

The Study of Fiction Anthology in Ming and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 代智敏

【导师】 程国赋;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 明清小说选本是指明清时期以作品集的形式出现的、按照一定的取舍标准进行选择、对原作篇目顺序加以重新编排而形成的小说文本。本文通过分析明清小说选本兴盛的原因、小说选本的特征,并对不同时期小说选本的代表作品进行比较研究,总结出明清小说选本对小说创作及小说观念的影响,讨论明清小说选本的价值。全文分七章进行论述。第一章阐述明清小说选本的发展阶段以及不同阶段兴盛或衰落的原因。本文将明清小说选本分为三个阶段:明初到嘉靖万历时期、明泰昌到清乾隆时期和清嘉庆到清末三个时期,分别论述每一阶段小说选本的产生原因和特点。第二章为明清小说选本类型论。本章分析明清小说选本题材方面的总体特征,将明清小说选本进行分类,分别讨论了唐传奇类、中篇传奇类、人物传记类和白话短篇类小说选本的特点,并对选本中的“系列”现象如“艳异”、“虞初”系列选本进行重点阐述。第三章为明清小说选本艺术论。讨论明清小说选本的艺术特色,通过选本与原作的比较,分析人物形象、性格塑造的变化以及语言变化和诗词改换等特点。第四章为明清小说评点论。此章以“虞初”系列选本评点和《青泥莲花记》评点为例进行个案分析,讨论小说选本评点的特色。第五章论述明清文化思潮与小说选本的关系。明清时期的复古思潮、王学思想与清初实学思潮、清代小说禁毁政策等都对小说选本的编选产生了较重要的影响,通过不同时期的选本特点可以看出时代政策在小说选本中的反映。第六章探讨明清小说选本与小说观念的关系。通过文言小说选本的自娱性增强与白话小说劝惩教化功能增强这两类不同特点,分析小说选本编选家小说观念的变化。第七章论述明代小说选本的价值,并分析小说选本编选所反映的明清之际文人心态。

【Abstract】 A fiction anthology of Ming and Qing Dynasty is collection of novels or short stories of a fictionist.The recent years has seen some achievements in not only the discovery,the collection and publication of the anthology,but in the ideology,the art and the development of the anthology.However,there is still a big gap between the current research and the potential research significance which completely rests with the taste inclination and the disposition and gift of the anthologist.As the tie between anthologist and reader,an anthology is not only a literary collection for reading,but also a critical form compromising the ideology of the fiction,the time spirit and the appreciatory inclination.The paper attempts to make an overall investigation on the fiction anthology.There are seven chapters in this paper.In the first chapter,three historical stages is introduced in the chapter.Form Hongwu to Jiajing or Wanli times,it was the first stage.Form Taichang to Qianlong times,it was the second stage.The next was the third stage.In the second chapter,there were two basical themes in fiction anthologies of Qing and Qing Dynasty.The third chapter made a strict analysis of the fiction’s art.With development of the classical novels in creative practice,the story theory became to form the commentary mode with its unique feature of the Chinese culture.The comments of fictions have been affected by historical and personal factors.Mei Ding-zuo,who was a writer in middle Ming dynasty,in his comment on the collection of novel QingNiLianHuaJi,shows his deep understanding of female.The Paper points out that,the booming causes lie in Wang yang-ming and ShiXue in Ming and Qing Dynasties.The social culture,the fiction advancement and the development of the fiction in perspective in Ming and Qing Dynasty caused fiction anthologies independence.In the last chapter,the paper illustrate that the fiction anthology has multi-values,embodying the value for reading and spreading,the value of theoretical criticism and the value of fiction history and literature history.Lastly,it was the mentality of scholars has changed between Ming and Qing Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期