

Modern Japanese Nationalism and the Formation and Development of Liang Qichao’s Theory of the Nationality

【作者】 王明伟

【导师】 李书源;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 众所周知,梁启超的国民国家思想是在其亡命日本后,以明治日本为媒介,接受近代西方思想而逐渐形成的。在学派林立的明治思想中,是否存在一个影响梁启超的主要思想?如果有,是何种思想?它又是如何影响梁启超的?本文尝试对梁启超国民国家思想的形成与发展作一考察,来回答这些问题,并做分析与评价。通过影响比较研究,作者认为,梁启超的国民国家思想主要是受了以陆羯南为代表的近代日本国民主义的影响。这不仅是因为二者在现实中,有着较长时间的密切交往,更主要的是二者的思想同样以伯伦知理的国家有机体学说、自由主义、国粹主义这三个基本理论作支撑,追求国家的权力与国民的自由这二个核心间的平衡。以1903年为分界线,梁启超在以《新民说》为代表的著述中,论锋的重心由公德转向私德,政治态度也由激进转向保守。同陆羯南一样,梁启超的这种转变并不是根本思想上的变化,而只是论锋上的变化。尽管历史选择了孙中山的民族国家思想,但以今天的后见之明来看,梁启超的国民国家思想似更为合理,更有益于近代以来中国多民族国家的发展。

【Abstract】 Liang Qichao accepted the western ideas of nationality With Japanese media when He fled to Japan , and therefore gradually formed his views on this topic. It was the transformation of Japan itself that determined the complex of his thinking and pluralistic ways. Was there the main one in so much thinking which affected Liang Qichao ? If, What Was it? And How It did? The study tried to answer the above questions with discussing Liang Qichao’s view of the nationality ,and gave its analysis and remarks.The important theme for the intellectuals was to establish the modern state at the impact of the western tide. However,there were two different and opposite ideas about this problem ,One was from Liang Qichao who insisted on establishing nation state by the means of nation ,The other was from Sun Zhongshan who persisted in establishing nation by the means of nation state。In Liang Qichao’view ,The nature of this problem was the dispute between political revolution and racism revolution。There were three representative researches on Liang Qichao’s nationality .The first one was Hao Chang and his book Liang Ch’i-ch’ao and Intellectual Transition in China,1890-1907.The second one was Huang Kewu and his book One renouncing choice:A study on Liang Ch’i-ch’ao thinkin.. The three one was Japanese Hazama Naoki and his article . Hao Chang viewed that the core of Liang Ch’i-ch’ao thinking was the“collectivity”, and Huang Kewu viewed that the core of Liang Ch’i-ch’ao thinking was the“individual”. In Hazama Naoki’s opinion, There was no contradiction between nation state and new nationality because the nation state was the eventual aim in spite of the individual’s view. That was to say, there were two axes in Liang Qichao’s thinking, One was the civil right, Another was the nation state. The author viewed that the two axes of Hazama Naoki seemed to be affected by Maruyama Masao’s research on Kuga Katsunan who was the outstanding journalist and nationalist in 1920’s. Maruyama Masao pointed out that Japan should develop in the correct equilibrium of individual freedom and national power in Kuga Katsunan’s opinion, That was to say, There were two axes of Kuga Katsunan’s thinking. However, The three fundamental theories of Hazama Naoki’s article ,nationalism liberalism and Meiji’s theory ,were respective corresponding to Azima Hyouji’s nation theory , Hukuzawa Yukiti’s theory and Japanese YangMing’s theory. It was widely accepted that there were serious opposition between Hukuzawa Yukiti’s liberalism theory and other kinds of conservatism. Therefore, The two axes of Hazama Naoki’s thinking was not as much convincing as Maruyama Masao’s theory in nature . We should not focus on individual theory but on the whole theories.Liang Qichao mainly accepted t Kuga Katsunan’thinking on the nationality in the author view. It was not only because of the closer relationship between Kuga Katsunan and Liang Qichao in reality but also of the common ideas on the nationality which included the three fundamental ideals and the balance between national power and civil right.Kuga Katsunan ,His first name was Minoru ,and second name was Katsunan. He established the magazine《Japan》,and advocated nationalism which was compatible with the theory of the magazine《Japanese》.He opposed the western ideas of the first section ,and had his nationalism which meant the national unification in internal and national independence in external from the second section. He changed his conservatism to the liberalism in the opposite of the militarism in Japan around the First Sino-Japanese.Kuga Katsunan opposed Hukuzawa Yukiti’s ideas and supported Liang Qi chao’s reformation .He actively rescued Liang Qichao after the failure of the reformation. He gave his advices on the reformation in the view of the nation’s construction.Liang Qichao adopt modern nationalism in the effect of Kuga Katsunan’ideas after He gave up Kang Youwei’s ideas . Liang QicChao’s new ideas included the two features: the first one was the equality between nation and nationality; the second one, He emphasized the importance of national education in the nation’s construction. Liang Qichao adopted his cooperation with SunZhong Shan and changed his liberalism to the conservatism after 1903.Liang Qichao did not change his ideas in nature , so it was with Kuga Katsunan, therefore, there did not exist the confrontation between his former ideas and latter one. Liang Qichao was not as much mature as Kuga Katsunan ,however, His nationalism had an important effect on modern China and Korea which reflected the nature of the modern Eastern Asian civilization .Although China did not choose Liang Qichao’s nationalism but SunZhong Shan’s nationalism , the latter one was more better than the former one in the long run .

【关键词】 梁启超陆羯南国民国家国粹
【Key words】 Liang QichaoKuga KatsunanNationalityNationNationalism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期