

The Study of the Creative Mechanism of Mobile Business Value Net Based on Customer Value

【作者】 李海莉

【导师】 毕新华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文基于客户价值以及网格理论,对移动商务产业的价值创造机制进行了系统、深入的研究。在相关文献综述的基础上,结合我国国情,提出基于客户价值促生移动商务产业价值的思想,并借鉴网格理论的体系结构构建了移动商务的价值网格,在此基础上深入透彻的分析了我国移动商务产业的价值形成机理。将实证研究的结果结合产业价值形成机理,通过移动商务产业价值创造的最佳形式价值网,阐述基于客户价值的移动商务价值网的价值促生机制,以此有效地解释了实现移动商务产业价值创造的方式。本论文首先对产业理论基础进行了详细的研究,通过对目前移动商务领域研究成果以及我国移动商务发展历程的梳理,提出目前需要从产业研究的高度对移动商务进行研究的客观必要性。通过引入经济学及IT领域的先进理论思想,使得本文对移动商务产业价值创造的研究既具有理论高度又对指导我国移动商务产业发展具有十分重要的现实意义。在深入分析移动商务产业价值链以及价值网体系结构基础上,首次将客户价值及网格理论引入移动商务的研究,提出了基于客户价值构建移动商务价值网的全新的研究视角。拓宽了移动商务产业价值创造的分析内涵。并对移动商务客户价值进行了实证分析,明确了移动商务客户价值的内涵,清晰了各种类型的客户需求,以满足客户需求为基点构建了产业价值链。达到以客户价值促进、保障产业价值实现的目的。最后,根据本文的研究成果对我国移动商务产业的进一步发展提出了合理的对策建议,以期达到真正意义上的以理论研究指导现实实际,创造实际价值的目的。

【Abstract】 The ideal combination of mobile telecommunication and other technologies produced Mobile Commerce, a fusion of mobility and the internet, expanding the capabilities of the traditional wired internet and resulting in both greater efficiencies and expanded options at home and in the workplace. A new interconnected mobile ecosystem, integrating telecommunication and network technology, is rapidly developing globally, and stimulating a fresh wave of business innovation. Mobile Commerce symbolizes the start of a new era of commerce, radically changing the rules of business and competition. Mobile Commerce is developing fast in all kinds of formats throughout the world. The population of mobile users in China is more than 470 million. Cell phones, nowadays, are not only a device for making phone calls, but also an effective corporate management tool which provides ample scope for Mobile Commerce in the realm of business.However, a search of the literature reveals that mobile commerce is still a novel field of research. There are very few articles published domestically representing systematic research on this subject and the international literature had its beginnings as recently as the year 2000. Since 2003, more scholars have become interested in mobile commerce, and they have proceeded in many directions. But with the increasing speed of mobile commerce implementation, the rapid development of mobile telecommunication technology, and the expansion of business use of 3G networks globally, basic research examining business strategy, business models, application modes and customer behavior become more and more necessary. Also, because of the differences in research range, research perspective and research focus, many studies of mobile commerce are distributed in many detailed directions. No consensus has been arrived at by scholars who are researching different aspects of mobile commerce, and there is no systematic methodology because of different understandings of mobile commence.Starting from the preceding background and related theories, the author develops the subject to be discussed: a mobile commerce mechanism for value creation based on economics, information technology and mathematical theory, from an industrial perspective. It is a value-creating mechanism based on customer value. The research is presented in four parts: (1) An examination of the value chain of mobile commerce, clarifying its content and structure; (2) An analysis of the value-creating mechanism of the mobile commerce value chain; (3) An examination and analysis of customer needs and the creation of customer value in mobile commerce; and, (4) A presentation of a value-creating mechanism in mobile commerce based on data and theory of customer value.This study discusses the formation of mobile commerce, the relationship among entities in values nets, a value-creating mechanism based on customer value theory in modern economics, grid theory in telecommunication. There are eight chapters in this article.Chapter one provides an introduction to the subject. It develops the issue from both the aspects of theory and practice, elaborating the purpose and significance of this article, by illustrating the phenomenon that while academia, market research organizations and many merchants have realized the potential market space of mobile commerce, there hasn’t been a theoretical and practical study on how mobile markets created value, how a mobile commerce value chain is formed. A theoretical study of the mechanism of value creation in mobile commerce is fundamental to the scientific value of this article. Through a macro analysis of industrial structure and content, this article discovers that a customer- oriented industrial value chain makes it easier to realize value creation, and thus facilitates establishing an industrial value grid through an empirical examination of customer value.Chapter two provides a theoretical base for the research and a review of the literature. It introduces the fundamental theories related to this issue, such as grid theory and its application, industrial theory, value chains, value nets and value grids. It discusses the relevance of those theories to the subject of the article. It analyzes the current state of the research in this area and the research achievements to date, concluding with an examination of problems in current research. It engages in a deeper and more systematic analysis of the mobile commerce value grid, which includes fundamental customer value in value nets, value modules of value nets in the value grid, the core corporation selection issue in value nets and core corporation major value components. Based on the foregoing, this chapter proceeds to clarify how the value of mobile commerce is generated, in what way industrial entities are connected, how to create value efficiently and guide the development of mobile commerce.Chapter three presents fundamental research on the industrial structure of mobile commerce. First, the industrial view of mobile commerce is established to clarify the content and structure of mobile commerce, thus providing a theoretical basis for a deeper and more systematic analysis of mobile commerce. Through the theoretical analysis and a review of the existing literature, this chapter presents the history and current state of mobile commerce research. It suggests that in order to clarify the development pattern and characteristics, it’s necessary to do mobile commerce research from a correct industrial perspective according to mobile commerce development in China.Proceeding from this background, the chapter suggests applying an economic analytical framework to mobile commerce research. It includes industry formation and development: a history of the horizontal movement track of the industry (development history); industry organization: examining the conflict between the achievement of economies of scale for any single corporation inside the industry and competition between corporations; industry structure: studying the evolution of the industry structure and its effect on the economy. The chapter sets out a scientific and systematic research methodology for mobile commerce combining systems analysis and quantitative analysis based on real data.Chapter four presents research on value formation theory as it applies to the mobile commerce industry. Based on the references in chapter two and the fundamental research in chapter three, this chapter focuses mainly on how the value in the mobile commerce industry has emerged. This chapter analyzes the value chain in mobile commerce with reference to grid theory, and suggests building a related mobile commerce industrial value chain model based customer value creation. Based on game theory, it suggests, for the first time, that core corporation domination with an alliance-assisted industrial value chain is the best way to create industrial value. It provides a sound basis for the mobile commerce industrial value chain. Through game theory analysis, the author found that one side dominant and the other side game balance provides a better basis for market development. The core corporation, being the party with first mover advantage, can choose the dominant value chain. But in terms of profit distribution, they should carefully consider the sufficiency of the benefit for their allies. Domination by the core corporation, assisted by its alliances, is a trend in mobile commerce; it stimulates joint market development while sharing the profit.Chapter five analyzes customer value in mobile commerce. It proposes a definition and categorization of customers in mobile commerce. Based on the literature and actual business situations, it categorizes customers into four major types: corporation type, business type, benefit type and entertainment type. In this chapter, a survey questionnaire has been constructed, based on an assessment indication system.Following discussion with experts, and revising for various inadequacies, the final questionnaire is arrived at. It explores the four types of customers, constructs meticulous comment sets of all types from sample data, and calculates customer value of all the service-providing corporations. Finally, a concrete analysis is produced from the results. After clarifying value formation in mobile commerce and customer value, chapter six presents a mechanism for value creation based on customer value in mobile commerce. It includes the selection mechanism for the core corporation and the construction of core corporation dominant mobile commerce and the mechanism for value creation in mobile commerce. This chapter also demonstrates the benefit distribution mechanism through a dynamic alliance benefit distribution model. Chapter seven is about suggestions and strategies for developing this industry. Based on the research presented in this article, some suggestions and strategies are put forward. First, to realize profit maximization through the customer need positioning in the corporation value chain there should be a rational profit-distributing mechanism based on an individual core corporation dominant value chain. To realize customer value, there should be improvement from the perspective of band, service, marketing channel, etc. A competitive industrial value chain will be made by improving those aspects. Secondly, more strategies for realizing customer value creation are concluded in terms of market segmentation,, product development, customer need development, service innovation, and experiential marketing. Finally, the author suggests a government enforcement role in the market economy to assist the development of the industry. Huge industrial value and a healthy development path will be created by creating a larger scale, more applicable and more popular mobile commerce industry.Chapter eight presents the conclusion and outlook. It summarizes the results from the study into 6 innovations: (1) Researching mobile commerce from an industrial point of view; (2) Establishing a customer oriented mobile commerce industrial structure model; (3) Introducing grid theory into mobile commerce value chain research, creatively constructing a mobile commerce industrial value chain based on gird theory; (4) Proving by game theory that core corporation dominating, ally corporation assisting industrial value organization is the best way to create industrial value; (5) Abstracting a customer oriented mobile commerce grid model, understanding different customer types’perception of value, selecting core corporation by the principal of customer value maximization; (6) Through qualitative and quantitative combined research, finalizing a mobile commerce value model, concretely described mechanism for value creation based on customer value.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F274;F626;F724.6
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1926
  • 攻读期成果