

Empirical Study on the Regional Differences and Concentated Development of Modern Service Industry in China

【作者】 王波

【导师】 张屹山;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 数量经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文在吸收国内外研究成果基础上,对中国现代服务业的区域性差异和集聚发展进行了分析,并对中国现代服务业的发展提出政策建议。主要内容包括:(1)界定了现代服务业的内涵,并从五个方面对我国现代服务业发展现状做了分析。(2)利用李朝鲜(2007)建立的现代服务业评价指标体系,运用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,选择的评价模型对现阶段我国31个省、市、自治区的现代服务业发展做出综合评价。(3)利用产业集聚测度方法对中国现代服务业产业集聚指数进行测算,得出中国现代服务业及内部行业的集聚现状及发展趋势。(4)利用面板数据模型,选取人力资源投入、投资水平、基础设施、技术创新能力、市场化发展水平、政府支持力度六个因素对中国现代服务业集聚发展的影响进行了分析。(5)根据以上分析结果,对中国现代服务业的发展提出了政策建议。

【Abstract】 Since reform and open policy, along with the fast development of our country national economy, the economic structure has had the very sweeping change. Service industry, especially modern service industry enhances the status and function in national economy day by day .Service industry development has played the very vital role, regarding with increasing the employment post, improving industrial structure, raising the living standards, promoting the national economy to grow and maintaining the social stability. Presently, our country enters the new development phase of the comprehensive construction of affluent society and speeding up the advancement socialism modernization, developing modern service industry is more important and urgent. Along with the intensive global economic service tendency, the remarkable constitutive change of service industry has happened. Modern service industry is separated from the traditional service industry and grows fast, becomes the important support of the modern economic growth.The domestic and foreign scholars have conducted the massive research on this emerging research area, According to the domestic and foreign research results, the document illustrated the characteristic of service industry development comprehensively, and the present situation of our country’s service industry development and opportunity and challenge. However, due to the lack of the comprehensive research of our country’s modern service industry, overseas literature, the modern service industry is researched almost all by position choice, the spatial proliferation and the contribution to area development, it is elaborated to the modern service industry competitive advantage and the regional economies superiority influence. Therefore, this thesis makes up the shortage of the domestic and foreign research to modern service industry, carries on the detailed research to the Chinese modern service industry. And survey the Chinese modern service industry by the overseas research methods from two aspects of the geographical superiority and the industrial cluster.First, this thesis introduces the connotation, the essential feature, the driving mechanism of modern service industry as well as the present situation of Chinese modern service industry development. Through to the empirical analysis, it is discovered that the development of Chinese modern service industry is unbalanced, the area which the level of development is high, its rising momentum is strong. The employment proportion is more lower than the output proportion, and the Regional disparity is more bigger. The concentrated level of the financial industry is different from the level of economic development, of the each area the concentrated level of estate industry is higher in the east of China, and the concentrated level of social service industry is higher in the western of China.Second, by using the modern service industry evaluating system which is established by Li Yuan-chao in 2007, applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the weight of various targets, then choose a reasonable evaluation model to make a synthetic evaluation to the present modern service industry development of Chinese 31 provinces, which is from the level of modern service industry’s development, the growth ability of modern service industry, the basic requirement of development of modern service industry, the public environment of development modern service industry and the comparison superiority of modern service industry five aspects. The result indicates: (1) The area which the comparison superiority of modern service industry is obvious, its synthesis strength is also strong. The reason why the compared superiority and the integrated development strength have strong connection relation is because the comparison superiority manifested the synthesis competition of the local modern service industry, which is the foundation of development of local modern service industry. (2) The level of economic development has an important effect to the synthesis strength of modern service industry. The synthesis strength of modern service industry of economical developed area is strong, the synthesis strength of modern service industry is weak to those economically backward localities in mid-west. Only the economy achieves certain level, service industry development will achieve the corresponding level. (3) The disparity of east and the mid-west is obvious, but the disparity of the mid and west of China is not obvious.Third, the concentrated measure method is used to measure the index of the Chinese modern service industry, from which we may see the centralized degree and the trend of development of our country’s modern service industry. (1) The concentrated level of our regional modern service industry is unbalanced, and presents a phenomenon that with which the economic development level is inconsistent phenomenon. On one hand, this kind of contrast possibly is because the function of modern service industry had not be full used in our country’s economic development. On the other hand , along with industrial structure’s promotion, the adjustment of modern service industry as well as the function in economic development is enhancing gradually, which will certainly to reduce the disparity of various provinces economic development in our country and avoid the polarization of the regional economies development.(2) The average value of the various provinces modern service industry position business is only 0.90, which indicates that the concentrated level of modern service industry in our country is not high. Therefore, how to enhance the concentrated level of our country’s modern service industry, and promote the entire industry competitive power is the problem which is to be solved urgently at present. (3)The GINI coefficient and the H index of modern service industry in various professions and the entire industrial overall are low, the concentrated level of modern service industry is not to be high, but it is being enhanced year by year.Fourth, using the data model, the selection of human resources investment, the level of investment, the infrastructure, the ability of technological innovation, the marketability level of development, the dynamics of government supporting six factors to carry on the analysis that influence to the concentrated of level of the Chinese modern service industry, from the model result we can see: (1) Human resources investment promotes the concentration of modern service industry, and the model parameter value is remarkable, which illustrates the employed people of modern service industry are a dominant character of modern service industry development, the more the employment population of modern service industry, the more easier to cause modern service industry concentration, the concentrated level of modern service industry is higher.(2)The parameter estimated value of the investment level is quite remarkable, but the coefficient is negative, which shows that concentrated horizon of Chinese modern service industry and the investment has negative correlation relations. The result is opposite with our anticipated, but this possibly suits the actual situation of our country’s economic development. On one hand, certain areas of our country possibly exist the situation that the modern service industry invests excessively, and the building redundant project, which create the resources waste. On the other hand, the overall level of the production service industry and the modern service industry is low, but modern service industry requests quite high to the technology, the talented person and so on. Therefore, in certain areas, especially those economic development backward areas, the investment on the modern service industry has not been able to play the role in the modern service industry development, thus affects the concentrated level of the modern service industry. (3) The infrastructure level and the concentration of the modern service industry have the inverse correlation, which is inconsistent with ours anticipated. It was possibly because our country’s logistics and communication industry have developed fast in recent years, enabling a distinct enhancement to infrastructure, but the reason is that the level of development in various areas of modern service industry is low and the concentrated speed is slow. But modern service industry is certainly favors to accumulate to the areas where the local infrastructure is good. Along with the rapid development in various areas of modern service industry, the good infrastructure definitely will promote the concentrated level of the modern service industry, which is reason why the concentrated degree is quite high in some provinces of the east of our country. (4) Technological innovation ability—The estimated value of patent authorization quantity the individual fixed effect model adopted the T-test only and the influence is weak. On one hand, it is possibly because the high-tech of our country has not been applied fully in the development of modern service industry. On the other hand, it is possibly because the level of development of modern service industry is low in our country and the difference of local development is big, which causes the relevance of the technological innovation ability and the concentrated horizon of modern service industry is weak. But along with the development of modern service industry and the enhancement of technical level, the region which the technological innovation ability is strong will certainly attract the accumulation of the modern service industry, which gain the knowledge overflow. Finally, according to analyzing above, putting forward the policy proposal for the development of our country’s modern service industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F719;F224
  • 【被引频次】35
  • 【下载频次】3970
  • 攻读期成果