

A Study on Modern Self-orgnizing System of Technology

【作者】 潘亚俊

【导师】 许志晋;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪70年代,自组织理论研究开始兴起并成为一门新兴学科,它创造的新方法和新的科学思想,为研究现代技术进步协调自然生态平衡、经济社会发展以及人的全面发展问题提供了新的更为广阔的视野。本文在研究传统技术系统所存在的问题的基础上,以自组织理论的新视角,把自组织理论运用到对现代技术系统的研究中,运用系统研究方法、耗散结构研究方法及协同学研究方法,深入探讨了现代技术自组织系统的结构、运行机制、功能及其构建方式,尤其对现代技术自组织系统中处于中观层次的子系统演化过程的自组织性和混沌性、技术创新与现代技术自组织系统演化的协同机制以及创新是怎样通过现代技术自组织系统结构的演变并转化为经济增长的问题都进行了创新性的研究,并找出了企业现代技术自组织系统存在的问题,提出了相应的解决对策。

【Abstract】 With modern technology plays an increasingly important role in the economy, people’s understanding to it has been improving. As seen from classical economics to neoclassical economics, self-organization theory of modern technology and national innovation system theory, different theory make studies, from different perspectives, on the relationship of their integration, development and interactive effect between modern technology and economy and the society. This has provided the operation mechanism study of modern technology self-organization system (hereinafter referred to as“the System”) with a great deal of research material. However, the perspectives and respective highlights of different theories differ from each other, when putting forward their own prominent focus, they often overlook in other aspects, and thereby easy to mislead erroneous policy formulation and implementation.Academic circles generally agreed that, at the micro level, modern technological advance is a product of the industrial age, which highlighting the central position of enterprises; while at the macro level, national innovation system is the product of a knowledge-based economy, which highlighting the central position of the government. There is no denying that, although as national competition aggregated day by day, the degree of government involvement in the economy has been deepened and expanded its scope, it’s unlike what some scholars think that the government should be in control, because different countries have different bottleneck constraining their knowledge generation and communication as well as the advances and development of modern technologies. National innovation system theory is from Western developed countries. The theory is brought forward under perfect operational mechanism framework of market economy. It emphasizes that, for proper operation of the said system, the role of government is to create conditions for the environment input of the System reaching a certain value. And this should be under a premise that domestic enterprises are of dynamic energy, rather than the government-to-business offside. It’s likely to mislead the formulation of national policies if too much emphasis is made on the role of government or the role of government is of dislocation. It’s especially so for China who is in a transition period of economy to fall into a fiasco of planned economy. Government should not involve in the system as one of its subsystems, but to create and nurture environment for the system and input conditions and elements to the system in a continued manner. Enterprises, research institutes and intermediary organizations and so on are not only as subsystems of the System, but also autonomous and independent subsystems. These have been confirmed by the successful or failed practice of modern technological advances in different countries around the world. Then, what’s the theoretical basis? Only self-organization theory can offer a scientific explanation.To study on the advancement of modern technology, it should be performed from a systematic, dynamic, evolutional and developing point of view, to get out of the one-sidedness and stillness of various theories. Whether for natural systems or social systems, it’s unavoidable to be dominated by the objective law of self-organization in the course of its operation, in order to improve their operating efficiency. Until now, there is no scholar who has conducted in-depth research through combining self-organization theory with modern technology system yet, let alone any one to establish the concepts and theories of“Modern Technology Self-Organization System”. Therefore, the study of the System theory has its own originality with great academic value.This paper will make analysis of related theory and basic concepts. Mainly include: theory of science and technology philosophy, technical ecology, modern technological advances related concepts and self-organization theory. The characteristic of self-organizing system is also discussed in the paper.Through the course of the formation, development and evolution of the System theory, various theories contain an idea of self-organization of the System greater or lesser. While the formulation and implementation of government policies is only a way to provide environmental factors input for the System’s effective operation, rather than administratively ordering or manipulating arranging the way of effective operation of the System by the government. The internal power for effective operation of the System is originating from the vitality of each subsystem in the System and their interaction.According to observing a variety of social system, people have been virtually following the law of self-organization to run. Therefore, from theoretical research and social practice, we can see that the means to study on modern technology system with self-organization theory is already on its way. To study the system with self-organization theory will enable the revealing and holding of the internal law for the system to operate in an effective manner. And only in this, we could make up the defects of original superficial study of theory. We can achieve the expansion and in-depth study of modern technology system through abstracting the essence of self-organization theory and methodology.Even though it is recognized that the related factors of modern technological advances and the process are all-round and complex with a self-organization feature; Innovation is the source of economic growth and an important factor in economic structure change; there is mutual influence, interdependent, collaborative development between innovation and structure changes; however, some problems also exist. Generally, the study still not breaks away from the shackle of the traditional framework. Faced with this very complex evolution system, in specific study, people always used to separate the question from the process of inherent relation by Newton’s Space and Time to establish mathematical models under too many unrealistic assumptions of neo-classical for analyzing the problem of the mechanism and process, which results to unable to explain the complex actual situation.In the use of self-organization theory and methods to study, it is not go so far in formal and quantitative aspects, and most of models do not have specific form which can only be a simplified attempt, and can not be used in practice; some studies are discussions at the level of discourse; some are replicas of physics equations which lack of explanatory power for the economic phenomenon; some researches include inherent self-organization thought, but it is not transferred into the language of self-organization and models. On the content system, there is not any systematic research and theory, which appears scattered research result and be far from to complete the complexity cognition. For example, the study of the components, structures and the study of system evolutions of a variety of different levels of the System are incomplete; there are some discussions on self-organization system phenomena and characteristics of self-organization system of modern technology, thus, the cognition to innovation systems, the conditions of self-organization, mechanisms and processes in the System are not complete.The lack of studies on self-organization of the System is a big defect in this field. Industry is a subsystem in the mid-level of self-organization system of modern technology, and it plays an important role in economic growth caused by technological advancement, however, the studies on self-organization characters, chaos (irregular cycle activities) and the studies on new technology and coordination mechanism on the process of evolution of the System are not enough; there is not a satisfactory answer for the innovation how to become a factor of economic growth through the evolution of the System structure. A "complete" theory of economic growth should include the source and process of innovation, and a comprehensive explanation on the innovation how to cause the evolution of self-organization system of modern technology, structural change and economic growth.In this paper, on the basis of studying the existed problems in the traditional technology, it uses the self-organization theory to the systematic study of modern technology to further discuss on structure of the System, operation mechanism, functions and establishment methods. This paper uses the systematic study, dissipative structure study and collaborative study. The subject is originality. The research method also is an innovative which carries out innovative research on the self-organization and chaotic property of subsystem in middle level of the System during its evolution process, the coordination mechanism of technical innovation and evolution of the System and in what manner the innovation transfers to economic growth through the structure of the System. In the meantime, it has found out the problems existed in the System of enterprises and brought forward corresponding solutions.This article simply describes the constitutes of the System in an enterprise, focusing the evaluation methods on both theoretical and empirical study for the capacity of the System, using fuzzy evaluation model to evaluate its effectiveness, to identify the problems existed in the System of enterprises and bring forward corresponding solutions.The main conclusions are summarized as follows:1. In recent years, technical progress of our country has made great achievements, and the self-organization system of modern technology begin to take shape.2. There are still a lot of imperfections in Enterprise’s self-organization system of modern technology.(1)R & D institution of enterprises is inadequate, weak. The scientific research has not goon with the market-oriented and ignores the economy.(2)Imperfect property rights system, lack of human resources and advanced technological personnel.(3)Investment for the technological progress is not enough.(4)The enterprises lack of innovation culture and innovation incentives.3.China’s enterprises should be from the following areas to further improve their own self-organization system of modern technology.(1)Enterprises should enhance the construction of technology center; The R&D should take the market as center.(2)Enterprises should take the system of property rights as center to build the system, and strengthen the building of technological progress, improve the quality of technological civilization of the staff.(3)Enterprise is necessary to complete the funds of the safeguard mechanism in technological progress.(4)Enterprises should enhance their innovation culture construction and further improve the incentive mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期