

CRCP Analysis on Road Pavement Resistance Force and End Anchoring

【作者】 钟春玲

【导师】 刘寒冰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 连续配筋混凝土路面( Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement,简称CRCP)沿纵向配置连续钢筋,在施工中不设横向胀缩缝,是道路工程师为了克服接缝水泥混凝土路面(Jointed Concrete Pavement,简称JCP)由于横向胀、缩缝等薄弱环节而引起的各种病害及改善路面使用性能而采用的一种混凝土路面结构形式。本文在已有的研究基础上,研究了板底摩阻力的分布形式,根据试验给出板底摩阻力系数的分布规律;推导了连续配筋混凝土路面在温度应力作用下的有限元刚度方程,并与解析解进行了对比分析,按照分布加载法利用有限元解分析了考虑地基摩阻力系数的非线性本构关系的路面板的应力和位移状态;在连续配筋混凝土路面端部锚固分析中,本文首次考虑全路段的路面和锚固地梁联合分析,推导出在环境温度变化作用下,连续配筋混凝土路面整体结构的解析解和有限元解,并按照地基摩阻力的双线性本构关系进行了全路段宏观位移和轴向力的非线性分析。研究了不同设计参数对路面端部位移、锚固地梁侧向位移以及锚固地梁内力的影响规律,为CRCP的实际应用提供了较成熟的理论依据。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly studies the road pavement resistance force and the end anchoring performance of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) . Contraposing the facts that the asphaltum pavement life-span is short , the paper exert oneself improving the using state of CRCP, saving maintenance costs of pavement , saving invest of pavement engineering . For the first time , the author studies the thermal stress considering the climate characteristic of cold zone , studies the road pavement resistance force by the numebers , and build the solving method to anlysis the displacement and stress of the end anchoring considering that conbining all the pavement with the end anchoring. All these reseach are easy to the application of engineering.Based on the previously studies , considering north cold climate characteristic ,this paper mainly studies a few aspacts thereinafter:Chapter one mainly talks about the study background, status quo ,content and method. The CRCP is a kind of high performance concrete pavement structure with enough steel in the longitudinal direction. In addition, joints are excluded in the course of the construction. It has been widely used in many developed countries because of its good performance. This structure is used sequentially in the United States, Belgium, France, Britain and etc. Especially in the United States and Belgium ,they are the best at the application of CRCP. The application and correlative study about CRCP is relatively late in our country. With the development of high-grade road and the improvement in the requirement of pavement performance, it is sure that CRCP will be widely applied in high-grade road in our country. CRCP will move periodically when the temperature varies seasonally as a result of no expansion joints and contraction joints. This result in cause danger to pavement, bridges, culverts and other structures that are directly connected to the CRCP. The friction resistance force between subgrade and concrete pavement resist moving of the CRCP, and it makes the CRCP in the state of puled . The friction resistance force is weaken at the CRCP end, so it is necessary to study the working state and the working effect .At the same time , measurements are must be taken to restrict the displacement in the end.Chapter two study the friction resistance force coefficient between subgrade and concrete pavement . This paper summarize the study state of friction resistance force between subgrade and concrete pavement. The distributing form of the friction resistance force are studied. Test models are made for discoving connection between the friction resistance force and the relatively displacement . The method of observing the friction resistance force coefficient between subgrade and concrete pavement is bring forwad . Three test models are made based on the lime-flyash treated broken stone, the proportion 8:17:75, concrete C40. steel string strain gage is used to check the strain of concrete . Grating displacement transducer is used to check the displacement change . The incidence of the friction resistance force coefficient and that effects to the concrete performance by its change is gained by testing. The numerical value expression is present in specials . The linear equation of he friction resistance force is gained both elasticity phase and mold phase by regressing the test data .Chapter three anlysis the working performance of CRCP. The crazing effect factors about concrete are discussed at aspects of concrete material , enduring force characteristic of concrete structure. The crazing effect factors about steel bar are discussed at aspects of steel bar amount, diameter, location. The crazing effect factors about circumstance are discussed at aspects of constructing temperature, condition change after construct,etc. distributing law of CRCP is present. CRCP thermal stress resolve is build based on balance equation . The CRCP stress,displacement,and crack width are calculated considering felt stress effect and friction resistance stress based on FEA theory. The result indicate that it is more reasonable to anlysis CRCP stress, displacement, and crack width based on the rigid equation considering felt stress effect and friction resistance effect . CRCP nonlinear resolve is gained considering the nonlinear relation between felt and relatively displacement , between friction resistance force and relatively displacement. This paper compare the linear resolve and the nonlinear resolve . This paper refer the effect that crack span and steel ratio: along with increased of crack span, the friction resistance force increase linearly , but most concrete stress and the most steel bar stress and felt stress increase nonlinearly. Along with increased of steel bar diameter, the most concrete stress increase , but the steel stress and felt stress and the most friction resistance stress decrease.Chapter four analysis the CRCP end anchoring . This paper refer to the type of beam-on-foundation in the anchored end and existing analysis method. Adopting subsection linear model of friction resistance force, FEA analysis to beam-on-foundation in the anchored end is processed. For the example of three beams-on-foundation, based on displacement method idear, combining all the pavement and beams-on-foundation, this paper split the CRCP into four basic frame. Four basic frame rigid coefficient and displacement equation enduring thermal stress are gained. The calculation resolve resemble with ANSYS resolve , so the calculation resolve is true. This paper deduce the displacement and stress FEA resolve , build cell rigid equation of pavement and beam-on-foundation in the anchored end, based on the contact FEA theory and matrix displacement method. The FEA resolve based on the friction resistance stress subsection linear model is similar to calculation resove based on displacement method , it also prove that the displacement and internal force resolved using matrix displacement method is reasonable. Using deduced FEA rigid equation, considering friction resistance force subsection linear model, CRCP displacement and internal force nonlinear resolve are gained. Compared linear resolve with nonlinear resolve , the nonlinear model should be adopt in the analysis of end anchoring force and displacement. This paper analysis the influence law of parameter to end anchoring force, displacement, the biggest curve force of beam-on-foundation. The conclusion is that :(1)along with increasing of CRCP thickness, steel bar ratio, beam-on-foundation span and concrete intensity, CRCP ending displacement increase gradually; along with increasing of beam-on-foundation size, friction resistance force coefficient, groundsill soil ratio coefficient, beam-on-foundation quantity, the CRCP displacement decrease. (2) along with increasing of CRCP thickness, steel bar ratio,concrete elastical module ,beam-on-foundation size and groundsill soil ratio coefficient, CRCP ending force increase; along with increasing of beam-on-foundation quantity, beam-on-foundation span, friction resistance force coefficient, the ending force endured by beam-on-foundation decreased. (3) along with increasing of CRCP thickness, steel bar ratio, concrete elastical module ,beam-on-foundation span , beam-on-foundation size and groundsill soil ratio coefficient, the biggest ending curve force endured by beam-on-foundation increase; along with increasing of beam-on-foundation quantity, friction resistance force coefficient, the biggest ending curve force endured by beam-on-foundation decrease. Finally, beam-on-foundation size is confirm to the work one another between beam-on-foundation and soil beside the beam and the basic character of soil.Chapter five is the summary of the paper. This chapter not only summarizes the conclusion obtained from the paper but also puts forward to the content and direction to be studied in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期