

Transcendence in the Reality-On the Sublime

【作者】 李慧青

【导师】 高文新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 崇高作为一个重要的范畴,最早是由古罗马修辞学家朗吉弩斯明确提出并加以论述的。其著作《论崇高》在沉寂了一千多年后,由法国新古典主义大师布瓦罗以美学著作发现并翻译,进而影响到欧洲各国。直至现代,崇高范畴一直备受西方学者所重视。同样,在中国古代神话和哲学中也存在对崇高思想的关注。尽管中西方思维方式存在很大的差异性,对崇高概念和思想的解读有诸多的不同。但人类追求崇高的最本质的原因却是相同的,人类对崇高的追求就是对自己的超越本质的追求,就是对包含着真、善、美的自由本性的追求。只是在马克思之前,西方把人对崇高的追求和实现几乎都放置在与人的现实生活无关的彼岸世界,这样,人在追求自己的超越性本质时,却使自己疏离于生活世界之外而变成了理性和上帝的玩偶。中国在追求混沌的“天地境界”的崇高时,却并未真实的理解什么是人、什么是物。崇高从来不是在“我”之外去寻找一个他者,它就是“我”的真实的生活世界。崇高也不应是主体和客体混沌未分的“天人合一”,它应是建立在主客二分基础上的更高层次的“天人合一”。这种对崇高的理解才是吸收了中西文化的精华。马克思在实践的理论基础上,指出人的自由和解放的共产主义是人的崇高追求的真实实现。这个解放,是在现实生活中的解放,是人的现实的超越性。

【Abstract】 Although the sublime as an important area of ancient Rome by the rhetorician Longinus clearly put forward the first time in years, and in a few years later the United States and Western scholars has been an important aesthetic category, compared with the beautiful and the existence and At contemporary aesthetic has gone beyond the easy access to the confrontation between the people of the area exist, but, as Hegel said: "this life, secularism, science and art, all to satisfy our spiritual life, so that the spirit of value, there is a glorious thing , we know of ancient Greece are all directly or indirectly from the mass. "The ancient Greeks created the myth, epic, tragedy, etc. have been included in the first of the sublime human understanding and questioning. Of course, "sublime" concept in Chinese culture as the West did not highlight, but "great beauty", "magnificent", "forceful" has always been China’s traditional scope of intelligence, these areas with the highest areas of the West has a great similarity, and ancient Chinese mythology also another way to inform people sublime "presence." Western culture as the source of another branch of the Hebrew civilization, is a transcendent shows a sublime way. Looking back on the initial exploration of human culture, let us found that the sublime is never empty Some Mo groan, but human life itself in order to confer meaning and value of an integral approach, which start on one culture in the human gene in the implicit sexual presence.In Western history, the first or the use of "sublime" concept is not Longinus. According to Bosanquet, the "sublime" of the Greek original intention was to "high", when Greece and Rome are popular terms one. Polish scholars also said that "the sublime concept of the formation at the ancient study of rhetoric," as a style "are also known as powerful (grandis) and solemn (gravis)", with " beautiful "compared to" are eloquent style of the highest among the three surgery Ya A, and beautiful and so are considered a minimum. "In ancient Greece, even for the Wise School hostile rhetoric of the Parkinson Latour, has repeatedly used the concept, he said that "the soul must fall in order to manage a bad way, the sublime soul must command a good way." and that "we are in order to study the arithmetic of the soul go ... ... arithmetic has a very great sublime role, it compels the soul to use to carry out a number of abstract reasoning. "In fact, Longinus also did not say that he was one of the first put forward the "sublime person". According to the text at Longinus before Kai Xue Li Adams has written an article entitled "On the Sublime," the article. But Longinus that he listed are examples only, to no avail, and for "what is sublime" and "how to achieve the lofty" This two arguments put forward by the sublime must answer the questions but does not have an explicit, so Longinus to "organize the "own" about high notes, "to answer these key questions. In this sense it can be said that Longinus the Roman period are the most consciously put forward and discussed, "sublime" people of the problem, this article is also based on this point, put Longinus as the first western "sublime" and detailed questions to be discussed in person.Longinus’s "On the Sublime" is a rhetorical study book, "On the Sublime" once buried a long time the world until the Renaissance was published by the Italian people, the seventeenth century French neo-classical Master Boileau put it into French only attracted considerable attention by the people attach great importance, "has become a neo-classical the Bible." But the author was the neo-classical Another representative of the founder of British literary criticism Dryden called "the greatest since Aristotle Greek critic."In the "Concise Dictionary of Social Sciences", the exposition about the sublime concept of the following: the sublime, that is, "sublime" means forceful of the United States, up to the size or the great spiritual grandeur, it is soul-stirring, was unstoppable, thereby heart fascinated. Sublime realistic practice of the main targets of the overwhelming, overwhelming really good feature of their appearance; but its essence lies in the practice of depressed subjects was inspired by the essence of infinite power, turn to conquer and master the object that is transformed into the main body of the good practice of overriding Object true. In this way, the fear turned into joy, surprise praise into exciting, low self-esteem into transcendence pain into pleasure, so that the main unification fight at the grim conflict process, to obtain an advance, excited, contradictory aesthetic pleasure. It is the object of infinite overwhelming appearance of the main for its intuitive, but its essence is that the main body of folding under pressure to fully evoke the essence of people power, to conquer or tend to turn the object of conquest. That this, the sublime nature of the people are rational, moral and spiritual dignity of the emotional and self-transcendence and win, people are showing the nature of freedom, the idea is absolutely unlimited obvious, people are at practice on the nature of forces at the object of conclusive evidence. It is in this corroboration, the people realize their own "free will" to reach a kind of spiritual transcendence.Aesthetics at the East-West comparative study, we found that the East and the West because of the fundamental experience of art is different from classical performance for the east-west fundamental difference between the lofty aesthetics. This basic one bad one short, from the beginning of Plato, Western philosophy and Western aesthetics might metaphysics are at the basis of representation was put forward, thus to imitate said the core of their art theory, whether it is external natural, inherent mimic natural or supernatural, are preset and the situation is the sub-ontology. Relative to this, Chinese philosophy and aesthetics with the Chinese Road of metaphysics and are a hair, Hop Road and opinion on the Road has germination in Yizhuan and The Book of Rites, by the end of the Tang Dynasty Sikong Tu open "as outside as "the artistic conception of the aesthetic construct, with the bulk situation is not isolated in nature but there is a row of them, that is," pistachio "," forceful. "Philosophy to the people’s self-understanding and never waver from the center of people’s self-understanding is for the people to their own understanding of objects, or people to reflect on the self-consciousness, which is targeted to their own people they are in world, in among the crowd of me, so the philosophy of self-understanding of people is bound to contain at the relationship between man and nature, people and social relations of people’s own understanding of, and person-to-person and nature, society and people understanding the relationship between the ultimate goal is for people themselves to the true and profound understanding. That is to say, the philosophy of rational understanding of the world body to ask, is the hidden lives of people their own dreams and aspirations of destiny. Why do people go to the pursuit of the lofty, sublime implementation, which can only recognize their own people to find the answers. When people look for are a "god" when, we have to ask, why people want to find God. God’s secret in fact, as people look for God’s own secret.When Longinus sigh: "days of living, not want to do our humble downstream of the animals; it brought us to life, to the universe LUO Vientiane years, seemed to go take part in our event cited, it is necessary to make our good fortune all things a tourist destination, the pursuit of honor to do the race, so it will start one at our hearts and minds of a Medium-sik irresistible enthusiasm - all great, more sacred than our desire for things. so, for human the observation of the scope and reach of thought, the whole universe is also not enough broad, often thought of us more than the surrounding boundaries. "This is the praise of sublime minds, is it not human nature freely eulogize? When Addison to a short essay Chatteris sublime things, especially the sublime nature, can inspire us to maximize the imagination, so that our imagination is free to gallop in order to get the most pleasure; boqueron consider the suffering of danger to the "individual self-preservation "and the final defeat of the people, from the pain into pleasure when people do not have the man show at a relieved beyond and freedom? If the 17-18 century, the so-called sublime, mostly refers to external things, such as the infinite universe and so on, and its people the freedom to highlight the nature of pending excavation, then Kant would be directly joined the sublime people of their own. "Are the kind of high even if only in thinking that the heart has a scale beyond the capacity of any sensory thing." "Not sublime in any natural objects, but only included in our heart, if we are aware that we can on our hearts natural, and therefore also outside of our natural (as long as it affects us), then a dominant position. "sublime vitality block and are followed by the release of the vitality of the moment, people in this way was really beyond the free . Heidegger’s "to the Death", Lyotard’s "performance of non-performance" and more people are directly at the existence of dimensions beyond the person on to explore the nature and freedom. Therefore, mankind’s "sublime" pursuit of human freedom are the true embodiment of nature, the sublime nature of that is, free.Represents the sublime presence of a limited nature beyond, so go show the world, including the existence of the people side of the infinite possible, but this is not to say that the limited digestion at here, and we said at the beginning of the sublime, that is, own limited left to explore limitless, first of all, the presence of who feel that the condensation of thought and poetry of the presence of specific non-limited. People can not transcend time and space in addition to the performance of that default perfect rational aspect, but at the same time sublime in him, but also the deconstruction of time and space, informality, limited to specific objects, that is, at this kind of tension into the lofty Medium The light and spacious, which means that despite the lofty transcendence are limited, but not limited negative.Pursuit of "high" is the destiny of mankind, are simultaneously characterize the timeless philosophy of "sublime" subject. In the "dependent person" status of the natural economy, the "sublime" was first focused on the alienation of the religious field of "God." "God" has become a sublime embodiment of all things is the world’s supreme "authority", it is the perfect Good exist, but also has the highest power of unlimited, are human behavior standards, criteria and basis. This "God of the metaphysical" in the search for one of the most "sublime" and "the other side of the world" in an attempt to deny and transcend "this side of the world," This has resulted in polarization mode of thinking, always attempting to find an absolute, determined inalienable, recognize the ultimate nature of truth. "Sublime" and "perfect world" has become the trend of human and objectives at the trend and reality of tension, the person’s inner emerged beyond the "lofty sexual impulses," "sublime," turned into a commitment to human vision.However, in the "God of the metaphysical" stage, people rely on God to extend his own transcendent ideal when, while their own lost in the infinite authority of God, while the loss of their own. Modern Philosophy, "the main metaphysical"Put "God of the metaphysical" sacred image of "God" into people’s "main" force. "God" into this "rational" people consider the external objective world, or ask when the objectivity of thinking is no longer pinned to the outside world, but inspection of the rational capacity of human beings. Put their own destiny of mankind back to their own hands, seems to recognize how their own on the outside world recognize the number, if one can be completely freed itself from the shackles of the external, which give the human pursuit of "sublime" to explore a new path. However, this "rational arrogance," but people do not fall into a new freedom. Human beings "sublime" by digestion, and alienation as well as people with deformities dance. Modern Philosophy and digestion followed by the "ideal of arrogance," This is an endless road of digestion. On the other hand, has been found to NOT be regulated by human thought and behavior of the "sublime", the human back into the "existential anxiety" and is worried all day long.So far, really of human "sublime" pursuit to make a complete answer, and are the most complete exposition of the "sublime" idea, only Marxism. At Marx’s idea of the "sublime" pursuit, that is, people’s all-round development of their own pursuit of the realization of mankind’s sublime, that is, human beings from the superhuman, the sacred image of non-historical, non-sacred image to the overall development of their own people stage of digestion was the alienation of the people at the "sublime" self-alienation, to open a remodeling "high" road, which is the theory of human liberation.This article draws on domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the question of a deep understanding of the sublime, on the basis of Marxism-depth excavation of the sublime meaning of human minds, and Heidegger’s philosophy made a sublime understand it, this is the point of this article Innovate at. Of course, because of the limited knowledge on such a lofty aesthetic is not only is the scope of ethics for the understanding of the philosophy is still very difficult. Thesis in so much of the opinion still seems not enough sophisticated. Life experience coupled with its short for "with a motto" understanding is still not enough depth. Please criticism that experts and scholars.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期