

The Theory of Political Prpcess on the Mansion Army Systerm

【作者】 熊伟

【导师】 卢向前;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 府兵制作为中古历史上一项重要军事政治制度,对西魏、北周、隋代及唐前期历史都曾产生过深远影响。西魏北周(以下简称魏周)是府兵制创立及发展时期,其制度结构性质在前后期有许多重要的变化。本文首先自魏周府兵制发展演化的历史展开论述,力图在继承、比较前人研究成果基础上,将府兵制发展过程置于特定历史环境中加以理解,分析其形成原因、条件、结构、功能,在此基础上,进入到对隋及唐前期府兵制结构与功能等方面的分析当中,并从中考察府兵制对上述时代社会与国家所起的作用。本文绪论部分,通过对府兵制研究过程中几个主要论域之分析,提出与本文论题相关之问题及解决它需要运用的方法,构建出本篇论文写作主要的知识框架。本文正文部分,分作上下二篇,上篇考察的时代是魏周,下篇考察的时代则在隋唐。上篇主要探讨的是府兵制如何将各类政治主体加以整合,共三章。首章中,考察了两类政治主体(武川集团与地方武力)前期历史,分析了二者各自“乡里”武力形成过程,对两类乡里结构作了必要的区分,地方军镇与地方行政区不同安排,使两类武力中人物具有不同的生活方式与利益取向,同样面临残酷的战争局势,两类人物具有了不同的政治品质,主要反映在“反门阀主义”与“乡土主义”之中。第二章中,主要论述魏周府兵制的形成及组织结构特征,通过对府兵制结构不同侧面的考察,来分析该制度整体主要特征。笔者认为该制度特征主要体现在置府收兵(从兵制而言)、军团组成(从军制而言)与戎秩序列形成(从官阶而言)等方面。第三章中,主要探究魏周府兵制建立之政治意义,对前章制度特征的分析转入制度结构功能的考察。探讨府兵制戎秩序列展开内容,及其作为一类政治制度工具,在武川集团与地方武力两个政治主体间能够发挥的主要的功能与作用。笔者认为,府兵制功能与作用主要成果,即在于形成了新的统治阶级——关陇集团。下篇主要观察隋唐府兵制各类政治结构与功能分化的历史过程,全部内容共分四章。第四章中,对陈寅恪先生提出的关中本位政策与关陇集团概念在知识论上进行疏理。突出了关中本位政策所具有的乡土品质;清理了关陇集团概念中胡汉与文武关系的组合,强调对关陇集团的理解应该以府兵制为中心;叙述了魏周府兵制八柱国家系统在隋唐历史环境下的演化发展历程。第五章中,主要围绕隋唐府兵制军府系统结构展开讨论。注目于军府系统内部主要功能之间分化的历史过程;又围绕着府兵制与骁果制关系进行讨论,分析了隋代的骁果人物与魏周府兵制内所吸纳武川豪杰与地方豪右在政治品质等方面的异同。第六章中,主要分析隋唐府兵制军事系统功能分化的历史。考察了蓣骑、兵募及防丁与府兵制度结构的基本关系,笔者认为,唐前期建构出了以府兵制为轴心,其他兵员制度为其补充的军事格局,其后,军事系统内部主要功能不断的发展,又使得新的军事制度因素(北衙禁军、官健、团结)逐渐由府兵制军事系统内部摆脱出来,发展为相对独立的制度形态,展开新一轮的制度内容的演化。第七章中,主要考察隋唐府兵制品阶系统功能分化的历史。关注于隋代由开皇散实官至大业散职的演化进程及其本阶化的政治意义;考察了唐代勋官的形成及文·武散官制所具有的本阶化意义。这一历史阶段,府兵制品阶内容渐为地方人物所贱视,其品阶系统内主要载体(勋官)所具有的本阶化的政治功能日渐丧失。府兵制结构内部功能不断地分化,使各种具有专门功能的制度载体逐渐脱离府兵制度结构的母体,走上了独立演化的道路,并由此发展为新的制度形态。而在玄宗开天之际,府兵制在失去各项主要功能之后,名存而实亡,走向了最终的瓦解。

【Abstract】 The Mansion Army System is an important sort of military politics, which has a far-reaching influence on the history of Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Early Tang Dynasties. The properties of system structure have many important changes in the adjacent period of Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties from which the Mansion Army System is established and commences developing. This paper firstly spreads out exposition from the development and evolution of the Mansion Army System in Wei and Zhou Dynasties, and by inheritance and comparing the results of previous researches, the developing process of the Mansion Army System is put in a special history environment because of which it can be understood and also the causes, conditions, structures and functions can be analyzed. Thus, the paper finds its way into the analyzing for the structures and functions, and the like, in the Mansion Army System of the prophase Sui Tang Dynasties, during which it studies how the Mansion Army System performs a function on the dynasties and countries above.The exordium is an analyzing on several principal discourses which appears in the investigation of the Mansion Army System it puts forward the problems which are related to the thesis with the solutions to solve them, and constructs the main knowledge framework of this paper.The body of this paper is divided into two parts, one is the study on Wei and Zhou Dynasties, and the other is Sui and Tang Dynasties.The first part mainly discusses the way to the integration of various political subjects by the Mansion Army System, including three chapters.In the first chapter, this paper studies the previous history of two political subjects (Wu Chuan Group and Local Force) and analyses the formation process of the two "Xiang Li" forces, in addition, necessary distinguishing is revealed, characters in two forces have been taken on the various life styles and the interest orientations, by the different arrangements for the local armies and the local administrative areas, thus, two characters possess the different political qualities when facing the cruel war situation, and which mainly reflects on the anti-aristocracy and provincialism.In the second chapter, it gives thoughts on the formation and histological characteristics of the Mansion Armies system in Wei Zhou and analyses main features of this System by investigating its’ different sides of structure. The author holds that the institutional characteristic is mainly reflected in the aspects of establishing general governance system, setting subordinates(from the point of soldiers organization), forming the army group (from the point of military organization) and sequence of Rung Zhi (from the point of Guan Jie).In the third chapter, it throws light on the political significance of establishment in Wei Zhou’s Mansion Armies System and there is a transition from anglicizing the institutional characteristic to the structure and function of the system. It also studies the development of Rung Zhi in the Mansion Armies System and the influence on main function of political subjects, Wu Chuan Group and Local Force, as a sort of political system. From the author’s point of view, the main function achievements of the Mansion Armies System consist in forming a new ruling class—Guan Long Group.The second part mainly studies the differential historical process of various political structure s and functions in Sui Tang Dynasties, including four chapters.In the fourth chapter, the paper sorts out the concept on Guan Zhong Ben Wei policy and Guan Long Group, which is introduced by Mr. Chen Yanke, from the theory of knowledge aspect. It projects the local quality of Guan Zhong Ben Wei policy and liquidates the relationship combination between Hu-Han and Wen-Wu in Guan Long Group. In addition, taking the Mansion Armies System as the Central of comprehending Guan Long Group is emphased on this chapter. Finally, it indicates the evolution development of the eight Zhuguo systems in Wei Zhou Dynasties’ Mansion Armies System under the history environment in Sui Tang Dynasties.In the fifth chapter, it mainly discusses the system structure of military government in Wei Zhou Dynasties’ Mansion Armies. Attention is paid to the differential historical process among the principal functions in military government. Centering on the discussion of the relationship between the Mansion Armies System and Xiao Guo System, the paper analyzes the similarities and differences on the political qualities of Xiao Guo characters in Sui Dynasty and Wu Chuan heroes as well as local despots.In the sixth chapter, the paper mainly analyzes the differential history of military system in Sui Tang Dynasties’ Mansion Armies and investigates the basic relationship between Kuang Ji, Bing Mu, Fang Ding and the structure of the Mansion Armies System. The author holds that a military pattern is formed in the early Tang Dynasty, which is taking the Mansion Armies System as central with the supplementary of other soldiers system. Then, a new military system(including Bei Ya Garrison Army, Guan Jian, Tuan Jie ) gets rid of military government in the Mansion Armies and developes into a relatively independent system form, which evolved a new system content.In the last chapter, the paper mainly investigates the system function of the differential history in Pin Jie of Sui Tang Dynasties’ Mansion Armies. This part pays attention to both the developmental process, during which Kai Huang San Guan is evolved as Da Ye San Zhi, and political significance of Ben Jie. In addition, it studies the formation of Xun Guan in Tang Dynasty and the Significance of Ben Jie in civil and military officials system. In these historical stage, local figures commence distaining the content of Pin Jie in the Mansion Armies System, thus, the political function of Ben Jie which belongs to the principal carrier (Xun Guan) in Pin Jie system gradually faded away.The institution carrier which has various special functions gradually gets rid of the maternal plant of system structure in the Mansion Armies, owing to its continual differentiation in the inner structure function, and finds its way into the independent evolving, finally carries on a new system form. In Kai Yuan and Tian Bao periods which are under the governing of Chinese emperor Xuan Zong, the Mansion Armies System exists in name only by losing its main functions, and ultimately ending with disorganizing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K235
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1275