

Analyzing the Cause of Exogenous Industry Clustering and Its Development Path

【作者】 孙雷

【导师】 隋广军;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 产业经济学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 近年来广州汽车产业发展迅速,已成广州颇具潜力的支柱产业之一,在带动广州经济发展的同时,形成了具有一定影响力的集群效应,但回顾历史发现,广州汽车产业的发展经历了一条先抑后扬的路程,其中外源性产业集聚是广州汽车产业发展的主要模式。因此,本文拟以广州汽车产业为例,探索外源性产业集聚的形成原因及发展机理,并试图将其经验进一步推广至其他产业、其他地区。本文首先总结和回顾了产业集聚的相关理论与文献,在此基础上对外源性产业的内涵进行了界定,并尝试从品牌、资本与技术三个维度对产业的外源性进行量化研究,并与内源性产业和内源性产业集聚特征加以比较,结合我国产业发展归纳外源性产业集聚的几种模式。然后,以广州汽车产业为例,分析不同集聚模式带来的市场结构、行为和绩效的差异,并在此基础上探讨我国外源性资本推动的产业集群的成因与发展机理,最后给出一个基于外源性资本、政府、企业和产业配套的动力圈层模型,把产业集聚的动力划分为核心层、支持层和辅助层,三个层面相互作用,影响着产业在该地区的集聚,从理论上解释了广州汽车产业集聚现象。在理论分析的基础上,本文利用广州、上海、北京、武汉等城市1998~2007年的汽车产业相关数据检验了外源性产业集聚的动力圈层模型。研究发现:对汽车产业发展影响因素最大的是核心层因素,其次为支持层因素,再次为辅助层因素,通过进一步的因子得分估计发现,四个城市在汽车产业发展水平上的得分顺序是:广州、上海、北京和武汉。回归分析的结果表明,属于核心层因素中的外源资本、技术吸收能力,属于支持层的政府政策和属于辅助层因素中的人文环境都对汽车产业集中程度具有显著的正向作用。在理论和实证研究的基础上,本文提出完善我国招商引资工作和产业集聚政策的建议:积极培育地方核心层竞争力,即在招商引资上对先进制造业的汽车产业适当政策倾斜;同时,制定适合汽车产业集群发展的支持层政策。即政府应大力发挥其推动力作用,各地政府需因地制宜的制定当地汽车产业的政策;最后,应从市场环境和人文环境两个方面不断完善辅助层要素,主要倾向于社会诚信文化建设、法律环境建设和教育环境建设。

【Abstract】 In Guangzhou recent years has witnessed the rapid development of automobile industry,which has become one of the pillar industries with tremendous potential of Guangzhou.While driving the economic development of Guangzhou,it has created rather influential clustering effect.However,as we review its development history in retrospect,we can see that the development of automobile industry has undergone prosperity after declining,with exogenous industry clustering as the major development mode of automobile industry.Therefore,this thesis has adopted automobile industry to explore the cause and development principle of exogenous industry clustering.Hopefully through the analysis experience can be imparted to other industries and regions as well.In this thesis,relevant theory and literature of industry clustering have been summarized and reviewed.With this basis,the connotationn of exogenous industry has been defined.Attempts have been made to conduct quantitative study on the exogenous features of the industry from such three dimensions as brand,capital and technology with comparison to the endogenous industry and features of endogenous industry clustering.Together with industry development of our country,some modes of exogenous industry clustering have been concluded.Then,automobile industry of Guangzhou has been applied in the case study to analyze the differences of market structure,behavior and performance resulting from different clustering modes,on the basis of which cause and development principle of industry clustering propelled by exogenous capital of our country has been discussed.Finally a power ring layer model based on exogenous capital,government,enterprise and industry environment has been formulated.In this model,the power of industry clustering has been divided into core layer,supporting layer and auxiliary layer.The three layers interact with each other,influencing the industry clustering in the region,which has theoretically accounted for phenomenon automobile industry clustering of Guangzhou.On the basis of theoretical analysis,this thesis has utilized relevant data of automobile industry of such cities as Guangzhou,Shanghai,Beijing and Wuhan from 1998 to 2007 to test the power ring layer model of exogenous industry clustering. According to the research,core layer factor is the most influential factor for automobile industry,followed by supporting layer factor and then auxiliary layer factor.From further factor score estimation,it has been found that,the scores representing the automobile industry development level of the four cities are ranked as followed,Guangzhou,Shanghai,Beijing and Wuhan.It has been shown from the outcome of the analysis that the exogenous capital and the learning capabilities of manufacturers categorized in the core layer factor,and the government policy in the supporting layer factor,and the cultural environment classified in the auxiliary layer factor have both created remarkably positive effect on the centralization of automobile industry.On the basis of theoretical and empirical research,this thesis has put forward the suggestion of improving the investment promotion and industry clustering policy of our country.Great efforts have to be made to foster the competitiveness of local core layer,that is,to pursue investment promotion policy favorable to automobile industry, the advanced manufacturing industry.Meanwhile,efforts have to be made to adopt supporting layer policy suitable for automobile industry clustering development.That is to say,government should play an active role to promote the industry development. Local government should formulate automobile industry policy in line with local circumstances.Last but not least,auxiliary layer factor should be improved from such two aspects as market and cultural environment,with emphasis laid on the development of social creditability,legal environment and education environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】F279.27;F224
  • 【下载频次】1688