

Research on Formation Mechanism and Enhancement of Competitive Advantage in University

【作者】 孙健

【导师】 王沛民;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪是竞争的时代,竞争已成为大多数社会组织无法回避的现实问题。随着我国高等教育外部整体环境的演变,长期以来大学之间被忽略的竞争问题,日益显现出来。如何应对外界的挑战,在竞争中求得持续发展,成为当代大学必须认真思考的战略问题。大学竞争优势研究并非主观设想,它是在竞争的环境中应时而生的。从竞争优势角度分析大学成长中的问题,可以帮助大学从特定视角对自身办学情况进行诊断,发现自己的优劣势,从而有的放矢地提升学校整体绩效。学术界对于企业竞争优势的研究一直是理论热点,研究成果丰富。但是,相对于企业竞争优势研究,关于大学竞争优势的研究却不多见,将竞争优势理论应用于高等教育领域是最近几年才开始的。因此,基于当前的实际情况,本文在对现有文献资料进行全面梳理与分析的基础上,依据理论分析、实证分析与对策分析的顺序,从大学竞争优势概念入手,反溯上去探索大学竞争优势形成根源与路径,力图理清大学竞争优势的形成机理,找到提升大学竞争优势的对策,这一研究思路在现有的同类研究中尚未发现,颇具新意。具体来讲,本文对下列三大主要问题展开了研究:(1)研究了大学竞争优势相关概念,包括大学竞争优势内涵、特性及载体。(2)研究了大学竞争优势的形成机理,包括大学竞争优势的形成根源——核心能力、大学竞争优势的形成阶段以及核心能力对大学竞争优势形成的影响。(3)基于前文的分析,研究了如何提升大学竞争优势。在研究的过程中,本文不仅进行了理论推演,并且利用统计分析方法,验证了理论分析的主要结论。通过对大学竞争优势形成机理及提升的研究,本文得出了以下三个较有新意的结论:(1)大学竞争优势是大学在争夺利益相关者认可的过程中,相对于其它大学所表现出来的优越地位;大学竞争优势特性可以分为关键特性与一般特性,关键特性是指大学竞争优势的学术性,一般特性是指大学竞争优势的延展性、特色性、复杂性与持续性;大学绩效是大学竞争优势的载体,对大学竞争优势起到支撑作用。(2)大学竞争优势的根源是核心能力,核心能力是由获取资源能力、配置资源能力与转化资源能力组成的能力体系,核心能力本质是由制度与文化组成的惯例;大学竞争优势形成阶段可以分为竞争劣势、竞争均势与竞争优势三个阶段;核心能力体系中三个子能力通过各自路径,对大学竞争优势形成产生影响。(3)大学可以通过优化获取资源能力、配置资源能力与转化资源能力,全面提升大学竟争优势。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is competitive century, and competition is the reality that most social organizations can’t slide over. with the whole environment of higher education changing in china. the competition between universities is aggravating, which has been neglected in a long time. how to face the challenge and survive the competition becomes strategic problem that contemporary university must think.The research on University competitive advantage isn’t assumption, which is the outcome of competitive environment. it can help university find the advantage and disadvantage in the developing process and enhance its’ performance to analysis the growing problem with the angel of competitive advantage.Academia has been focusing on the corporate competitive advantage and getting a lot of achievements, but there isn’t much study on the university competitive advantage.only in recent years, can the competitive advantage theory be applied in high education. Therefore, based on the research circumstance, this dissertation analysis many academic papers in order to make up the formation mechanism of universities’ competitive advantage and find the methods to enhance universities’ competitive advantage. this dissertation starts from the concept of competitive advantage and explores the source and path of universities’ competitive advantage in the sequence of theoretical analysis, empirical analysis and solution analysis. Specifically, this dissertation research three main problems:(1) This dissertation researches the basic concepts of universities’ competitive advantage, which including definition, feature and framework of universities’ competitive advantage.(2) This dissertation researches the formation mechanism of universities’ competitive advantage, which includes the source of universities’ competitive advantage---core competence, formative phase of universities’ competitive advantage and the influence core competence exerts on universities’ competitive advantage. (3) Based on theoretical and empirical analysis,this dissertation researches how to enhance universities’ competitive advantage.In the research, this dissertation utilizes not only theoretical analysis, but also statistic analysis in testifying the theoretic conclusion. by means of the research, this dissertation gets three new conclusion:(1) Universities’ competitive advantage is the position where university surpasses other universities in the competition of contesting stakeholder’s acceptance; universities’ competitive advantage has the key characteristic and common characteristic. key characteristic is academic characteristic, and common characteristic includes extending characteristic, special characteristic, complex characteristic and sustainable characteristic; performance is framework of universities’ competitive advantage, and universities’ competitive advantage is framed on performance.(2) The source of universities’ competitive advantage is core competence, which consists of absorbing-resource abilities, allocating-resource abilities and transforming-resource abilities. The essence of core competence is the routine composed by regulation and culture; the formative phrase of universities’ competitive advantage is divided in three phrases, which is competitive inferiority, competitive equilibrium and competitive advantage; this three kind of abilities in core competence influence universities’ competitive advantage by means of performance.(3)University can enhance competitive advantage by improving absorbing-resource abilities, allocating-resource abilities and transforming-resource abilities in their own path.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期