of analysis. It also builds the eevaluation methods for the enterprise competitive potential’s diminution and gives the model to eliminate the diminution phenomena of the enterprise competitive potential.3. By introducing the option theory, the optimal timing of enterprise competitive potential’s resource energy accumulation is studied. This offers a quantitative foundation for enterprises to accurately manage the resource energy accumulation and enriches the research tools of the enterprise competitive potential.4. The view of strategic flexibility is introduced. How the resource energy accumulation of enterprise competitive potential obtains the flexible fitness in uncertain environment is also considered. By introducing the option viewpoint, the flexibility creating mechanism of resource energy accumulation of enterprise competitive potential are analyzed with path to improve flexibility level and the influential factors.
