

A Study on Economic Development Model of East Asia in the Perspective of Late-developing

【作者】 郭天威

【导师】 田中景;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 出于对东亚经济高速发展和经济明显起落原因的考察,本文对后发理论的历史与内容进行了系统的回顾与整合,构建了一套用于分析东亚经济发展模式的理论分析框架模型。然后运用这一框架模型详尽的分析了东亚经济发展的具体历史实践,从而得出结论,东亚经济能够实现高速增长主要是由于其进行了后发目标明确的多种短期制度安排,有效的发挥了后发优势,克服后发劣势,形成了后发态势的良性互动。同时,本文又指出,正是由于东亚经济体为了实现高速追赶而进行的各种短期制度选择,才导致了后发劣势在某些层面形成系统性积累与爆发,从而带来东亚经济的明显起落。本文采用理论推演和历史研究相结合的方法,将后发理论应用于对东亚经济发展模式的研究。本文创造性的提出了“后发劣势系统性积累与爆发”的思路,而且对后发特性的非同步性和多层次性进行了首次具体阐述,在一定程度上深化和拓展了后发理论的研究。

【Abstract】 The economy of main economies in East Asia declines rapidly under the influence of global economic crisis, which is reminiscent of several obviously fluctuations during fast developing period of the economies in East Asia in the last centaury. Therefore, the reasons of the fluctuation and high speed of economic development of the economies in East Asia become a hot issue to discuss. From the perspective of economic theory, for a long time to study the East Asian model of economic development-related work carried out on these issues a great deal of depth, but has not come to more or less the same conclusion. From the practice of economic development, East Asian economies act as a link between the developed economies and developing economies and play an important role in global economy, and together with developed economies constitute a major driving force in the world economy. Therefore, from an economic theory to choose an appropriate perspective, and to build a unified analytical framework for the East Asian economies, combined with the specific practice of East Asian economies to study the course of economic development in East Asia starting with the ups and downs, summed up the East Asian economies in the process of experiences and lessons, to clarify the various doubts which is studying the problems of world economic development in one of the core issues. At the same time, summed up the process of economic development of East Asia, the success or failure, to the least developed countries and regions from the backward state of the future, achieve economic take-off to provide important practical guidance.The first chapter is introduction. In the beginning, the reasons for the fluctuation of East Asian economies are made clear, and then briefly discussed the issue of theoretical and practical significance, and later at home and abroad on issues related to research carried out a detailed collation and analysis. The last part of this chapter also described the research methodology of this dissertation, the innovation and the need to further research.Chapter II is the review of the theory and relevant literature. After the beginning of this paragraph on the advantages and disadvantages of the related after the emergence of the theory, development, evolution carried out a detailed review, and recalled after a brief assessment is given. After that, further to this paragraph from a specific technology, structure, system, etc. were studied at different levels with the advantage of the role of inferior posterior means and mechanism of action. In the last part of this chapter, but also demonstrated the specific advantages, disadvantages after multiple abstract characteristics; of the advantage, disadvantage after all play a role in specific conditions. In general, this period followed by the theory of general and grooming for the next section of the main theoretical framework, as well as pave the way model.Chapter III is the analysis structure and theoretical analysis of some model. First of all, this part of the institutional arrangements makes short-term and long-term institutional arrangements for the concept and connotation of these two concepts, as well as after the two with the relationship situation in detail. This chapter will be the course of economic development of East Asia, there have been a variety of levels, the various manifestations of the different systems to choose, in accordance with the institutional arrangements for short-term and long-term institutional arrangements for the classification of the logical framework, and noted that such a fundamental basis for classification is whether clear "the purpose of after." Then, this chapter further noted that speaking from the theoretical analysis, the course of economic development in East Asia’s great achievements in the major East Asian economies as a result of in accordance with their specific history, current conditions, the development of a number of effective short-term institutional arrangements, which played a fast Advantages, Disadvantages overcome to realize the advantage and disadvantage after positive interaction. But at the same time in this chapter also pointed out that East Asian economies to catch up after the course of many problems arising from the nature point of view, almost all short-term institutional arrangements between institutional arrangements and long-term outcome of contradictions and conflicts is a result of short-term institutional arrangements Disadvantages long-term accumulation, the result of the outbreak. Based on the above ideas, the theoretical analysis of this chapter model is introduced. This chapter discuss in the perspective of the evolution of Economy, Trade and Industry, and in accordance with the advantage and disadvantage after the detailed characteristics and features of the construction of a set of advantages, disadvantages, as well as after the advantage, disadvantage after curve model of interaction, through the model of Analysis shows into short-, medium-and long-term advantages, the role of a disadvantage after the law, so as to prepare the next chapter, a specific study sufficient conditions for a model-based analysis. This part of the discussion put forward the important concepts in this article: "followed by the systemic accumulation of inferior with the outbreak." This part of the study show that the study only a few East Asian economies to play the advantage, after overcoming the disadvantages and realize the advantage and disadvantage after positive interaction; while avoiding systemic disadvantage after accumulation in East Asia after economies can be made to achieve stable growth.Chapter IV is the core of this dissertation. In general, this chapter in the East Asian economies, Economy, Trade and Industry in time for latitude on the evolution of the warp to the two institutional arrangements, as well as after the relationship between the internal logic of the situation for the latitude, weaving a network of crises-crossing analysis, and then use this a network of East Asian economies to catch up after high-speed process, carried out a detailed analysis, at the same time, economic development in East Asia occurred in the course of the major economic crisis and the economic ups and downs of detail.Combination of this chapter after the East Asian economies to catch up after a specific course, and after the previous chapter to build the framework for theoretical analysis as well as the model, a detailed analysis of the representative of Japan in East Asia economies to catch up after at all stages of the industrial structure, industry the evolution of the characteristics associated with these processes, as well as conducted a variety of short-term institute ional arrangements. Demonstrated in detail the institutional arrangements of these short-term is how to achieve the specific advantage of the post after the play and to overcome the disadvantage, the situation after the formation of a positive interaction, how brought about a disadvantage after the outbreak of accumulation and the systemic. This chapter at the same time, institutional arrangements in the short term and long-term institutional arrangements made after the clashes against the background of theoretical analysis, a detailed study of the Japanese bubble economy in crisis, as well as the formation of the Asian financial crisis, the development of mechanisms, a detailed analysis of the posterior inferior economies after the outbreak of systemic accumulation of situation, which is given after the crisis in perspective to explain. The last part of this chapter, made from the perspective of the theory, combined with institutional arrangements for short-term and long-term institutional arrangements of the logical framework, a brief analysis of the American sub-loan crisis of the global economic crisis, the Asian economies were the main reason for the impact.Chapter V discusses China’s late-developing advantage and late-developing disadvantage in the perspective of technology, institution, and structure in detail. Then suggestions based on China’s specialty are made.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期