

The Research on Stone-Chambered Tombs Sealed off with Earth Mounds in the Valley of the Deadong Riverand the Jeanyeong River during the 4th~7th Century

【作者】 赵俊杰

【导师】 魏存成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文的研究对象是4—7世纪朝鲜半岛西北部大同江、载宁江流域封土石室墓。文章按墓葬的分布将该地域分为四大区,将墓葬分为一封单穴与同封异穴两大类,根据墓葬形制、壁画内容与主题以及随葬器物的演变,结合已有研究成果,将其划分为三期五段,总结各个发展阶段墓葬的特征。通过对墓葬文化因素的分析,将封土石室墓墓主划分为汉系与高句丽系两大集团,并探讨了两大集团墓葬的演进与发展脉络。本文的研究结果表明,乐浪、带方二郡灭亡后,4—7世纪的大同江、载宁江流域社会经历了一个汉势力逐渐衰落,高句丽势力逐渐强盛,二者互相碰撞,融合,最终形成完全意义上的高句丽社会的过程。这一过程固然基于高句丽自身势力的强盛,而高句丽不断吸收中原先进的政治制度与文化艺术并迅速完成本地化才是根本原因所在。

【Abstract】 The establishment of the Four Counties and the Daifang County in Han Dynasty had a significant effect on the spread of the Han Culture from central area of ancient China, and on the integration of the Han and other nationalities in the valley of the Deadong River and the Jeanyeong River (hereinafter to be referred as the valley), in the northwest Korea. Even by then, the Lelang County and the Daifang County became the hinge of communications among the Han Dynasty and regimes of other nationalities in northeast Asia. After those two counties mentioned above had gone at the beginning of the 4th century, an important revolution happened to the society and history of this area. In this paper, stone-chambered tombs sealed off with earth mounds (hereinafter to be referred as tombs) of the valley during the 4th~7th century are taken as research subjects; the chronicle of tombs is founded basing on full collections and introductions about material; characteristics and differences of each phase are induced; the historical background of each phase’s formation is analyzed and the social history of the northwest area of Korea during the 4th~7th century is being tried to reconstruct. This paper consists of five chapers:Chapter 1 is the exordium, giving the definition of the extension about the space and the time of the research and the exnplaation about characteristics of the research subjects in this paper. Here, after former excavations and research results being reviewed, the present research situation is analyzed and the research purpose and method of this paper are expatiated.Chapter 2 refers to the introduction about the distribution of tombs. Tombs of the valley can be divided into two areas by the difference of geographical location and the density of tombs—the valley of the Deadong River and the Jeanyeong River. In detail, these two area would be divided into four regions: Suncheon City and Unsan county of South Pyeongan Province in the middle valley of the Deadong River (Region 1), the lower valley of Deadong River including Junsan County, Oncheon County, Deadong County, Pyeongwon County, Pyeongsong City of South Pyeongan Province、Pyongyang City and Nampo City (Region 2), Yeongtan County, Suan County of North Huanghea Province in the valley of the Huangju River, a branch of the Deadong River (Region 3), and North Huanghea Province Unpa County of North Huanghea Province and Uncheon County, Anak County of South Huanghea Province in the lower valley of the Jeanyeong River (Region 4). Here, structures, inner decorations and burial accessories of tombs in every region are introduced one by one, and the basic attribute of tombs and graveyards are concluded.Chapter 3 is about the discussion of typology, the chronology and the time of tombs. Taking previous results as references, tombs can be classified into two sorts—some with single sepulcher and sealed with one earth mound, others with different sepulchers but sharing the same earth mound. Further more, the former sort can be classified into three types by the number of chambers in sepulchers—some with several chambers, some with double and the rest with single, and the latter sort can be classified into two types also by the number of chambers in sepulchers—some with several and the rest with double. There are more detailed sub-types consequently. Unfortunately, the relic can not be analyzed in typology particularly because there are just a few grave goods left.The chronicle of the tombs in the valley of the Deadong River and the valley of the Jeanyeong River is classified into three phases, five stages, according to changes of the structure, mural and relic of tombs in this paper. Phase 1 refers to the period from the first half of 4th century to the early 5th century. The earlier stage of Phase 2 refers to the period from the early 5th century to the third quarter of the 5th century, and the later stage, from the third quarter of the 5th century to the first quarter of the 6th century. The earlier stage of Phase 3 refers to the period from the first quarter to the second one of the 6th century, and the later stage, from the second half of the 6th century to the first half of the 7th century. In Phase 1, brick-chambered tombs with traits from the Lelang were on the wane the valley of the Deadong River and the valley of the Jeanyeong River while another kind of tombs germinated gradually. There were not many tombs discovered, which were with single sepulcher and sealed with one earth mound. Some of them were with several chambers, some with two and the rest with only one. These tombs belonged to the Han nationality mainly, and the theme of mural was about characters and custom. Phase 2 is a period of the integration of various cultural factors. Sorts and numbers of tombs increased in this phase, and tombs with single sepulcher, one earth mound and several chambers disappeared in the earlier stage of Phase 2, so did tombs with single sepulcher, one earth mound and two chambers in the later stage of Phase 2. Tombs with single sepulcher, one earth mound and one chamber had become the standard type. The attribute of tombs had changed from the Han nationality to the Goguryeo nationality in majority. To the themes of mural, portraits of the four mythological creatures were added in, coexisting with those of characters and custom equally. There was also fresco with simple decoration design discovered. Most tombs were with single chamber, and the structure of tombs was unified in Phase 3. The integration of the Goguryeo culture and the Han culture finished generally. The mural with themes of characters and customs were disappeared gradually, and portraits of the four holy mythological creatures showed on walls in tombs mostly.Chapter 4 is about the discussion of social changes of the valley during the 4th~7th century. After the Lelang County and the Daifang County had gone at the beginning of the 4th century, migrates from these two counties formed a settlement in South Huanghea Province. New migrates of the Han nationality from northern China moved to there continually. The group of the Han nationality put up a correspondingly independent gesture and got their force comeback on once occasion when the Goguryeo Empire was sapped by attacks of the Former Yan State (one of the 16 States established by minorities). The force of the Han nationality here was weakened along with the Goguryeo Empire going southwardly over again in the second half of the 4th century. The Goguryeo Empire began to strengthen the domination on the northwest Korea which took Pyongyang as the centre after the 5th century. Taking Nampo City as the centre, another important settlement of Han nationality formed at that time. This settlement might still keep its quasi-sovereign status to develop steadily after the Goguryeo Empire moved its capital to another place.The influence of Buddhism from the central area of the ancient China had deepened in northwest area of Korea from the second half of the 5th century. Groups of the Han nationality and the Goguryeo nationality had the cognition on Buddhism in common. Taking this chance, the friction and conflict between cultures of this two nationalities got less, and the speed of integration got faster.The society of Goguryeo had established until the first half of the 6th century. The construction had finished entirely by a sense of the Goguryeo society in the valley.Chapter 5 is the epilogue. Here, the innovation and achievements of this paper are summed up, while the limitation and deficiency are pointed out, and the view of future research and tasks are expected.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期