

The Study on the System of Xingsheng in Jin Dynasty

【作者】 杨清华

【导师】 程妮娜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 金朝在其统治前期和后期两度设置行省,从而形成了金朝独特的行省制度。金熙宗天会十五年,金廷在基本已完成封建官制改革的情况下,设置中央尚书省的外派机构——行台尚书省,作为在中央和元帅府双重统辖下直接统治汉地行政的专门机构,至海陵天德二年金朝中央集权达到空前强化时,具有地方分治色彩的行台尚书省最终被废罢。金后期,出于处理地方重大军政事务的需要,行省再度被广泛设置,它继承了中国历史上魏晋北朝、隋唐时期所设置的委授行台类型,发展出临时政务性行省、临时军事性行省和军政合一性行省3种类型,前两者在临时处理地方重大军政事务方面发挥了重要作用,后者在金后期作为地方最高军政机构,对辖区内各地方机构实施军事与行政双重统辖,实际已经具有了地方行政建制的实态。同时,金后期行省在吸收前朝行台官制因素的基础上,融入了女真本民族的官制特点,形成了崭新的行省官制形态。金朝行省制度最终与金封建国家一同消亡,但它在统辖区域、设置类型和官制等方面,都对蒙元行省建置产生了直接而深远的影响,对元朝行省制度的最终形成具有重大的贡献,因而它是中国省制发展史上不可或缺的重要环节。

【Abstract】 There were many Xingsheng in Later Jin Dynasty, which shaped its’unique system of Xingsheng . Xingsheng in Jin Dynasty originated from Xingtai from Cao Wei Dynasty to Tang Dynasty, but which shaped its’unique characters about its’establishment, official system and functions. So, Xingsheng in Jin Dynasy is the most important aspect in the history of Sheng’s system, which had great effect on Xingsheng in Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty. This article is composed of seven parts.Part one: Introduction. First, this chapter introduces the reason of title selected and significance for theory and reality, regarding Xingsheng in Jin Dynasty as the key to researching the hidstory of Jin Dynasty in politics ,economy and military affairs .At the same time, the study on Xingsheng in Jin Dynasty is comparatively weak which make our research to it very significative. Second, this chapter defines the basal concepts, such as Xingtai was relative to Department of State Affairs, Xingtai from CaoWei Dynasty to North Dynasty was composed of SuijiaXingtai and WeishouXingtai , which was composed of three styles that had important effects on Xingsheng in Later Jin Dynasty. At last, the chapter introduces the general research to Xingtai and Xingsheng from CaoWei Dynasty to Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty, pointing out achievements and insufficiencies of the studies, and bring forward this article will have some supplement and new breakthrough.ChapterⅠ: The origin of Xingtai -- Xingtai from Cao Wei Dynasty to Tang Dynasty. This chapter reviews the origin of Xingtai from Cao Wei Dynasty to Northern Dynasties, pointing out SuijiaXingtai was the earliest style of Xingtai which accompanied by emperor and minister who controlled the state. Next, the chapter study the establishment situation of Xingtai form northern Wei Dynasty to North Zhou Dynasty, thinking that WeishouXingtai followed by SuijiaXingtai was the main style of Xingtai which was composed of temporary administrative affairs Xingtai, temporary military Xingtai and army-politics united Xingtai, being characteristics of great power, extensive area, and many styles. At the last, the chapter reviews the establishment situation and the official system and functions of Xingtai in Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, pointing out that its’official system was more perfect .ChapterⅡ: the establishment and change of Xingsheng in Jin Dynasty. First, This chapter studies the establishment situation and official system and functions of Xingtaishangshusheng in Jin earlier period, pointing out its’establishment and abolishment accompanied with the feudalism reform at that time, and it was a sort of big administrative area. Then , this chapter comprehensively reviews the Xingsheng’s establishment situation form Jin Zhangzong to Jin perishes, classifying them as temporary administrative affairs Xingsheng and temporary military Xingsheng and army-politics united Xingsheng, and generalizing the characteristics of them, pointing out these Xingsheng transformed from the local temporary organizations to the local resident organizations which were the highest military administration organizations.ChapterⅢ:The official system of Xingsheng in Later Jin Dynasty. First, this chapter concretely studies the status of the highest senior official of the organization of Xingsheng in Jin later Dynasty—Xingshengshi who was composed of minister of Department of State Affairs or officials who was conferred post of minister of Department of State Affairs, research its’administrative , military and diplomatic functions. Second, the chapter detailedly reviews the organization and officials of Xingsheng, pointing out Xingsheng’s organization was composed of administrative, military and supervising organizations which were formed of officials. At last, the chapter discusses the functions of Xingsheng from Jin Zhangzong to Jin perishes so that the change of them can clearly unfold, which transformed from the local temporary organizations to the local resident organizations which were the highest military administration organizations.ChapterⅣ: The relationship between Xingsheng in Jin later Dynasty and local organizations. The chapter concretely studies the relationship between Xingsheng in later Jin Dynasty and Xingyuanshuaifu, Xingliubu, Jingluesi and LuFuZhouXian. Xingyuanshuaifu was the branch of Military Command, which was controlled by the central government of Jin Dynasty and Xingsheng and its’establishment intensified Xingsheng’s military force. Xingliubu was the branch of Six Ministries which was merely controlled by the central government of Jin Dynasty and implemented the economical policy of it. Xingliubu wasn’t controlled by Xingsheng but its’establishment intensified the Xingsheng’s economy function. Jingluesi was the local organization in Jinxuanzong Dynasty, which composed of two types , one type was Jingluesi in Zhongdu and Hebei area which was characteristic of military, economical and administrative affaires, its’military and political affaires controlled by army-politics united Xingsheng; the other type was local military organization in Shandong and Hedong area which was characteristic of merely military affaires, its’ military affaires controlled by army-politics united Xingsheng. The status of Xingsheng was higher than LuFuZhouXian, among them, temporary administrative affairs Xingsheng and temporary military Xingsheng needed to collect munitions from LuFuZhouXian, and army-politics united Xingsheng govern LuFuZhouXian in the system of army-politics beside this, so it was actually the highest local military—political organization in Later Jin Dynasty.ChapterⅤ: The influence of the system of Xingsheng in Jin later Dynasty on Xingsheng in Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty. The chapter studies the direct influences of the districts , the types and the official system of Xingsheng in Jin later Dynasty on the establishment of Xingsheng in Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty. First, Xingsheng in Jin later Dynasty was established above Lu, Xingsheng in Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty adopted this principle. Of course, on the basis of JinXingsheng’s district , Mengyuan Xingsheng’s district had a change of enlargement or reduction. Second, the types and official system of JinXingsheng was adopted by Mengyuan Xingsheng. In conclusion, the system of JinXingsheng had an direct and profound effect on Mengyuan Xingsheng’s system.the last one: Final report. This chapter makes a summary of the chapters fromⅡtoⅥ, and makes a summary and an appraisal of this article’s studies. During the studies, the article researches particularly the insufficient and unclear study on the origin of Xingtai from cao Wei Dynasty to North Dynasty, Xingtaishangshusheng in earlier Jin Dynasty and JinXingsheng’s effect on Mengyuan Xingsheng. At the same time, the article tries to study some problem which lack of research, such as the types and functions and official system of Xingsheng in Jin later Dynasty, and relationship between Xingsheng in Jin later Dynasty and local organizations. During the studies, we can find the insufficient of historical materials is the obstacle to more profound study, so we hopes can collect and find more historical materials that we can make further research to these problem.

【关键词】 金朝行省制度研究
【Key words】 Jin Dynastythe system of Xingshengstudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期