

The Investigation into the Development of Jiangsu Charity Organizations for Public Benefits in Transformation Period

【作者】 杨琳

【导师】 高力克;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以转型期江苏省慈善组织发展为研究对象,以期通过对江苏慈善组织产生和发展的历史背景、制度环境、社会政策等深层次因素的分析,探讨我国慈善组织与政府职能转变、公民社会建构之间的关系。本文选取了爱德基金会、江苏省慈善总会、南京市慈善总会、常州市慈善总会、宜兴远东慈善基金会、苏州汇凯爱心基金会、南京大学天健社共7个组织作为江苏慈善组织的典型个案进行研究,并从中归纳出三个类型:一类是宗教慈善基金会:爱德基金会;一类是官督商办慈善组织:常州慈善总会;第三类是民营企业非公募慈善基金会:远东慈善基金会。在常州慈善模式中,政府号召与企业家回应号召的官商合作是一大特色,它与“苏南模式”一脉相承.常州民营企业家积极响应政府发展慈善事业的号召,他们以慷慨捐资的善举,提升了企业家、企业的公共形象和社会声誉,并成为参与地方公共事业的重要力量。与官督商办的常州慈善总会相比,爱德基金会和远东慈善基金会更具民间性。但它们仍表现了“第三领域”的某种特征。爱德虽为基督教人士所创办,但其是一个民间慈善公益基金会,而不是一个传播宗教信仰的宗教组织。远东慈善基金会是由远东控股集团联合一批著名民营企业共同发起成立的国内首家定向资助残疾人就业培训的慈善基金会。远东的发展同样离不开江苏省政府和地方政府大力提倡发展慈善事业的政策支持。黄宗智提出的“第三领域”概念,认为第三领域是现代社会整合与国家政权建设两种趋势共同作用的产物。而江苏慈善组织的发展,表征着转型社会“第三领域”的成长。常州慈善总会、爱德基金会和远东慈善基金会是转型时期国家与社会共同卷入第三领域中的范例。这些组织或由政府发动、商人参与而组建;或由宗教领袖、学界领袖和商人们组成,但它们是因国家政策的倡导而成立的,并且按政府的方针而运作。相比较,政府强势主导的常州慈善总会代表了一种强政府型的“第三领域”;而政府政策引导、民问自主运作的爱德基金会和远东慈善基金会,则代表了一种弱政府型的“第三领域”。从转型时期江苏慈善组织的发展历程中来看,发展民间慈善组织和慈善事业,构建一种政府与社会组织之间的良性伙伴关系,无疑是完善社会保障体系、改善治理结构和构建公民社会的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Aiming at the development of charity organizations in Jiangsu province as the object of study during the transformation period, this paper makes an investigation into the relationship among the charity organizations, the transformation of governmental function and the construction of civil society by analyzing such deep-rooted factors as the historical background, the institutional environment and the social policy of the emergence and development of charity.By choosing such seven organizations the Amity Foundation, the Jiangsu General Association of Charity, the Nanjing General Association of Charity, the Changzhou General Association of Charity, the Fareast Charity Foundation in Yixing, the Huikai Love Foundation in Suzhou, the Tianjian Agency of Nanjing University as the typical cases for the research, this paper divides these into three different types : one is relegious charity , e. g. the Amity Foundation; the second is the charity operated by business group but under the supervision of the government, e. g. the Changzhou General Association of Charity; the third is the charity sponsored by private enterprises, e.g. the Fareast Charity Foundation in Yixing. The cooperation between the government and the private enterprises is the major feature in the charity model of Changzhou, which has the same strain from the Sounthern Part of Jiangsu Model. Private entrepreneurs in Changzhou make a positive response to the call of developing the charity cause given by government. Their generous donations improve the public images and social reputation of the private enterprises greatly and become the important force which participates in the local public utilities. Compared with the Changzhou General Association of Charity, the Amity Foundation and the Fareast Charity Foundation in Yixing have the civil features,but they also show certain characteristics of "third field" . The Amity Foundation is not a kind of religious organization to spread the religion but a charity foundation for public benefits , though it is established by religious personnel. The Fareast Charity Foundation in Yixing is the first charity foundation in China which provides the employment training for the disabled persons, it is initiated by the Fareast Charge Share Corp and some other famous private enterprises. The development of the Fareast Charge Share Corp can’ t be successful without the overall situation to develop the charities created by both the provincial government and local government.The concept of "the third field" put forward by Philip C. C . Huang, holds that it is the outcome of both the conformity of modern society and the construction of national power. The development of charity organizations in Jiangsu shows the growth of ’the third field" in social transformation. The Changzhou General Association of Charity, the Amity Foundation and the Fareast Charity Foundation are the good examples of both the state and society jointly involving in the third field during the transformation period. Some of these organizations are launched by government and participated by businessmen; some are composed of the leaders from the religion, academy and the business, while they are founded by responding to the call of national policy and operated by the governmental principle. By comparison, the Changzhou General Association of Charity, led by government strongly, represents a sort of third field with governmental force; while the Amity Foundation and the Fareast Charity Foundation, which are led by the governmental policy and operated by the folk force, represent a sort of third field with weak governmental force.Judging from the developing course of Jiangsu charity organizations in the transformation period, we know that the development of charity organizations and and the construction of fine partnership between the government and the social organizations are definitely the effective approach to perfecting the social security system, improving the governing structure and constructing civil society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期