

Studies on Ensiling Treatments and Quality Evaluation of Whole Crop Rice

【作者】 张佩华

【导师】 贺建华; 王加启;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 饲料作物生产与应用, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 为探索全株青贮饲料稻的适宜品种、适宜收获时期和适宜青贮处理方法及其品质评价,2006年,选择饲料稻湘早籼24、湘丰早119和浙辐802,采用相同的栽培技术,种植在同一大田,每个品种设三个重复小区,分别在四个不同成熟阶段(MS1:播种后79~83d;MS2:播种后86~89d;MS3:播种后93~96d;MS4:播种后98~100d)收割,采用四种青贮添加剂处理(R组:添加乳酸菌3g/t;E组:添加纤维素酶2万u/kgDM、木聚糖酶60万u/kgDM和β-葡聚糖酶50万u/kgDM;R+E组—添加乳酸菌+复合酶,其中乳酸菌添加量同R组,复合酶添加量同E组;K组—不添加任何添加剂)。收割后,用木槌槌破饲料稻茎秆和谷壳,并铡短至3cm~5cm长,按试验设计要求处理,装填压实于体积为6L的聚乙烯青贮罐中,密封,室内贮藏(平均温度35℃)45天后,开罐,采样评定青贮品质,并制作风干待测样品。试验一:采用两因素(3×4)完全随机试验设计,研究了品种和成熟阶段对全株饲料稻植株形态部分和化学成分的影响。结果表明:湘早籼24的株高、茎长、穗长、叶面积和粗蛋白均极显著高于浙辐802和湘丰早119(p<0.01),干物质产量有高于浙辐802和湘丰早119的趋势,水分含量较适宜青贮;株高和穗重比随成熟阶段后延而提高,茎重比、叶片重比、叶鞘重比和叶面积随成熟阶段后延而降低,MS3的叶/茎比高于MS1、MS2和MS4。DM含量、DM产量、OM含量和NDF含量随成熟阶段后延而提高,ADF和缓冲容量随成熟阶段后延而降低,MS3和MS4的水溶性碳水化合物显著低于MS1和MS2。品种和成熟阶段间对饲料稻植株形态和化学成分的影响存在显著互作效应(p<0.05)。小结:湘早籼24为适宜青贮品种,MS2到MS3之间为适宜收割阶段。试验二:采用三因素(3×4×4)完全随机试验设计,研究了品种、成熟阶段和青贮处理对全株青贮饲料稻青贮品质的影响。结果表明:根据感观评定、pH值、氨氮/总氮和有机酸(结构得分、pH值、有机酸得分)评定结果,全株青贮饲料稻XZX24的青贮品质优于浙辐802和湘丰早119,青贮品质随成熟阶段后延而显著降低(p<0.05),MS1、MS2、MS3和MS4青贮品质总得分分别为106.18、94.03、86.56和82.91(满分145),添加乳酸菌或复合酶或乳酸菌+复合酶均较对照组提高了青贮品质,以乳酸菌和复合酶同时添加效果最好。试验三:试验设计同试验二,采用体外产气技术评定了全株青贮饲料稻的体外降解特性,结果表明:湘早籼24的24h累积产气量、潜在最大产气量和CO2/CH4比值显著低于浙辐802和湘丰早119(p<0.05);MS2和MS4的24h累积产气量较MS1和MS3低,MS2的CO2/CH4比值显著低于MS1、MS3和MS4(p<0.05);青贮处理对全株青贮饲料稻的产气特性和发酵模式无显著影响(p>0.05)。试验四:采用2因素(4×4)完全随机试验设计,应用尼龙袋法研究了成熟阶段和青贮处理对全株青贮饲料稻瘤胃降解特性的影响。结果表明:DM的瘤胃有效降解率随成熟阶段后延而提高,进一步证明饲料稻的收割时期不宜太早,MS3至MS4问较好。成熟阶段对NDF瘤胃有效降解率无显著影响(p>0.05),MS2、MS3和MS4的ADF有效降解率较MS1低;N的有效降解率随成熟阶段提高而降低。总P的有效降解率MS1、MS2、MS3较MS4高。在提高DM、N和总P的有效降解率方面,同时添加乳酸菌和酶制剂效果较好,单一添加乳酸菌或单一添加酶或二者同时添加对提高NDF有效降解率的影响效果相当。试验五:采用单因素完全随机试验设计,用尼龙袋法研究了青贮对水稻秸秆NDF和DM的瘤胃降解特性的影响(对照组为直接晒干水稻秸秆)。结果表明:青贮显著降低了饲料稻秸秆NDF的含量,显著提高了饲料稻秸秆DM和NDF在6hr~48hr时间点的消失率(p<0.05),极显著提高了饲料稻秸秆中DM和NDF的瘤胃有效降解率和慢速降解部分及慢速降解部分的降解速率(p<0.01)。由上述试验结果可见:XZX24是制作全株青贮饲料稻的适宜品种,MS3阶段为适宜青贮收割阶段,并以同时添加乳酸菌和酶制剂处理的青贮效果最好。

【Abstract】 To explore feasible variety,maturity stage,ensiling treatment for whole crop rice silage and its quality evaluation.Three crop rice varieties(XZX24,XFZ119 and ZFS02)were sown into the same cropland with the same planting technology in 2006. Each variety was sown into three blocks.They were harvested at 79~83d(MS1), 86~89d(MS2),93~96d(MS3) and 98~100d(MS4) after seeding and ensiled with four different ensiling treatments(R group:adding lactobacillus,3×109cfu/t,E group: adding cellulase 2×104u/kgDM,xylanase 6×105 thousand u/kgDM andβ-glucanase 5×105 u/kgDM,R+E group:adding lactobacillus 3×109cfu/t and enzyme preparation as E group together,group:adding no additives but carrier).The whole crop rice were pestled by mallet and then chopped into 3cm~5cm after they were harvested and then ensiled in a 6L polyethylene pot and sealed.Samples were taken and prepared for quality evaluation after they have been stored for 45d in the room at 35℃.Experiment 1.Effect of variety and maturity stage on morphological fractions and chemical compositions of whole crop rice were investigated according to two factorial(3×4) randomized design.The results showed that the crop riceplant height, stem length,head length,leaf area of individual plant and CP content of XZX24 significantly better than that of ZFS02 and XFZ119(p<0.01).DM production of XZX24 was more than that of ZF802 and XFZ119 and its water content was optimal for ensiling;Plant height and head weight increased with the increase in maturity stages.Stem weight proportion,leaf blade proportion,leaf sheath proportion and leaf area decreased with the increase in maturity stages.Leaf blade to stem weight ratio of MS3 was higher than that of MS1,MS2 and MS4.DM content,DM production, OM content and NDF content increased with the increase in maturity stages and ADF content and buffer capacity decreased with the increase in maturity stages.WSC content of MS3 and MS4 was highly lower significantly than it of MS1 and MS2. There was interaction effect between variety and maturity on morphological characteristics and chemical compositions(p<0.05).Based on the above data,XZX24 was suitable for silage and optimal harvest time was from MS2 to MS3.Experiment 2.Effect of variety,maturity and ensiling treatment on silage quality of whole crop rice was investigated according to a three factorial(3×4×4) random design.The results showed that whole crop rice silage quality of XZX24 was better than that of ZF802 and XFZ119.Silage quality decreased with the increase in maturity(p<0.05) and the score of MS1,MS2,MS3 and MS4 was 106.18,94.03, 86.56 and 82.91(full scores was 145).Silage quality was improved when adding lactobacillus or enzyme preparation or the both,but the best silage quality was got by adding the both.Experiment 3.The degradable characteristics of whole crop rice silage was studied by in vitro gas producton technique according to the same design as experiment 2.The results showed that the accumulative gas production of 24hr,the potential gas production and CO2 to CH4 ratio of XZX24 was lower than that of ZF802 and XFZ119(p<0.05);The accumulative gas production of 24hr of MS2 and MS4 was lower than that of MS1 and MS3.CO2 to CH4 ratio of MS2 was lower than MS1,MS3 and MS4 significantly(p<0.05).Ensiling treatment didn’t affect gas production and fermentation characteristics of whole crop rice silage(p>0.05).Experiment 4.Effect of maturity stages and ensiling treatments on rumen degradability of whole crop rice silage was investigated by in situ technology according to two factorial(4×4)completely randomized design.The results showed that the effective degradabitity of DM increased with the increase in maturity stages, which suggested that it was improper to harvest too earlier for whole crop rice silage. The optimal harvest time was from MS3 to MS4.Maturity stages didn’t affected rumen effective degradability of NDF(p>0.05).The lumen effective degradability of ADF of MS1 was higher than the other three maturity stages.The rumen effective degradability of N decreased with the increase in maturity stages.The lumen effective degradability of total P of MS4 was lower than that of the other three maturity stages.The effect on the increase in the effective degradability ofDM,N and total P of adding both lactobacillus and enzyme preparation was the best.The effect on the NDF effective degradability of adding lactobacillus or enzyme preparation or both was equal to each other.Experiment 5.Effect of ensiling on whole crop rice straw’s DM and NDF were studied according to one factorial completely randomized design by in situ technology(control group was dry whole crop rice straw ).The results showed that ensiling decreased NDF content of whole crop rice staw and increased rumen disappeared ratio at 6hr to 48hr of DM and NDF significantly(p<0.05).The effective rumen degradability,slowly degradable fraction and its degradable rate of DM and NDF increased significantly by ensiling treatment(p<0.01).It was suggested that XZX24 was a feasible variety for silage and MS3 was optimal harvest time and adding both lactobacillus and enzyme preparation was improved silage quality and nutrient utilization.
