

On the Collation of Buddhist Sutra Translated in Late Han、WeiJin、the Northern and Southern Dynasties

【作者】 卢巧琴

【导师】 颜洽茂;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文阐述东汉魏晋南北朝译经语料整理的内容、方法及整理过程中应注意的若干问题,共分八章:第一章简述选题缘由、研究材料、研究方法。第二章简述东汉魏晋南北朝译经概况及各种版本情况,同时讨论译经的语言性质,指出学界在引用译经语料时存在的三个突出问题:轻信题署、忽略版本异文、轻信不当断句。第三章讨论东汉魏晋南北朝译经语料在词汇学、文字学及其在大型字书编纂中的价值。东汉魏晋南北朝译经语料富含新词新义、有助于揭示词义的由来;可为字书提供确切的释义;有利于厘清正、俗字的语境差异;在大型字书编纂中,东汉魏晋南北朝译经语料可纠《汉语大字典》不恰当的释义、补充义项、提供恰当例证等。第四章探讨东汉魏晋南北朝译经语料整理的内容。译经语料整理不仅应考虑其不同于传统文献的特殊性,更应结合微观、宏观两个层次。单篇译经语料的微观整理内容包括译经年代、译人、译经地点三个主要方面。译经语料的宏观整理内容包括校勘、注释等。第五、六、七章讨论译经语料整理的方法。第五章具体阐述译经语料鉴别的方法。译经语料可从文献学、语言学(语法、词汇、语音)、文化学等方面进行鉴别,并综合考证了《昙无德羯磨》的年代、《五阴譬喻经》的译人及《撰集百缘经》的翻译地点。第六章阐述译经中俗字的考辩方法。根据不同版本对“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”等俗字进行考辩;用演绎类推考辩了“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)"、“(?)”、“(?)”等俗字;根据字、韵书,结合文义,比对版本及异出经等方法综合考辩了“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”、“(?)”等俗字。第七章是关于校勘学整理的方法。通语法、明语词、破假借、审文义可用来整理译经语料的句读;利用不同版本及同经异译等方法可纠正译经语料的脱、衍、错倒等讹误。第八章讨论译经语料整理时应注意的若干问题。语料鉴别时应注意参照译经的选择、区别性语料的提取、考证方法的应用;语料注释应结合实际语言用例、兼顾译经语言的地域性、审慎对待孤证;校勘时应注意选择善本、通晓译经文体、注意文字的使用等。

【Abstract】 This dissertion takes Buddhist scriptures translated in Late Han,Wei,Jin,Northern and Southern Dynasties as researeh object,focus on the contents、methods of collation and some key problems run through it.This paper falls into eight chapters.ChapterⅠ:Briefly descript the reason for title selected,materials adoption and ways to study.ChapterⅡ:Briefly descript the survey of Buddhist scriptures translated in Late Han,Wei,Jin,Northern and gouthern Dynasties and its different versions,touch upon its linguistic inherency,meanwhile,we point out three problems in citing Buddhist sutra:accept title and false marks as Arguing materials,ignore variance in different version.ChapterⅢ:On the Value of Buddhist Sutra translated in Late Han, Wei,Jin,Northern and Southern Dynasties in etymology.Buddhist Sutra not only could provide An abundance of instances for meaning definition,but also have profitable effects on the Compiling of Large-Scaled Chinese Dictionary.ChapterⅣ:Contents of study on Buddhist Sutra should included in macroscopic and microcosmic.We should survey translator、time region of single Buddhist scripture.Meanwhile,we should pay more attention to the corpus collate and notation. ChapterⅤ、ⅥandⅦis about methodology.ChapterⅤ:we can examine the translation time of Buddhist sutra from the philology、linguistic and cultural perspective.we synthesize three methods to investigate translation time of Tanwudejiemo、translator of Wuyinbiyujing and region of Zhuan jibaiyuanjing.ChapterⅥ:we explains the meaning of chinese folk characters such as wan、you、qin、zhi and so on,according to the different version and deduction.ChapterⅦ:There are some methods in collate Buddhist scriptures,only we know grammar,understand the meaning of words,aware of borrow phenomena,can we right error、give it a supplement,exscinde words,put reversal in order.ChapterⅧ:There are some problems on collation of Buddhist scriptures, Particularly through out ascertaining the translation period of Buddhist sutra.the difficulties mainly iies in choicing Buddhist sutra for reference and extracting distinguish words.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】B948
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】880