

A Study on Scholars and Literature in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties of Central Yue Area

【作者】 李灿朝

【导师】 廖可斌;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 越中地区历史悠久,文化昌盛,自古以来就是人文渊薮。明清时期越中曲坛徐渭导其先,至明末清初,形成了一个包括王骥德、叶宪祖、吕天成、孟称舜、祁彪佳等三十余人在内的曲家群体,他们以骄人的创作实绩与卓绝的理论贡献在中国戏曲史上占有重要地位。诗文领域,先后涌现了徐渭、陶望龄、王思任、张岱、祁彪佳、倪元璐、陈洪绶、黄宗羲、毛奇龄等一批卓有成就的文学家。越中文人在思想个性、文学观念与创作实践上,表现出鲜明的区域特征。但是,学界对越中文人及文学的整体研究还不够充分,即便近年出现了对越中曲家群体的研究,也是将其作为一个区域自守的群体,论述的范围相对狭窄。本文从越文化传统、政治、文学思潮三个视角,对明末清初越中文人及文学作综合研究。绪论部分,釐定研究范围(时间上下限、地域范围、人员构成),陈述学界研究现状以及选题的出发点与基本思路。绪论之外,正文分上、中、下三编凡十一章。上编,越文化传统与明末清初的越中文人及文学。越中地区的地理环境、生产生活方式、民风习俗等,决定了越中文化的地域特征。越文化不仅影响到越中文人的文化风尚、思想特点以及精神品格;而且对越中文学也起着重要的制约作用,使越中文学在体裁选择、题材选择、创作风格上都表现出鲜明的特征。体裁选择上,越中文人对戏曲表现出特别的偏好,在创作数量上足以傲视曲坛;而且致力于戏曲艺术特征与发展规律的理论探讨和总结,理论著述丰富,批评形态多样。他们还从理论上推尊戏曲,强调其社会教化功能,并在戏曲创作中寄寓救世的良好愿望。在题材选择上,越中戏曲偏于爱情婚姻、宗教度脱题材,诗文则偏于山水题材。创作风格上,越中文学也表现出鲜明的区域特征,即戏曲创作普遍趋于本色风格,诗文则大致可以分为诗性文学与胆剑文学两种,兼具空灵飘逸与慷慨激越的风格特点。中编,明末清初的政治与越中文人及文学。越中文人与政治有着割不断的联系,在不同历史阶段的政治舞台上扮演着极为重要的角色。面对日趋衰败的明王朝,他们勇于指陈时弊,积极建言;在与晚明历史相始终的东林党争中,越中文人清直严正,敢于仗义执言,在政治立场、人格精神以及对时政的看法等方面,与正直的东林党人基本保持一致,并在当时激烈、复杂的政争中多次予以声援,与阉党及其余孽进行了不屈不挠的斗争。在地方为官时,越中文人勤政爱民,体恤民苦,深孚民望。在南明政权阶段,越中文人怀抱一线希望,忠心辅佐南明弘光政权,跟随鲁王政权抗清,力图挽狂澜于既倒。在王朝鼎革、故国沦丧的“天崩地解”之际,越中文人或血酬故国,以身殉节;或为匡复社稷奋起抗击;或拒不仕清,隐居草野,潜心学术。他们在易代之际的政治表现,充分体现了越中重气概、节操的文化传统。明末清初的政治对越中文学也产生了重要影响,使越中文学创作表现出明显的政治意识。揭露战争暴行,表彰忠义气节之士,表达抗敌复国之志,抒写麦秀黍离之悲,是越中诗歌共同的时代主题。下编,明末清初的文学思潮与越中文人及文学。晚明浪漫文学思潮,是作为明中后期复古主义的对立面而出现的。以公安、竟陵为代表的文学革新运动,对复古风潮发起了强烈反击,反叛传统,高扬主体意识,倡导自然人性,成为文学领域的主流思潮,它深刻影响着越中文学的发展方向。在戏曲领域,张大主体意识,重视个体情欲,否定客观世界,质疑传统道德与价值标准,成为越中戏曲创作的重要主题。在诗文领域,徐渭、陶望龄等人强调真我、倡导性灵,开启了越中文学尚真适性的风气,越中诗文尤其是小品文创作成就卓著,充分体现了晚明浪漫文学思潮的特点。对于明代的文学复古思潮,越中文人回应各异:对后七子的模拟复古之风是反对的;对复古派中某些可取的文学主张,如以理约情、追求雅正等是认同的;对明末复社、几社“兴复古学”以救亡图存的经世文学观是积极呼应的。由明入清,由于严峻的社会现实以及日渐空疏虚妄的学风,文学经世思想与实学精神得到进一步发展。黄宗羲、朱舜水、毛奇龄等人,在治学方法、文学观念及创作实践中,注重经世,强调实效,对转变明末清初学术风气、推进清初健实文风的形成起到了重要作用。

【Abstract】 In late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, Central Yue Area witnessed a literary boom with the emerging of a group of outstanding playwrights, writers and poets. The present article intends to conduct a comprehensive study on scholars and literature in this specific period from three different perspectives: cultural tradition, politics and literary trend of thoughts. The article is consisted of a preface and three columns, which includes a total of 11 chapters.The preface introduces the research status in the academic circle, the scope of research of the current article, the reason for choosing the topic and basic ideas.The first column tries to analyze the relationship between the cultural tradition of Yue and the local scholars and literature in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties. The geographic location, production and life style as well as the local customs all contribute to the formation of cultural characters of the Central Yue Area. The local culture not only affects the spiritual aspiration, thoughts and cultural fashion among the scholars, but also has a great influence on the local literature. Thus, the literature of the Central Yue Area has its unique feature in terms of literary form, topic and style.The second column analyzes the relationship between the politics of the time and the local scholars and literature. Literary scholars of Central Yue Area are closely linked to politics and play a very important role in the political stage. During the conflicts between political parties in the Late Ming Dynasty, the scholars of Central Yue Area stand on the side of and supported the up-straight Donglin Party. Under the South Ming Administration, they support the Hongguang Authorities and support King Lu on fighting against the Qing Administration. At the political transition period, the political performance of the scholars of Central Yue Area fully reflects their cultural tradition of upholding moral integrity and conduct. The political environment of the time has a great influence on the local literature and directly affects the topics and tones of the poems.The third column analyzes the relationship between the cultural trend of thoughts and the scholars and literature of the Central Yue Area. The romantic cultural trend in the Late Ming Dynasty had a deep influence on the literary development of the Central Yue Area. In the aspect of traditional opera, the theme of upholding individual consciousness and refuting the outside world is popular. In the aspect of article and poem, the poems and the articles of Tao Wangling, Wang Siren, Zhang Dai and Qi Biaojia all reflect the romantic literary trend typical of the Late Ming Dynasty. To the literary reconnaissance of Ming Dynasty, scholars of Central Yue Area respond differently, either disagree, or agree or support actively. In this period, the socially practical trend of literature is further developed. Scholars like Huang Zongxi, Zhu Shunshui and Mao Qiling pay high attention to social and practical help and use in their literary creation and contribute greatly to the formation of a practical literary style in the early Qing Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期