

The Study of WenZhou during Yuan Dynasty

【作者】 陈彩云

【导师】 马明达;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 蒙元是中国历史上第一个由少数民族建立的统一王朝,其统治曾对中原及江南地区带来巨大影响。本文以元代温州路为研究对象,探讨蒙元统治下温州的政治、经济、学术、社会、文化等情况,借助温州这个有代表性的区域,将自然环境、历史因素和元代统治有机结合起来,分析元代的基础统治状况,有助于我们更丰富、立体和深入了解元代。全文由绪论、正文、结论、附录四部分组成。正文分为六章。宋元易代的家国变迁曾给温州带来的巨大冲击,战争带来的混乱局势使温州社会生产水平和人民生活水平发生倒退,温州精英追随陈宜中转战各地,或流寓全国各地,而经过战争之后,不少温州士人成为遗民。就元代温州政务而言,了解温州路的户口变化、赋税、盐课征收,在民众中实行的诸色户计制,如何征发差役。温州对于元代的重要角色是协助海运,将粮食从各地运往大都,完成南粮北运的任务。作为南宋以来的重要港口城市,温州的交通和商业贸易继续发展。温州的农业、渔业、手工业、制造业等在元代的基础上继续发展,为保障农业生产,温州官方和士大夫还营建了大量重要的水利工程。温州地区自然灾害频繁,官府和当地富户都会采取措施救灾,但在地方财政匮乏,吏治腐败情况下,政府赈济多有名无实。在基层社会控制上,元代设置军事力量加强地方控制,防范民众起事。在交通要道和偏远地区设置巡检司,负责捕盗和严禁私盐贩卖。由于官员腐败和贪污贿赂严重,元代司法审判中存在冤假错案和积案累积情况。元代温州教育呈现多元化趋势,虽然儒学教育水平比之南宋有所下降,但温州儒学教育仍然在全国居于优势地区。朱子学在元代温州的继续传播,元代思想界中高度价永嘉学派,本文重点论述了该学派在元代沉寂的原因。本文还从家庭、宗族、群体间关系三方面论述元代的温州士大夫在面对蒙元统治的挫折下,如何继续维持自己的地位,努力进入仕宦之途,参与地方事务。元代尊崇宗教的政策,使得元代温州佛教和道教进入迅速发展时期,寺院和道观大量营建,高僧与大道辈出,同时宗教世俗化也带来诸多矛盾。宗教宽容政策使得异域宗教也有所发展。元末温州民族矛盾和社会矛盾日益激化,元朝在温州统治崩溃,方国珍割据温州大部,周嗣德占据南部平阳州,至正二十七年后温州正式归属朱元璋政权,元朝在温州统治正式结束。元末群雄割据和连绵数年的战乱,给温州社会经济带来巨大创伤,明初温州士人大多选择了隐逸。通过考察,本文认为虽然元代温州带有蒙元统治的色彩,但整体延续着汉族社会原有的传统。尽管元朝统治一定程度上加重了对温州经济资源的掠夺,诸色户计制度加强了人身奴役,吏治腐败一定程序影响元代政策的执行,但延续南宋以来的基础,温州继续保持着全国重要商业城市和对外贸易重要港口城市的地位。温州教育水平仍在全国具有优势地位,科场中举人数仍在全国处于领先地位。随着宋元之际的战乱和朱子理学在全国统治地位的确定,南宋以来全国影响力的永嘉学派衰落,但元代以“兼容并包”为特色,温州士人在戏剧、绘画、医学等方面取得成就。蒙元统治下的温州士人,面对政治地位的改变,虽然遭遇沉重打击,但很快就调整处世的态度,在家庭、宗族和地方乡里事务上积极参与。

【Abstract】 Yuan Dynasty is First Unified Dynasty in China History Established by Minority, The Rule of The Yuan Dynasty have Substantial Impact on The Central Plains and The South of Yangzte River.In my dissertation,I focus on one of the representative districts,research about WenZhou’s Economic,Politics,Culture,Education,Religious and Other Content.Up to now,some scholars have written monographs and papers dealt with WenZhou region under Yuan Dynasty’s rule in different levels and angles of views.However,there is nobody to study WenZhou region under the Yuan Dynasty’s rule as a special subject.I will combine the local natural conditions and the local history with the contemporary reign in that area.I try to investigate the reign of that area in Yuan Dynasty,so as to understand Yuan’s local society more accurately, deeply and exuberantly.The whole thesis consists of preface,Mian body of six chapters,an epilogue.The first chapters focuses on Mongol army how to enter WenZhou,Yuan Dynasty conversion take to the enormous impact on WenZhou,the war lowered the production level of society and people’s living standard,After the end of the war,many of WenZhou local gentry refused to cooperate with Yuan Regime,Some were unable to achieve an identification with Yuan dynasty,keeping a distance with the local government.The Second chapters focuses on the study of the Administrative activities of local regime,analyze the economic in the five aspects of the change of Population,Taxes and Corvee,Transportation,Water construction,Salt tax.As an important port city, trade traffic and business continue to develop.As a result of frequent natural disasters in Wenzhou,officials and local well-off will take measures to aid victims,Shortage of local finance And administrative corruption cases no significant effect of the government relief.To enhance the control of local people,In remote areas and transport routes set up inspection Division.Also As a result of official corruption,that Administration of justice exist in a large number of miscarriage.A diversified trends in wenzhou education,Although the decline in the level of Education,the number of take part in imperial examination are still Maintain competitive edge in the countryThe Third chapters focuses on Ideological content of WenZhou people’s Humanistic spirit,discuss about ZhuXi’s school how to Spread in WenZhou during Yuan Dynasty,Scholars how to appraise the YongJia’s school and focuses on the reasons for YongJia’s school silence during the Yuan Dynasty.The fourth chapters try to From the family,clan,the relationship between local elite groups to discuss local elite how to Face the Setbacks take by Yuan Regime,to maintain the status of their family,acts as a hinge between the government and the multitude.Meanwhile,it contributes greatly to the society running and the smooth rule order thanks to its strength.The fifth chapters about Buddhism and Taoism in WenZhou region under the Yuan Dynasty’s rule,Buddhism and Taoism in WenZhou Region under the Yuan Dynasty’s rule had gone through new changes and deep effect on local society.The dissertation will investigate into the new development of Buddhism and Taoism.The Sixth chapters about collapse of Mongol rule,In the late Yuan dynasty,ethnic conflicts and social contradictions increasing intensify,Fang-GuoZhen occupy most parts of WenZhou and Zhou-SiDe occupied PingYang Regin in southern Wenzhou.In 1367,wenzhou Formal vested to Zhu-YuanZhang forces.In the late of Yuan Dynasty fell to the years of the war brought great social and economic losses in WenZhou, Most of WenZhou local elite in the early Ming Dynasty chose seclusionGenerally Speaking,Although WenzZhou rule by the Mongols,Is Still maintained AS an traditional Chinese society,Although to some extent,the rule of the Yuan Dynasty add to plunder the economic resources of Wenzhou,Household registration system strengthening the physical slavery,Corrupt officials impact of the implementation of national policies,Continuation of the economic base has always had its own,WenZhou continue is an important commercial city and an important foreign trade port city.WenZhou Confucian education level in the country still has a dominant position.Although the influence of Yongjia school dropped,Wenzhou People are still in the theater,painting,medicine has made great achievements. Although the decline in the political status of Wenzhou People,Soon they Actively adjust the attitude towards life

【关键词】 元代温州区域研究
【Key words】 WenZhouYuan DynastyRegional Studies
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期