

A Study of the Oracle Bone Collections in the Carnegie Museum

【作者】 周忠兵

【导师】 林澐; Katheryn M. Linduff;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 美国匹兹堡市的卡内基博物馆收藏的甲骨是著名的库方(库寿龄、方法敛)二氏所藏甲骨的一部分。本文即是对这批甲骨实物的系统整理与研究。我们主要从以下几方面来整理这批甲骨:一、对博物馆所藏的所有甲骨进行正、反、侧面的拍摄,因大片甲骨上的刻辞不易照清晰,对其还有局部放大拍摄。二、参照实物与拓片给这批甲骨作一份准确的摹本。三、尽量缀合甲骨残片,使之更完整。四、按字体分类来编排这批甲骨,在同一类字体下再按相同或相近的事类来编排。五、吸收古文字学界新的研究成果,作一份尽量准确的释文。六、编制卡内基博物馆所藏甲骨的著录情况表、伪片情况表、缀合情况表,以便学者检索相关资料。通过这种整理,可以知道这批甲骨的保存情况大体来说还是不错的,但也出现了一些新的残损。参照实物,可以看到以往学者对这批甲骨所做的摹本和释文都有不少错误的地方,这些我们在释文部分有详细的说明。另外我们还对以下三个相关问题进行了较为细致的研究:一、甲骨上的钻凿形态发展演变情况;二、甲骨中是否存在异代使用的现象;三、对早期甲骨进行辨伪时需要注意的问题。通过研究,对相关问题有新的认识并提出一些我们自己的观点。

【Abstract】 The oracle bone collections in the Carnegie Museum are part of the famous Couling-Chalfant collections. This paper is a system reorganization of these oracle bones, and some studies on several related questions.The paper is composed by five parts:the foreword, figures, elucidates texts, the related question research as well as the appendix.We reviewe research situation of these oracle bones in the foreword, and make some examples of the the research value in these oracle bones. Also introduced how we reorganize these oracle bones.The first part is the figures, divides into two parts: the pictures and the facsimiles. We class these oracle bones first according to there characters’typeface, then arrange them according to there close matter. We divide these oracle bones into ten kinds: 1st, Shi group; 2nd, Zi group; 3rd, Shi Binjian group; 4th, Shi Lijian group; 5th, Bin group; 6th, Li group; 7th, Chu group; 8th, Li wu group; 9th, He group; 10th,Wuming group. In addition has 11th, exercise engraves; 12th, false engraves; 13th, amulets and so on. Between these oracle bones basic arrange according to the below order: First, sacrificial offering; Second, war; Third, agriculture; Fourth, journey; Fifth, meteorology; Sixth, anxiety ; Seventh, others; Eighth, record. Such arrangement will be advantageous to possibly identical engravers, which will facilitate conducts the contrast research.The second part is elucidates texts. In this part, we include the following seven items generally to a piece of oracle bone inscription’ explanation: the publishment, the classification, decipher texts, the description of a oracle bone, the corresponding relationship of the inscriptions and the the drills, explanation of the decipher texts, the compare the kinds of rubbings. The pulishment explained that these oracle bones were published in which books; The classification means explain which type of these inscriptions on the oracle bone; The discrption of a oracle bone including the length and breadth,and so on.; Decipher texts is explanation the meaning of the inscriptions on the oracle bone; The corresponding relationships between inscriptions and drills are explaining which inscription on the face of the oracle bone according to which drill on the back of the oracle bone. Decipher texts refer to revise the mistake which made by some scholars, make example of the same inscriptions on the other oracle bones, or simple textual research and explanation of the oracle bone inscriptions’contents; The rubbings comparing mean compare the same oracle bone in different publishments, find the different between these kind of rubbings.The third part is related research on some questions . We mainly make some research on the following question:How do the drill’s shape evolve as well as if the evolution have any rule; Whether has the phenomenon that a piece of a oracle bone was used in the different date; Which we need pay attention to when we distinguish a early piece of oracle bone is a fake. Through the research, we reorganize the development sequence of the drills’shape on the oracle bones and summarize some rule of the development of the drills’shape. We think there have the phenomenon that a piece of oracle bone can be used in different dates, through analyzing several oracle bones which existence the inscriptions’date are different the date of the drills on the back. Through analyzing some fake inscriptions which collected in the museum, we find that the early time false engravers’s level to be very bad. And we summarize the characteristic of the engraver who engrave the fake inscriptions of the collections in the museum, we has found some other fake oracle bone inscriptions were engraved by the same engraver who engrave the fake oracle bone colletions in the museum.Finally is the appendix part. Including the following several kind of appendices: 1st, the number is used in the paper according to the number be used in the other books; 2nd, the rejoint of these oracle bones, including the rejoint of themselves, and the rejoint of rejoining with the other oracle bones; 3rd, some figures of the rejoint of the oracle bones.

【关键词】 卡内基甲骨整理研究
【Key words】 CarnegieOracle boneZhengliStudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期