

Zonization on Ecological Adaptability of Tobacco Plantation in Yunnan Based on GIS

【作者】 邵岩

【导师】 周清明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 烟草科学与工程技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 多年来云南烤烟一直是国产中式卷烟的最主要原料。为配合正在进行的新一轮全国烟草种植区划研究,探讨解决困扰当前云南烤烟种植及其区划的主要问题,为云南烤烟种植业深挖潜力、趋利避害和促进云南烟草业可持续发展,本研究基于云南565个植烟样点烤烟烟叶化学品质实测数据、取样年云南气象实测站网月值气象数据、云南和国内外197个气象站点和513个水文站点历史气候资料、2005年云南植烟土壤683个样品和历史土壤数据、云南植烟区地形地貌特点分析以及其他烤烟种植相关资料,分别采用现代分析技术包括统计学上的系统聚类分析法、灰关联度分析法、GPS定位技术等,分析论证云南烤烟种植的气候优势、劣势和烟叶品质风格特点,找出主导和影响云南烟叶品质形成的具体原因;应用GIS技术实现科学合理的云南气候、土壤、地形地貌适宜性区划,最终为云南烟草行业主管部门和农技推广部门指导烤烟种植、科学规划布局生产、建立和开发特定烤烟生产基地、稳定种植规模和提高烟叶品质提供科学决策依据。本论文研究主要结论如下:(1)云南烤烟气候垂直层次性差异显著,低层烟区温度条件较优越,高层烟区受偏低温度制约十分显著,中层烟区大田中后期热量强度不足是明显不利因素。各层烟区光照和雨量的地域性差异突出。滇中、滇西南、滇东南烟区以及北部高层烟区气候上都有一定的特点和地域差别;烤烟不同生育期光、温、水的分配和匹配也差异显著;无论是空间还是时间上,雨量和日照差异都明显大于温度的差异;热量因素的垂直层次变化规律相对较好,各热量层上雨量和日照都有高值区和低值区。光、温、水三因素在垂直层次、区域地域和时段分配匹配上的差异性共同造就了云南烤烟气候及其影响的复杂性。(2)云南烤烟气候的独特性首先表现为烤烟大田前期“多光少雨气温偏高适宜”和大田后期“寡照多雨气温偏低”两种截然不同气候类型的时段匹配;其次,太阳直接辐射可提高云南烤烟气候的温度有效性。这种独特性决定全国烤烟气候区划指标不适用于云南。7月平均气温、4-9月降水量和7-8月日照时数这三项指标,可构建云南烤烟气候适宜性区划指标体系。应用云南省气象站点、水文站点和历史数据,完成了各指标空间分布的细网格点月值推算和模拟,第一次实现了GIS系统下整个云南省的烤烟种植气候区划。(3)云南烤烟气候优势主要表现为大田前期“多光少雨、气温偏高适宜”、大田中期日照减少雨量增多温度适中、光、温、水匹配总体较好,其气候效应是提高烟叶含糖量和糖碱比值,同时一定程度上抑制烟叶中烟碱、蛋白质和总氮的形成。大田后期(7-8月)日照典型偏少、气温偏低和多雨的气候特点,造成浓香型致香物质积累量减少,同时有效降低烟叶中糖分等有机物(包括蛋白质和氮、碱等)的转移或分解。推断这是云烟含糖量较高、氮(碱)量基本适中、石油醚提取物含量偏低,具有“清香型”风格的根本原因。(4)低纬高原夏季气温偏低、各地夏季气温特别是7月平均气温有趋同性(地域差别减小)、大田中后期温度有效性与日照时数呈线性正相关、中高海拔烟区普遍地膜栽培,是云南烟区海拔跨度大、多个热量气候带(自南亚热带下层至南温带上层)都可生产出优质烤烟的原因所在。(5)云南气候特点决定了其烤烟品质的基本风格特点----含糖量和糖碱比值较高、氮(碱)含量适中、石油醚提取物含量偏低。石油醚提取物含量可作为反映云南烟叶香气浓度的重要指标。应用系统聚类分析法,进行云南烟叶化学品质类型划分,明确提出云南气候主要生产中高糖中低氮(碱)中低石油醚提取物(1类)和高糖低氮(碱)低石油醚提取物(2类)品质类型烟叶。从区域分布上看,1类品质烟叶(典型“清香型”)主要产于滇中大部(含玉溪、红河、曲靖、楚雄、昆明5州市和大理州东部)的烤烟气候最适宜区和适宜区,这是云南植烟面积和产量最大的传统主产烟区。2类品质烟叶主要由滇西南大部分(哀牢山以西以南)的烤烟气候次适宜和适宜区生产。(6)使用模拟得到的网格点多年平均气候值,分别与上述四种典型烤烟气候作灰关联度分析,完成基于烟叶品质的气候分区。把品质气候分区与完成的烤烟气候适宜性分区相叠加,完成了基于烟叶品质的烤烟种植气候适宜性区划。区划结果具有较好的客观性和生产实用指导性,总体上说明了云南烤烟气候适宜等级与烟叶化学品质优劣度的关系,反映了云南烤烟气候的主要区域性差异,共同体现了云南气候与烟叶品质的内在关系。(7)确定土壤pH、有机质和土壤类型为适宜性评价指标,通过权重分析,最终建立云南烤烟土壤适宜性综合评价体系,指出全省适宜烤烟种植的土壤各州(市)都有分布,最适宜区域主要集中在楚雄、红河、昆明、玉溪、曲靖、昭通、大理几个州(市),其次是保山、文山、临沧等地。(8)结合云南省独特的地理背景,初步分析归纳出地形地貌的三个主导因子即海拔高度、坡向和坡度作为指标,在取自测绘部门的数字高程模型(DEM)基础上,建立了云南烤烟地形地貌分级定性评价体系。从分布范围看,最适宜区域在中部纬度,主要集中的区域是滇东部分,昆明、玉溪、红河、曲靖、文山几个地州;其次是楚雄、昭通、大理、保山,这与传统的烟区分布保持一致。

【Abstract】 Tobacco in Yunnan have been providing the most important raw material to Chinese cigarette for long years. Aimed at the main effect factors on tobacco cultivation and quality formation, zonization on ecological adaptability of tobacco plantation in Yunnan has been carried through in order to cooperate with the new zonization throughout China, resolve the problems during production, and ensure the continuable development of tobacco. In this study, many data were used, concerning tobacco leaf’s chemical ingredient from 565 cultivated loci, weather results every month from station during the study, historic information from 197 weather station and 513 hydrological station at home and abroad, 683 soil samples in 2005 and the data of soil in Yunnan, the analysis of landform and physiognomy in Yunnan and other data related to tobacco plantation. And some modern analyzing technologies were adopted, including systemic clustering anlysis from statistics, the anylysis of grey association degree, GIS analysis, GPS orientation, etc. The final aim was, to offer scientific decision-making warranty for tobacco-planting layout and improving tobacco-leafs quality as well as establishing planting bases for specially appointed tobacco leaves in Yunnan province. The research paper tried to make clear the main climatic factors dominating and affecting tobacco-leaf’s quality in Yunnan, demonstrate the climatic suitability for tobacco-planting, and implement the tobacco-planting partition related to climate, soil and landform and physiognomy based on GIS and tobacco-leaf’s quality in Yunnan province. The main conclusions for the research were shown as follows:(1)The difference of distribution and matching of sunshine, temperature and rainfall, which was in the uprightness, region or period of time, together lead to the complicated climate of tobacco in Yunnan. There were remarkable difference in the climatic uprightness in Yunnan. In lower region of tobacco, the temperature was ascendant while upper zone of tobacco was restricted from lower temperature. In middle zone of tobacco, the less quantity of heat was obviously disadvantageous factor. There were remarkable regional difference about sunshine and rainfall. Thereinto, west, southwest-, southeast- Yunnan and northern upper zones were repectively provided with peculiarity. There were also different distribution and matching between sunshine, temperature and rainfall. The difference in sunshine and rainfall were more obvious than in temperature. The change orderliness of quantity of heat in the uprightness. In every layer of quantity of heat, there were higher and lower zone in rainfall and sunshine.(2)Yunnan climates are different from domestic and overseas tobacco planting areas, which are inimitable in temporal distribution and matching for sunshine duration, temperature and rainfall. The climatic singularity in Yunnan includes: more sunshine duration, less rainfall with upper average temperature during growing prophase of field tobacco while contrary climatic conditions come forth during anaphase of field tobacco; In addition, straight sunshine can improve the availability of air temperature for tobacco in Yunnan, which have been proved to be positive correlated with sunshine duration. The zones producing quality tobacco leaves have higher availability. These peculiarities in tobacco climates determine that countrywide tobacco climatic partition indexes are not suitable for tobacco planting in Yunnan. It have been proved that three factors could be used to build up zonization index system in Yunnan, including average temperature in July, the rainfall between April and September and sunshine duration between July and August. For the first time, zonization of ecological adaptability of tobacco plantation throughout Yunnan province have been realized by reckoning and simulating the temporal and spacial distribution of the indexes every month, based on the data from weather station, hydrological station and historical investigation.(3)Climatic predominance for tobacco in Yunnan showed that, more sunshine duration, less rainfall with upper average temperature during early field growing period, and less sunshine duration, more rainfall, moderate temperature with matching well between them during middle field growing period. The characteristic not only improved the sugar content and sugar-nicotine ratio of tobacco leaves, but also restrained the production of tobacco leaf’s nicotine, protein and total nitrogen to a certain extend. But climates in late field growing period decreased the accumulation of full-flavor matters and efficiently reduce the transferring and decomposition of organic matter (including tobacco leaf’s protein and total nitrogen content). The peculiarities dominated light-flavor style for tobacco leaves with high sugar, moderate nitrogen and less petroleum ether extract.(4)Although the regions of tobacco cultivated in Yunnan were across several climatic zones and great range of altitude, yet high-grade tobacco could be all produced, which were be resulted from lower-temperature in altiplano of low-latitude in summer, tending to be identical of average temperature in July, the positive correlation between the availability of temperature and sunshine duration during metaphase and anaphase of field tobacco, cultivation techniques for film mulching, etc.(5)Through classifying chemical quality classes of tobacco leaves in Yunnan with systematic cluster analysis method, it were clearly put forward that there were four chemical quality classes of tobacco leaves. That is, more sugar-less nitrogen (nicotine)-less petroleum ether extract (type I ), much sugar-ounce nitrogen (nicotine)-thin petroleum ether extract (type II). The main classes produced are type I and type II. Most parts of central Yunnan belong to most suitable area or average suitable area where tobacco leaves of quality type I (light-flavor) are produced, including Yuxi, Honghe, Qujing, Chuxiong, Kunming and the east of Dali. Most areas in southwest Yunnan are the sub-suitable area or average suitable area where tobacco leaves of quality type II are yielded.(6)Employing grey association degree analysis with annual average climatic grid values from simulation and the tobacco climatic patterns relevant to classified chemical quality classes of tobacco, the GIS-based climatic partition for tobacco leaf’s quality was implemented. The two tobacco climatic partitions from different methods showed consistency and objectivity in divisional results. Their results not only reflected the relationships between tobacco climatic suitability grades and the pros and cons of tobacco leaf’s quality, but also incarnated the intrinsic relations between climates and quality style traits of tobacco leaves in Yunnan. Meanwhile, the research paper enhanced the practical guidance of tobacco-planting climatic partition on the production of tobacco leaves.(7)pH, organic matter, and types of tobacco cultivated soil were confirmed as the evaluation index. Finally, the general appraisal system of soil suitability in Yunnan was constructed after weight analysis. The results suggested that the soil adapted to plant tobacco distributed in every canton of Yunnan. Thereinto, the best places were centralized in Chuxiong, Honghe, Kunming, Yuxi, Qujing, Zhaotong, Dali. Baoshan, Wenshan, Linchang, were the secondary place.(8)Combined with the inimitable geographical background, grade and slope orientation were reduced to three leading factors of landform and physiognomy, after weight analysis and evaluation on the precision of data. Integrate grade and qualitative evaluation on the adaptability of landform and physiognomy of tobacco in Yunnan was finally constructed, based on digital elevation model (DEM) from mapping department. The results suggested that middle latitude was the best adaptable area, mainly distributing in east-Yunnan, including Kunming, Honghe, Qujing and Wenshan. Secondly with Chuxiong, Zhaotong, Dali, Baoshan. The results above were consistent with the distribution of traditional tobacco plantation area.
