

Research on the Ming Dynasty’s Literature Collected in Tianyi Pavilion

【作者】 柯亚莉

【导师】 崔富章;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国古代藏书家和藏书楼在保存文献、促进学术和传播文化方面起到了重要作用。宁波范氏天一阁是我国现存最古老的私家藏书楼,足称藏书家之巨擘,本文选取天一阁藏明代文献为研究对象,重点便是为了突出其学术史和文化史上的价值与意义。论文分五章。第一章综述了天一阁及其藏书研究的概况,指出其中的不足。第二章分析了天一阁藏明代文献的背景和条件,考述了天一阁创建者范钦的从政简史、交游情况及其藏书目的、藏书来源和建阁时间,追踪考察了天一阁藏书散出的三条线索以及天一阁原藏明代文献在今天各图书馆的庋藏情况。第三章集中阐述了天一阁藏明代文献的主要内容,主要是奏议类、政书类、传记类、地理类、科举文献和明人文集等六类,第四章接着举出其中的九十三种明代文献,细致地分析了其内容、版本和学术价值等。论文第五章在前文的基础上总结了天一阁藏明代文献内容上的学术价值、版本上的特征及在版本学上的意义和天一阁藏书的文化意义。作者立足于原始文献,一方面钩稽通行之史料,另一方面进行实地考查,搜求前人未见或少见之材料,运用历史学与文献学的研究方法,在天一阁藏书研究、中国藏书史研究和明史研究等方面做出了一些新的探索。

【Abstract】 In ancient China,bibliophiles and their libraries have played an important role in preserving literature,promoting academy and propagating culture.The Fan family’s Tianyi Pavilion(天一阁) at Ningbo(宁波) city is the oldest extant library in our country.This dissertation tries to make a comprehensive study on the Ming Dynasty’s literature collected in Tianyi Pavilion in order to highlight this library’s value and significance in the history of academy and culture.This thesis is divided into five chapters.ChapterⅠsurveys the reserch situation of Tianyi Pavilion and its collection.ChapterⅡanalyzes the historical background and favorable factors related to the Ming’s literature Tianyi Pavilion stored,researches the founder of Tianyi Pavilion-Fan Qin(范钦,1506-1585)’s life,his friendships between he and other contemporaries,why he collected books,what his collection came from and when his library was completed, and investigates how Tianyi Pavilion’s collection scattered and now which libraries have stored the Ming’s literature that formerly held in Tianyi Pavilion.ChapterⅢelaborates the main contents of the Ming’s literature collected in Tianyi Pavilion through classification-memorials to the emperor,documents of rules and regulations,biographies, geographical books,examinational documents and the general and various anthologies of the Ming Dynasty’s authors’ works.Then ChapterⅣselects ninety-three of them to make careful observation,including their contents,edition and value.On this basis,ChapterⅤsums up the academic value of the Ming’s literature collected in Tianyi Pavilion,its edition features and bibliologial value,and the cultural significance of Tianyi Pavilion’s collection.With the methods of historical and literature science,the author not only fries to ascertain historical materials,but also carries out on-the-pot investigations,so makes some new exploration in the studies of Tianyi Pavilion’s collection, ancient Chinese collection and Ming Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期