

The Establishment of Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism in Early Modern Japan

【作者】 王玉强

【导师】 陈景彦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以日本朱子学本身为研究中心,借此恢复日本朱子学在其确立过程中应有的主体地位。通过探究朱子学在日本中世的存在情况,探究近世初期日本朱子学者如何产生,探究日本朱子学面向日本社会的本土化策略,探究日本朱子学制度化存在方式如何确立,以及探究日本朱子学在其确立过程中所体现出的哲学自觉,可以看出,日本朱子学通过其承载者日本朱子学者主动和有意识地向近世日本社会相关层面进行辐射,在这些层面上建立起与日本朱子学意义和事实上的关联,这样日本朱子学在近世社会创造出不同程度上受其影响的社会空间、文化空间,甚至是制度空间,从而使得日本朱子学在近世日本得以确立。另外,日本朱子学在近世日本的确立过程,对于近世日本社会而言,由于日本朱子学者使得日本朱子学与近世日本相关层面建立关联,这样日本朱子学作为一种现世的伦理价值体系,成为近世日本社会思想动力材料,成为江户时代日本人把握世界、建构自我认同乃至进行社会实践的理论依据和工具。日本朱子学作为一种软性的思想力量开始对近世日本社会发展施加影响。

【Abstract】 As far as the establishment of Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism in early modern Japan is concerned,the process was consciously initiated by Edo Confucian just like the preacher.Accordingly,in a narrow sense the process means establishing the relevancy between Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism and its believers(mostly Edo Confucian);in a broader sense,the process means establishing the relevancy between Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism and the whole society in early modern Japan.In other words,in order to establish that relevancy,Edo Confucian consciously diffused and radiated Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism to the relevant reaches of society in early modern Japan.During the process of diffusing and radiating,Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism established the real and meaningful relevancy with many reaches of society in early modern Japan.The relevancy established by Edo Confucian changed the old doctrines structure of society in early modern Japan;therefore,many reaches of society in early modern Japan became defined or influenced by Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism to some extent.Due to the relevancy between Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism and the whole society in early modern Japan,Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism established the cultural space,social space,even institutional space influenced by it to some extent. Consequently,Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism was not only established in narrow academic sense,but also was established in the broader society.The dissertation explores the establishment of Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism in early modern Japan from the following chapters.ChapterⅠsummarize the previous studies and introduce the theory in the dissertation.The previous studies on Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism in early modern Japan always thought that the establishment of Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism in early modern Japan resulted from the changes of social circumstance in early modern Japan. However,although the changes of social circumstance in early modern Japan played important role for the establishment of Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism in early modern Japan,the changes of social circumstance didn’t mean the establishment of Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism in early modern Japan spontaneously.So the dissertation tries to resume Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism’s own role during the process of its establishment.ChapterⅡexplores Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism’ dependent existence in mediaeval Japan.Due to the Zen-Ju consistence structure,Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism in mediaeval Japan was continued by Zen scholar other than Confucian.In the Zen-Ju consistence structure,Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism was unilaterally defined and predominated by Zen scholar and hakaseka as nothing more than the knowledge.In this regard,Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism’ dependent existence mean neither initiating the process of establishing Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism in Japan nor developing the cultural and social space influenced by Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism.ChapterⅢfocuses on the emergence of individual Edo Confucian.As far as the emergence of Edo Confucian is concerned,it means that the Zen scholar’s converting into Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism.In late sengoku,Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism was established in individual’s thought such as Fujiwara Seika and Hayashi Razan or within narrow academic community.Since then Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism began to dominate these scholars’ thought.However,actually both political leaders and Zen scholar and hakaseka as the intelligentsia continued to keep away from Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism.In other words,many reaches of society in early modern Japan reviewed or responded to the emergence of Edo Confucian negatively.ChapterⅣdescribes Edo Confucian’s nativism strategy to respond the negative attitudes of society in early modern Japan held for the emergence of Edo Confucian. Edo Confucian consciously established Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism’s existence by making full use of Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism to define native doctrines such as Japan’s Buddhism and Shinto,which also changed the native doctrines structure,i.e. Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism became the part of doctrines structure.Due to Edo Confucian’s nativism strategy,Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism began to pay attention to the native circumstance.ChapterⅤexplores the relevancy between Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism and the political power.It was Hayashi Razan and his offspring who made Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism exist in the organized and institutional way.In virtue of political power,finally Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism’s individual and nongovernmental existence was transformed to the organized and institutional existence to some extent, which caused Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism diffuse and radiate to the relevant reaches of society.ChapterⅥconcentrates on the relevancy between Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism and Edo Confucian centered on Fujiwara Seika,Hayashi Razan and Yamazaki Ansai. The academic bias which Edo Confucian held was dissimilar with Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism to some extent,which also could reflect Edo Confucian’s philosophical consciousness.In other words,Edo Confucian not only quoted Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism,but also chose and adapted Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism.Edo Confucian responded to different Neo-Confucianism after Chu His individually on the base of "experiential spread",which reflected Edo Confucian’s philosophical consciousness and mean Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism’s establishment in philosophical dimension.However,in early modern Japan,due to Edo Confucian’s endeavor,the process of the establishment of Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism means the relevancy between Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism and many reaches of early modern Japan.On the one hand,the process changed the native doctrines structure which was dominated by Buddhism, ended previously slack and close predicament in the native doctrines structure,and made the new cultural space and ideologies’ emergence possible.On the other hand, Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism as the secular ethical ideology became thoughtful impetus in early modern Japan,and principle and implement when they realized the world, constructed self-identity and acted in the society.Chu Hsi Neo-Confucianism as the thought power influenced early modern Japan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期