

Research on the Ideal and Mechanism of Interest-sharing

【作者】 何影

【导师】 张贤明;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国社会各阶层未能公平地享有改革发展成果,从而阻碍了社会的和谐。实现利益共享成为了构建和谐社会的重要任务。本文以社会主义和谐社会的价值体系为指导,综合了马克思主义政治学、哲学、社会学多种学科的理论,运用了制度分析、利益分析的研究方法,从理论和实践两个层面阐释构建和谐社会中利益共享的价值理念与实现机制问题。全文立足于和谐社会背景下民主政治制度的建设,以利益共享的理念和机制为主线,以社会成员共享社会共同利益为目标,构建利益共享的理念与机制的理论框架,并依此框架从实践层面分析阻碍我国社会各阶层实现利益共享的原因,探索培育利益共享的理念和完善利益共享的机制的具体策略。本文认为,利益共享与和谐社会具有内在的统一性,利益共享是构建和谐社会的必然要求,为了解决现实生活中利益主体对社会共同利益享有不公平的问题,需要利益共享的理念与机制的协同作用来保障广大人民群众的平等权利和应得利益,因此,培育利益共享的理念与完善利益共享的机制是构建和谐社会的有效路径。

【Abstract】 Along with the reform and opening up, the change of the economic structure makes the change of social interest structure. The“two classes and one order”structure has changed into a lot of orders, that is to say, pluralistic interest bodies have been come into being. The unbalance becomes when the pluralistic interest bodies share the costs and fruits, and once this unbalance is beyond the reasonable ambit, it accelerates the conflict between different pluralistic interests bodies. The best way to resolve the conflict is to make all people shares the fruits of reform.Therefore, we can see the study on the idea and mechanism of interest-sharing is very need.Interest-sharing means that interest bodies share the interest on the base of reciprocality and the reasonable difference between the interest bodies, which is the product of the economic development and the advantage of society and which is also a way to adjust interest relationship and balance the interest structure. The interest-sharing and the harmonious society are uniform in immanence. Actually, the interest-sharing lets the people share the social common interest fairly, and the harmonious society also let the members share the interest equally at the basis of producing the abundance products. If we want to construct the harmonious society, we not only need the value of interest-sharing, but also need the mechanism of interest-sharing. The former is question of value to achieve the interest-sharing, and the latter is the question of manipulability. Both are all very important and needed each other. If either lacks, we cannot achieve harmonious society favorably. The idea and mechanism of interest-sharing provide a basis of thought and endurance of institution to share social common interest for pluralistic interest bodies. Only when the idea and mechanism of interest-sharing work together can the interest-sharing be ensured and advanced most.If we study the idea and mechanism of interest-sharing, it is essential for us to interpret the components of interest-sharing from theory. As we know, the idea of interest-sharing has forned with building the harmonious society, and it serves for building the harmonious society, so the value idea of interest-sharing should be consistent with the value system of harmonious society. The goal of harmonious society is to achieve the essential interest of majority people and the justice. So the value idea of interest-sharing should be humanism oriented. Humanism means that we should respect people, love people, do everything for the people’s reasonable needs. The justice is also the value idea of interest-sharing. The justice means that the institution arrangement is indiscrimination and can improve the lives of a disadvantaged minority. Compromise should be the value idea of interest-sharing. The compromise means that the every interest agents can achieve consensus on the basis of pardon, mutual benefit and free will. Humanism, justice and compromise are the core value idea of interest-sharing. If we are instructed by these value ideas, then the interest agent can resolve their conflict peacefully, and they can achieve double-win. The value idea of interest-sharing needs some mechanism to come true. We argue that the Mechanism of interest expression, mechanisms of interest integration, mechanism of fair distribution, mechanism of interest compensation are the main mechanism to achieve the value idea of interest-sharing. The mechanism of interest expression is the main guarantee of interest-sharing. Every interest agent can express their reasonable interest from the way of interest expression. The mechanisms of interest expression directly or indirectly help the agent participate in the decision-making, and make the decision-making more representational. The mechanisms of interest integration make the plural interest to be integrated, then to make interest-sharing come true. The mechanism of interest distribution means that mechanism of government’s distribution of system or policy. It not only can rectify and remedy limitation of market, but also can guarantee the essential interest of disadvantage majority. The mechanism of interest compensation is a system to remedy the unfair distribution in the first distribution by market, its goal is to reduce difference between interest agent, and achieve the social justice. The theory frame of value idea and the mechanism of interest-sharing that we have argued above provides bases for study interest-sharing in China.In these days, the trouble that is in the process of achieving interest-sharing in China is the fetter of idea and the handicap of mechanism. The fetter of idea incarnates two aspects. One is that somebody equates the“interest-sharing”with“egalitarian”, the other is that somebody believes that the interest-sharing maybe baffles the development of economy. The trouble in mechanism of interest-sharing incarnates thereinafter: Firstly, the mechanism of interest expression provided by government is not smooth; secondly, the function of interest integration by the government and Communist Party is not brought into play enough; thirdly, the function of interest distributions is not brought into play enough; fourthly, the mechanism of interest compensations is absent. The main reason for the low equilibrium of right is the distemperedness of mechanism of interest-sharing. And the essential of unbalance of social interest is the low equilibrium of right.Based on the analysis about the trouble of interest-sharing above, we can explore the way to achieve interest-sharing from two aspects. One is to cultivate the idea of interest-sharing, and the other is to consummate the mechanism of interest-sharing. On the one hand, if the whole society member can fairly share the society development fruits, they must cultivate the value idea of interest-sharing, and get rid of the geist cognizance. So we should do these points: firstly, look on rightly the function of economic development on the interest-sharing; secondly, build up the value idea that protects people’s essential interest; thirdly, respect multidimensional value and the interest need that comes from the multidimensional value; fourthly, cultivate whole social members to build up the idea of all-win in cooperation. On the second hand, we should consummate the mechanism of interest-sharing. To consummate the mechanism of interest-sharing, we should intensify the socialist democratic system building; guarantee the democratic right of interest agents to bring into play effectively. That is to say, we should accelerate the interest-sharing by political system innovation; dredge the way of interest expression by consummating the party system, the National People’s Congress (NPC) system, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)system, multi-political party cooperation system, and administration system; Strengthen the function of interest integration; consummate the mechanism of interest distribution and innovate the mechanisms of interest compensation.In this paper, we build the frame to achieve the idea and mechanism at the basis of ancient study works from the perspective of the democratic building of harmonious society and at the mail clue of interest-sharing. We explore the way to guarantee the social member fairly and to share the social common interest from the point of idea and mechanism. The study on interest-sharing has broken the scope that is in economy field and enlarged the study perspective for interest-sharing. Furthermore, the approach to achieving the interest-sharing by idea and mechanism supplements the content that only concerns the interest harmony mechanism. The ideas and mechanism of interest-sharing possess praxis guidance meaning to build the socialism harmonious society: firstly, the explanations and practical analysis to the ideas of interest-sharing can help rectify the social members’wrong cognition about the fruit sharing in building harmonious society, and then cultivate the logos of social members about the development fruits sharing and the healthy mentality. This provides a good thought atmosphere for the design and operation of interest-sharing mechanism. Secondly, the idea and mechanism of interest-sharing express the solicitude protection to the lower class so cultivating the idea of interest-sharing and consummating the mechanism of interest-sharing have a special meaning to guarantee the disadvantage majority. Thirdly, in allusion to the praxis trouble of interest-sharing, the reifier strategy that quests interest-sharing by political system innovation can be helpful to the operation in practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期