

The Social Bases of Democracy: Studies on Lipset’s Political Development Theory

【作者】 徐珣

【导师】 陈剩勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 利普塞特(Seymour Martin Lipset,1922-2006)是20世纪美国著名政治学、社会学家,他学术论著的要旨在于:西方政治社会情境中现代民主政治发展的多维度理论探讨;他的学术渊源可以追溯到亚里士多德、托克维尔、马克斯·韦伯等人的优良的学术传统中去.其政治发展理论的学术背景可以追溯到早期政治发展理论;他在政治社会过程民主化与国家权威理性化的双向观照之下理解现代民主国家建构的论题,并在“竞争”与“包容/吸纳”的双重原则下理解民主,而其政治发展理论主题是求解现代稳定的民主政体的多元社会基础。他所论释的稳定的民主政体所需的多元的社会基础包括:经济发展所奠定的物质基础——在工业化、城市化、社会财富增长、教育与大众传媒发展等物质基础之上促使现代政治社会变迁,并推动有利于民主的政治文化与政治社会结构的形成,进而维续民主政体的稳定;民主政体的政治文化基础——在一致与冲突取向两相平衡的政治文化之中、在多元的价值取向之中,在传统型、卡里斯玛型、法理型的合法性的建构过程中,使得政治人能够对话、讨论、调适、宽容,走出囚徒困境并相互合作,进而维续民主政体的稳定;稳定民主政体的政治社会结构基础——在政治国家与公民社会的一体平衡结构中使得权力与权利合理连接,在公民社会之中使政治人更趋于成熟、理性,避免“政治操纵”,形成明智的政治抉择,构筑交叉隶属关系与交叉压力,型塑“人际信任”的社会资本,在政党的桥梁作用下形成政治国家与公民社会的良性互动,在法治的社会结构中使得政治国家与公民社会的一体平衡结构被规范化,进而维续民主政体的稳定。利普塞特所论释的拥有多元社会基础的稳定的民主政体,是在开放的学术视界之下所描述的开放社会的政治社会情境的规范性图景;他透过多重政治社会变量要素的解构与联结/重构、比较历史的研究视角,使他的研究呈现出缜密的学术思维、清醒而审慎的学术逻辑、“全景”式的学术建构的理路。他的政治发展理论使我们从经验理论的视角之下理解民主;而对于中国民主政治发展的论题而言,他的理论可以启发我们展开一种综合的研究,并使我们看到建构民主政治所需的多元的社会基础对于中国民主社会主义民主政治发展的重要性。

【Abstract】 Seymour Martin Lipset(1922-2006),who’s the renowned scholar of political science and sociology in the 20th century of the U.S.A.,centered his academic concern on political development of modern democracy in western political and social contexts,which was discussed in multi-dimensional theoretical angles.His academic origins can be traced back to an excellent academic tradition of Aristotle,Tocqueville,Max Weber and others.Moreover,his academic background can be traced back to the early stage political development theory.Lipset,who combined the two aspects,the democratization of political and social process and the rationalization of state authorty together to understand the task of construction of modern democratic state,and defined democracy under the two principles of "competitive" and "inclusive",made the theme of his political development theory as delineating the plural social bases of modern stable democratic polities.The plural social bases of stable democratic polities that discussed in Lipset’s political development theory include the material basis build in economic development,the basis of political culture of democracy,and the basis of political and social structure of democracy.During the process of economic development,that is the development of industrialization,urbanization,growth of social wealth,education and mass media etc.,the material basis can be build up,which leads to the political and social transition forging the advantageous political culture,political and social structure,and will finally sustain the stability of democracy.In the political culture of the balance of consensus and conflict,pluralistic value-orientations,in the construction of political legitimacy through the accumulation of traditional,Charismatic and legal-rational legitimacy,political men can break out of Prisoners’ Dilemma and cooperate through dialogue, discussion,adaptation and tolerance,which can in the end be of avail to the stability of democracy.The stability of democracy can also be sustained in the integrating and balancing structure of political state and civil society,by which the rational relationship of power and right can be defined,and in civil society which makes political men more mature and rational to avoid "political manipulation" and make wise political choices,constructs cross-cutting relations and pressures,shapes the social capital of inter-personal trust,and also in the bridging role of political party which leads to the positive interaction of political and civil society,and also in the social structure of the rule of law,by which the integrating and balancing structure of political state and civil society can be normalized.Under an open academic vision,the stable democracy of plural social bases that illustrated by Lipset is a normatively academic picture of a politically and socially open society.Lipset presented his rigorous academic thinking,academic logic of consciousness and deliberation,and his way of panoramic style of academic construction in his academic perspective of multi-variate deconstruction and link/reconstruction and comparative history.In his political development theory,we can understand democracy from an academic perspective of empirical theory, which also provide us a way of synthesized study on the theme of political development of democracy in China,and reveals the importance of the plural social bases needed in democratic polities to political development of socialism democracy in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期