

Effects of Integrated Rice-duck Farming on Growth Performance and Nutritional Quality of Rice and Ducks, and Ecological Environment of Paddy Fields

【作者】 黄兴国

【导师】 黄璜;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 生态学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着农业集约化程度的提高,农业生产所带来的环境污染、食品安全和资源浪费与不足等问题已成为人们关注的焦点。研究和探讨高效、生态和安全的可持续发展的农业生产技术和模式已成为当前要研究的重要课题。稻鸭生态种养是一种水稻生产与养鸭相结合的环保、生态、高效、综合的农业生产模式。该模式的应用和推广对降低农业生产所带来的环境污染、缓解农业资源的不足、提高农产品品质、实现农业生产的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。本研究对稻鸭生态种养对稻、鸭的生长、稻米和鸭肉品质以及生态环境的影响进行了系统研究,以进一步优化稻鸭生态种养系统结构,完善稻鸭生态种养理论和模式,为稻鸭生态种养技术的应用和推广提供理论和实践依据。本研究主要结果如下:1.稻鸭生态种养对稻、鸭生长和生态环境的影响采用田间试验对稻鸭生态种养对稻、鸭生长和稻田生态环境的影响进行了研究。试验设4个处理组,即1个对照组和3个试验组。对照组为传统农作方式,不养鸭,打农药。试验组稻田种稻养鸭,不打农药,分养鸭9只/667m~2、12只/667m~2、15只/667m~2三个处理组。试验各组3次重复,每个重复1个小区,每个小区面积667m~2。试验结果表明:稻鸭生态种养降低了稻田土壤容重。随着养鸭数量的增加,土壤容重降低,养鸭9只/667m~2、12只/667m~2和15只/667m~2三种养鸭模式以放鸭15只/667m~2效果最好。稻鸭生态种养增加了土壤总孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度。三种养鸭模式尤以放鸭12只/667m~2效果最好。稻鸭生态种养对稻田土壤pH值影响不大,可以减轻土壤有机质和有效养分下降幅度。三种养鸭模式以放鸭15只/667m~2效果最好。稻鸭生态种养适宜放鸭密度可以增加水稻产量。三种养鸭模式以放鸭12只/667m~2效果最好,水稻产量增产率为4.3%。稻鸭生态种养提高了稻谷中的N、P、K的含量,但差异不显著(P>0.05);提高了植株中的N、P、K的含量,N、K含量差异达到显著(P<0.05)。三种养鸭模式以放鸭15只/667m~2效果最好。稻鸭生态种养对稻田虫害有很好的控制效果。养鸭9只/667m~2、12只/667m~2和15只/667m~2各组与不养鸭对照组比较,稻飞虱数分别下降54.4%、65.2%和72.5%;稻纵卷叶螟幼虫分别下降34.0%、56.7%和64.9%;二化螟危害枯心率分别下降34.6%、59.6%和65.4%。并且随养鸭数量增多对虫害的控制效果越好,以放鸭15只/667m~2模式的控制虫害效果最好。稻鸭生态种养对稻田杂草有很好的控制作用。试验各组与对照组比较,杂草发生率分别降低了85.06%、86.2%和91.95%,以放鸭15只/667m~2模式的控制杂草效果最好。稻鸭生态种养组鸭的日增重存在差异。随着放鸭数量的增加,日增重降低,达到差异显著水平(P<0.05);料重比随放鸭数量的增加而升高,但未达到差异显著水平(P>0.05)。稻鸭生态种养组鸭的屠宰性能存在差异。随着放鸭数量的增加,屠宰率、胸肌率和腿肌率降低,屠宰率、腿肌率达到差异显著水平(P<0.05);不同处理组之间半净膛率和全净膛率差异不显著(P>0.05)。稻鸭生态种养提高了经济效益,养鸭9只/667m~2、12只/667m~2、15只/667m~2组与不养鸭的对照组比较分别增加纯收益3148.9 yuan/hm~2、3935 yuan/hm~2、2964.8yuan/hm~2,以养鸭12只/667m~2模式经济效益最高。稻鸭生态种养能改善稻田生态环境,促进水稻生长,提高了稻田生态系统的综合效益。三种放鸭模式,从稻田生态效应来看,以放鸭15只/667m~2模式最好;从生产经济效益考察,以放鸭12只/667m~2模式最优。2.稻鸭生态种养对水稻产量和稻米营养品质的影响采用田间试验对稻鸭生态种养对水稻产量和稻米营养品质的影响进行了研究。试验设置2个处理组,即1个对照组和1个试验组,每组3次重复,每个重复1个小区,每个小区面积667m~2。对照组为传统农作方式,不养鸭,打农药。试验组每小区分别养鸭12只/667m~2,不打农药。试验结果表明:稻鸭生态种养对水稻产量构成的各因素高峰苗、穗数、成穗率、实粒数、结实率、千粒重的数值分别提高为1.43%、3.8096、2.27%、6.82%、1.57%、1.15%;理论产量和实际产量分别提高了12.48%和13.02%,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。稻鸭生态种养对稻米加工、营养、蒸煮及外观品质都有一定程度的改善。出糙率、精米率、整精米率分别提高了2.7%、1.54%和2.67%;蛋白质提高12.40%;直链淀粉含量降低6.62%;碱消值降低7.0%;胶稠度提高11.46%;垩白率降低7.6%。但没有达到差异显著水平(P>0.05)。稻鸭生态种养对稻米中氨基酸总量和组分的组成有影响。稻米中氨基酸总量T-AA和必需氨基酸E-AA总量分别增加了1.57%和0.98%,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。人体必需的七种氨基酸中,苏氨酸Thr、缬氨酸Val、蛋氨酸Met、异亮氨酸Ile和亮氨酸Leu分别增加了4.26%、0.90%、2.80%、3.21%和0.47%,但差异不显著(P>0.05):苯丙氨酸Phe和赖氨酸Lys稍有下降,分别下降了0.58%和O.43%,差异不显著(P>0.05)。稻鸭生态种养降低了稻米中Cd含量18.78%,但差异不显著(P>0.05);对稻米中Pb的含量没有影响。3.稻鸭生态种养对鸭生长发育和肌肉品质的影响采用田间试验对稻鸭生态种养对鸭生长发育和肌肉品质的影响进行了研究。选用健康无病、体况相近的21日龄金定公鸭168只,随机分为4个组,每组3个重复,对照组为地上平养组,每重复20只鸭,饲喂配合日粮;试验1,2,3组为稻鸭生态种养组,以667m~2稻田为一个重复,按12只/667m~2投放,试验1组饲喂配合日粮,饲喂量为对照组的80%;试验2组饲喂配合日粮,饲喂量为第1组的60%;第3组饲喂稻谷,饲喂量为第1组的60%。试验期42d。试验结果表明:稻鸭生态种养组与地上平养组比较,鸭的日增重显著下降(P<0.01),但料重比降低(P<0.05),以补充60%配合饲料试验2组最好,料重比降低降低了26.6996。稻鸭生态种养组与地上平养组比较,屠宰率变化不大,胸肌率分别下降了18.15%,27.4%,33.56%(P<0.05),半净膛率、全净膛率下降(P>0.05),腿肌率有提高的趋势,分别提高了6.12%,6.83%,1.12%。稻鸭生态种养组肌肉中水分、蛋白质含量没有明显变化,但是肌肉粗脂肪含量下降(P<0.05);胸肌的熟肉率提高,失水率降低(P>0.05;腿肌的熟肉率、失水率没有显著变化;胸肌的肉色评分提高,腿肌的肉色评分差异并不显著。胸肌纤维直径变细,纤维密度变大(P<0.01);腿肌纤维直径变粗(,纤维密度变小(P<0.01)。稻鸭生态种养有提高胸肌中总氨基酸、必需氨基酸、鲜味氨基酸含量的趋势(P>0.05)。但对腿肌中的氨基酸没有影响。稻鸭生态种养对血清中的尿素氮(BUN)、总蛋白(TP)、低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(LDL-C)、甘油三酯(TG)含量有一定的提高,稻鸭生态种养加快了鸭体内蛋白质的合成与分解代谢。稻鸭生态种养对鸭胫骨性状有一定的影响,胫骨长度降低(P<0.05),胫骨中的灰分、钙、磷含量提高,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。稻鸭生态种养对鸭免疫器官的发育有一定的影响,脾脏指数、胸腺指数、总免疫器官指数、脾脏红髓面积、胸腺小叶个数、小叶髓质厚度、胸腺小体短径显著降低(P<0.05)。稻鸭生态种养模式下减少了饲料的投入,延缓了其免疫器官发育。稻鸭生态种养组显著提高了鸭肌胃指数和空肠指数(p<0.05),总消化指数明显提高,有增加小肠长度的趋势(P>0.05)。稻鸭生态种养提高鸭盲肠中大肠杆菌数量,有降低双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌数量的趋势。稻鸭生态种养使鸭肠道微生态平衡向着其所处环境中存在的微生态平衡趋近。稻鸭生态种养经济效益明显提高,产投比分别提高了16.67%、27.08%和17.19%,以饲喂60%的配合饲料的试验2组最高,经济效益最好。稻鸭生态种养可以节约农业资源,减少水稻生产对环境的污染,促进水稻和鸭的生长,提高稻米和鸭产品的品质,保证食品安全,具有很好的生态、经济和社会效益。从经济效益角度考虑,稻鸭生态种养以放鸭12只/667m~2,补充60%配合饲料模式为最佳。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of intensive degree of agriculture,the issues of environmental pollution,food safety,waste and inadequacy of resources brought about by agricultural production have become the focus of people’s paying attention.To study and explore efficient,ecological,secure and sustainable developmental agricultural production technology and current model has become an important subject.Integrated Rice-Duck Farming(IRDF) is a environmental,ecological,efficient and complex farming model for integgrated planting rice and raising duck.The promotion and application of IRDF model is of great significance for us to decrese environmental pollution caused by agricultural production,ease the shortage of agricultural resources,improve the quality of agricultural products and achieve the sustainable development of agricultural production.In order to further optimize IRDF system structure,improve IRDF theory and Mode,and to provide theoretical and practical basis for popularization and application of IRDF technology, effects of IRDF on growth of rice and duck,quality of rice and duck meat,and ecological environment of paddy fields were systemiely analyzed in this study.The results of this study were as follows:1.Effects of IRDF on growth of rice and duck,ecological environment of paddy fields.Effects of IRDF on growth of rice and duck,ecological environment of paddy fields were studied via a field experiment.In this experiment there were four treatment groups, a control group and three experimental groups.Each group had 3 replicates and one replicate was a district area of 667 m~2.The control group was farmed in traditional farming way that was sprayed pesticides and was not raised ducks in paddy fields.Three experimental groups were farmed that integrated planting rice and raising ducks in paddy fields that was not spray pesticides,each of the three groups for was 9 ducks,12ducks and 15ducks for 667 m~2 respectively.The results showed as follows:IRDF had reduced the soil bulk density.With the number of ducks raised in paddy field was increased,soil bulk density was reduced,15 ducks / 667 m~2 was the best mode among modes of 9 ducks/667 m~2,12 ducks/667 m~2 and 15 ducks/667m~2.IRDF increased the Soil total porosity and non-capillary porosity.12 ducks / 667 m~2 had the best effect duing three feeding duck mode.IRDF had little effect on pH of soil.IRDF could reduce the decline rate of organic matter and nutrients in soil.Mode of 15 ducks / 667 m~2 had the best effect during three feeding duck mode.IRDF with suitable density of ducks in paddy fields could increase the rice yield.Mode of 12 ducks / 667 m~2 had the best effect during three feeding duck mode and it’s rice yield was increased by 4.3%.IRDF improved the N, P,K content of rice,but it had not significantly difference(P>0.05);It improved the N,P, K content in the plants and had significantly difference about N,K content of plants (P<0.05).Mode of 15 ducks / 667 m~2 had the best effect during three feeding duck modes. IRDF had a good effect on controling pest.Compared with the control group,9 ducks / 667 m~2,the numbers of rice planthoppers of 12 ducks/667 m~2 and 15 ducks / 667 m~2 groups were decreased by 54.4%,65.2%and 72.5%respectively;the numbers of cnephalocrocis larvae decreased by 34.0%,56.7%and 64.9%;and the numbers of chilo suppressalis against litter heart rate were decreased by 34.6%,59.6%and 65.4%.The effect of controling pest was got better while number of ducks was increased.15 ducks / 667 m~2 had the best effect of pest control during 3 feeding duck mode.IRDF had a good effect on controling weed.Compared with the control group,the incidence of weeds were reduced by85.06%,86.2%and 91.95%respectively.15 ducks / 667 m~2 had the best effect of weed control during 3 feeding duck mode.The ADG of ducks of experiment groups had differences.With the ducks was increased,the ADG of was significantly reduced (P<0.05);With the number of ducks was increased,the F/G was increased,but it had no significant differences(P>0.05).The slaughter of ducks of experiment groups had differences.With the number of ducks was increased,the slaughter rate,breast rate and leg muscle rate were lower,Slaughter rate and leg muscle rate reached significantly level (P<0.05),semi-eviscerated rate and eviscerated rate of different treatment groups had no significant difference(P>0.05).IRDF improved economic benefit.Compared with the control group,the benefits of 9 ducks / 667 m~2 model,12 ducks/667 m~2model,15 ducks / 667 m~2 mode were increased by3148.9¥/hm~2,3935¥/hm~2,2964.8¥/hm~2 respectively, the mode of 12 ducks/667m~2 had the best economic benefit.IRDF improved the ecological environment of paddy fields,promoted the growth of rice,increased the Comprehensive efficiency of the ecosystem.The mode of 15 ducks / 667 m~2 was the best one in the ecological efficiency of paddy fields,and the mode of 12 ducks / 667 m~2 was the best one in the economic benefits of agricultural production.2 The effects of IRDF on yield and nutritional quality of riceThe effects of IRDF on yield and nutritional quality of rice were studied via a field experiment.There were two treatments groups,a control group and a experiment group. Each treatment group had 3 replicates and each replicate with area of 667 m~2,The control group was farmed in traditional farming way that was sprayed pesticides and was not raised ducks in paddy fields.The experimental group was farmed that integrated planting rice and raising ducks in paddy fields that was not spray pesticides,each replicate had 12ducks.The results showed that:IRDF effected on many factors of rice yield,the value of Peak seedlings,panicles, Setting panicles rate,Filled grains,Ripened rate,1000-grain weight were increased by 1.43%,3.80%,2.27%,6.82%,1.57%,1.15%respectively;Theory yield and practical yield of rice were increased by 12.48%and 13.02%,but it had no significantly difference (P>0.05)IRDF haD a slightly improve the trait of processing,nutrition,cooking and appearance quality of rice.The rate of Brown rice,Milled rice,Head rice were increased by 2.7%,1.54%and 2.67%;protein content was increased by 12.40%;Amylose content was decreased by 6.62%;ASV(Alkali spreading value) was decreased 7.0%;Gel consistency was increased 11.46%;chalkiness was decreased by 7.6%,But there were not significant difference(P>0.05).IRDF effected on total quantity and composition of amino acids of rice.The quantity of T-AA(total amino acids) and EAA(essential amino acids) of rice were increased by 1.57%and 0.98%,but there was not significant difference(P>0.05). The seven essential amino acids of Human needs,threonine,Valine,Met,isoleucine,leucine were increased by 4.26%,0.90%,2.80%,3.21%and 0.47%respectively,but there was not significant difference(P>0.05);Phenylalanine and lysine were slightly decline,decreased by 0.58%and 0.43%respectively,there was not significant difference(P>0.05).IRDF reduced the content of Cd of rice by 18.78%,but there was not significant difference(P>0.05);IRDF didn’t affect the content of Pb of rice.3.The effects of IRDF on growth performance and meat quality of ducksEffects of IRDF on growth performance and meat quality of ducks were studied via a field experiment.One hundred and sixty-eight 21-day-old male Jin-ding ducks were randomly divided into 4 groups with 3 replicates.Control group was fed on ground and 20 birds each replicate,fed with complete feed.Experimental group 1 to 3 were integrated rice-duck farming groups,fed in paddy and each group had 3 replicates(667m~2 as a unit) and each repetition included 12 ducks.Experimental group 1 was fed with complete feed and the diet weight was that of 80%of control group.Experimental group 2 was also fed with complete feed and the diet weight was that of 60%of control group. Experimental group 3 was fed with paddy and the diet weight was that of 60%of control group.The experimental period was 42 days.The results were as follows:Compared to the control group,ADG of experimental group significantly decreased (P<0.01),but the F/G of experimental group was decreased(p<0.05).The best group was the experimental group 2 feed with 60%complete feed,the F/G of experimental group was decreased by 26.69%.Compared with the control group,the slaughter rates of experimental groups were little change,the breast muscle rates of experimental groups were decreased by 18.15%,27.4%,33.56%respectively(P<0.05) and the semieviscerated rate and eviscerated rate were decreased(P>0.05),the leg muscle rates of experimental groups were increased uptrends by 6.12%,6.83%,1.12%respectively. Compared with the control group,the moisture,protein content of muscle of experimental groups was not change significantly,but the fat content of muscle was decreased (P<0.05).The cooked rate of breast muscle increase and the moisture loss rate were decreased(P>0.05);The cooked rate and moisture loss rate of leg muscle were not changed significantly.The color score of breast muscle was improved and that of leg muscle was little change.The fiber diameter of breast muscle was thirmer(P<0.01),and fiber density was larger(P<0.01);and the fiber diameter of leg muscle was thicker (P<0.01),and fiber density was smaller(P<0.01).IRDF have the trend to increase total amino acids,essential amino acids and Umami amino acid content of breast.But amino acids content of leg muscle didn’t have significant difference.IRDF had a certain effect on Blood Urea Nitrogen blood(BUN),Total Peitein(TP),Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol(LDL-C) and Triglyceride(TG) in serum of ducks,the effects of IRDF accelerated the speed of the duck in protein synthesis and catabolism.IRDF had a certain impact on duck tibia characters,the tibia length was significantly reduced(P<0.05).Ash, calcium and phosphorus content of tibia were increased.IRDF had a certain influence on the development of immune organs in ducks,spleen index,thymus index,the index of immune organs,red pulp of the spleen,thymus lobular number,lobular medulla thickness and thymus body short track were significantly reduced(P<0.05).IRDF reduced the feed input,but its development of immune organ was delay.IRDF had significantly effect to increase the muscular stomach and jejunum indexes of ducks(P<0.05),the total peptic index was increased,the length of intestines had the trend to increase(P>0.05).IRDF had increased the number of E.coli in the cecum,and the lower trend of the number Bifid bacteria and Lactobacillus.IRDF changed the microorganism balance in duck intestines forward the microorganism balance ducks were living well in paddy field environment. IRDF significantly improved economic efficiency,the ratio of production of experimental groups were increased by 16.67%,27.08%and 17.19%respectively,and that of experimental group 2 got the best economic benefits.IRDF could save agricultural resources,reduce the environment pollution of rice production,promote the growth of rice and duck,improve the quality of rice and duck products and ensure food security,It has a good ecological,economic and social benefits. From the economic point of view,the IRDF model with 60%of complete feed supplemented and 12 ducks / 667 m~2 is the best one.
