

A Study on the Contradictions of Land Expropriation and Housing Demolition in the Current Process of Urbanization in China

【作者】 唐丽敏

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 千百年来,土地和房屋作为公民财产权的体现,与人们的生活息息相关,也正因为如此,土地以及附着于其上的房屋问题始终是人们关注的焦点。特别是近年来随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,资源需求不断扩大,大规模的征地拆迁在全国范围内展开。征地拆迁在促进城乡发展的同时,也带来了一系列的社会问题,其中由农村土地征收、城市房屋拆迁所引发的利益矛盾和冲突成为影响社会和谐与政治稳定的主要因素。如何化解征地拆拆矛盾和冲突成为当前重大的理论和现实课题。本文以政策网络理论为分析视角,认为征地拆迁政策过程中形成了征地拆迁政策网络,其作为一种非正式的组织关系形态,实质是征地拆迁主体间的利益博弈关系,征地拆迁政策过程中的这种复杂的利益博弈关系是造成各种征地拆迁矛盾的根本原因。基于此,本文以征地拆迁政策过程中的利益博弈关系为主线,在对征地拆迁政策网络进行制度分析、行为分析与结构分析的基础上,得出构建征地拆迁政策网络利益互动系统是解决当前我国城市化进程中的征地拆迁矛盾的治本之策的结论,以期为我国征地拆迁矛盾的理论研究和实践发展做出一点有益的探索。

【Abstract】 It is necessary to have the development and stability for the existence and development of human society. Achieving social harmony and building a better society are the common ideal of human society. The building of a harmonious society is to achieve democracy and constitutionality, equity and justice, sincerity and amity, vitality, stability and order, man and nature’s harmony. However, from a sociological sense, any society is full of contradictions and conflicts. And its main performance is the interest contradictions and conflicts between different social groups. The harmonious society is bound to be able to effectively resolve these interest contradictions and conflicts. Therefore, a socialist harmonious society doesn’t have no interest contradictions and conflicts by its nature, its purpose is to build a co-ordination, integration and control society on the basis of interest contradictions and conflicts. By this means, how to coordinate and resolve interest contradictions and conflicts have become the key to building a harmonious society.The systems and mechanisms of co-ordination and integration in different social and cultural background are different. At present, our country is undergoing the critical period of social transformation and economic transition, various reform and development are continuous deepening. Along with the continuous development of economic and social, the urbanization process is accelerating, the requirements for resource are expanding, land expropriation and housing demolition are carrying on in the whole country. However, land expropriation and housing demolition promote the continuous development of urban and rural construction, but also bring about many social problems. Especially the interest contradictions and conflicts arising by the rural land expropriation and city housing demolition seriously affect the social harmony and political stability, which has aroused wide attention from all sectors of society. How to resolve the contradiction of land expropriation and housing demolition in the current process of urbanization in China has become a major theoretical and practical issue.Judging from the existing research results, scholars answer the question from different perspective. Either of these studies is the study of specific act, or study a simple system, both of them are one-sidedness. However, we should learn how to systematically recognize and consider this issue from the political or administrative point of view. As a new type of governance pattern, western policy network theory links the macro-system study with the micro-act study, and it provides us with new analytical tools and interpretation framework. From a perspective of policy network theory, the paper argues that the policy networks have been formed in the policy course of land expropriation and housing demolition in China. As a form of informal organizational relationships, its substance is the interest game relationship of many subjects, and this complex interest game relationship is the main reason for a variety of land expropriation and housing demolition contradictions. Based on this, the paper takes the land expropriation and housing demolition contradictions in the current process of urbanization in China as the study object, from the analysis perspective of policy network, and takes the interest game relationship in the policy course of land expropriation and housing demolition as the clue, in accordance with the logic of the system - the act - the structure:In the introduction, the paper illustrate the background of the paper and the existing research results and the related concept, and elaborate the research methods and writing ideas and research value, and so on. As well as we all know, the interest contradictions and conflicts of land expropriation and housing demolition are the inevitable result of urbanization, but urbanization in itself does not necessarily bring about social problems, the key lies in how to carry on it scientifically and reasonably and how to integrate the contradictions of land expropriation and housing demolition and balance the interest relations. The paper takes policy network analysis as the basic research methods, trying to make a breakthrough on the conclusion of the study.In the first part, the paper elaborates the policy network theory that is the new means of policy process study. Policy network theory has formed on the basis of reflection and criticism of traditional country and society "dichotomy" and public policy theory since the 1970s, and it concludes interest intermediation school and governance school. As the new method of country and society’s relation, policy network theory has important theoretical value and practical significance, and it provides a useful reference for China’s Public Policy Research. In the second part, the paper analyzes the interest game relations in the policy process of land expropriation and housing demolition in our country from the institutional analysis and institutional change perspective. As a basic human survival stand-by, land link the people at all levels by interest. The land expropriation and housing demolition isn’t only an economic problem but also an important political issue. In the three basic elements about land problem, the system as a bridge connecting political and technical means become the important foundation and direct point of entry to explore the interest game relations of power and rights in the process of land expropriation and housing demolition.In the third part, the paper analyze the policy network behavior in practice, that is, the various contradictions and conflicts in the policy process of land expropriation and housing demolition. Comparing to the people whose land or housing are expropriated, the government is always in a position of strength and show a strong logic of hegemony in the game competition. On the one hand, the characteristics of the power determine the power of alienation may exist, and the right to expropriate as a mandatory maximum of land rights in a country, it’s possible to be abused. On the other hand, the emergence of the concept of city business makes the action of local government appear a commercial orientation, such as the barbaric implementation and enforcement demolition. Under such circumstances, the people in a weak position whose land or housing is expropriated adopt positive action, such as protest by law, petition activity, and rational protection of the rights, and so on. And they may take negative action, such as day-to-day resistance, extreme action, and so on. The results of the contradictions and conflicts of land expropriation and housing demolition often lead to an interest lose-lose predicament that the cost increase and the benefits reduce.In the fourth part, the paper analyzes the location and the role of the policy network subject base on the policy network structure of land expropriation and housing demolition. On the one hand, in the policy community constituting of the government, the developer and the people whose land or housing are expropriated, the government should play policy-makers and planners of land expropriation and housing demolition, the defenders and coordination of interest, and so on. At the same time, the government has become the spokesman for the strong groups, as well as the economic people seeking profits. The developers are mainly the development of urban and rural construction, and the coordinator of government-related function department, as well as the pursuit of maximized economic benefits. The people whose land or housing is expropriated are mainly the users of land and the owners of housing. On the other hand, in the issue network composed of the mass media, NGO and the experts and scholars, the mass media are mainly as the advocacy and expression of land expropriation and housing demolition policy, the disseminators of land expropriation and housing demolition information, and so on. The NGO are mainly the intermediary between the government and the people whose land or housing are expropriated, the communicator and mediator of the contradictions of land expropriation and housing demolition. The experts and scholars are mainly the researchers of land expropriation and housing demolition theory and the think-tank of land expropriation and housing demolition policy-making.In the fifth part, the paper focuses on building the policy network’s interest interaction system of land expropriation and housing demolition by network governance. As far as the policy network structure is concerned, it is necessary to construct the interaction and co-operation policy network structure of land expropriation and housing demolition, of which the government should play a leading role, and the non-governmental subject of policy networks will play the role of social governance. As far as the policy network behavior is concerned, the government should take the scientific idea of land expropriation and housing demolition as a guide, and adopt various policy tools to improve government capacity. As far as the game rules, it is necessary to strengthen the system construction of land expropriation and housing demolition.In the last part, the conclusion sum up the whole paper, and point out that the study and consideration of land expropriation and housing demolition system, policy networks action and the policy network structure and the relations among them are to be further deepenedTo sum up, on the basis of the system analysis, behavioral analysis and structural analysis of the policy network of land expropriation and housing demolition, the paper come to the conclusion that it is necessary to build the policy network interest interaction system of land expropriation and housing demolition. Of course, the process of building it is long-term complex system engineer. However, it is meaningful for us to consider and resolve the contradiction and conflict of interest including the contradictions of land expropriation and housing demolition.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F301;F299.2
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】3542
  • 攻读期成果