

A Research on the Classic Quotations in Chuxueji

【作者】 李玲玲

【导师】 张涌泉; 许建平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 《初學記》是唐玄宗時官修的類書,徐堅等人輯集經傳,按以類相從的方式編輯而成。分天、歲時、地、州郡、帝王、中宫、儲宫、帝戚、職官、禮、樂、人、政理、文、武、道釋、居處、器物、寶器、果木、獸、鳥、鱗介、蟲等二十四部類。前人對《初學記》評價頗高,其引文具有文字、詞彙、文獻、輯佚等多方面的價值。本文以《初學記》所引《十三經》相關内容為研究對象,全面整理了《初學記》所引經文,考鏡文字源流,剖析語彙變遷,輯錄佚文佚注。同時也對《初學記》引經的錯誤進行了歸類分析。全文分四部分:第一部分:第一章至第二章討論《初學記》的成書、作者、體例及研究情況。第一章通過對相關材料的梳理,考定了《初學記》的作者;對《初學記》的研究情況作了簡要的回顧,確定本文的研究方向。第二章介紹《初學記》全書的體例和引經的特殊體例。第二部分:第三章至第五章以具體實例的方式分析《初學記》引文與今本的歧異,主要從字形、語音、詞義三方面加以考察。第三部分:第六章至第七章以個案的方式全面分析討論了《初學記》引經的價值和存在的問題.第六章從糾謬、存古、明異、補正辭書及輯佚五方面分析了引經的價值;第七章從意引、脱字、衍字、誤倒、訛誤、雜糅及引文題識錯誤等方面分析了《初學記》引經存在的問題。最後是附表,把《初學記》所引每一經的文字按經文順序匯總成表,以便讀者檢索利用。

【Abstract】 Chuxueji(初学记) is a genus-book written by Xujian(徐堅) and other authors in Tang dynasty. According to class, it was listed by sky, seasons, terra, counties, monarch, princess, prince, relatives, official, amenity, music, people, award and punishment, character, wushu, Taoism and Buddhism, buildings, instruments, cowries, trees, animals, birds, fish, insects and so on. Predecessors evaluated Chuxueji(初学记) highly on characters, glossaries, literatures and addendums.This paper aims at accelerating Confucian classics development by studying characters’ headstream, analyzing glossies’ change, compiling lost works and annotations. At the same time, errors of Confucian classics are also classified and analyzed.This paper includes four parts.Firstly, chapter one ensures authors of Chuxueji(初学记), reviews research situation and ascertain the study direction. On this basis, chapter two introduces the style of the whole book and special style of quoted Confucian classics.Secondly, chapter three to chapter five, this part analyzes differences between quotations and current version from three respects of characters, sounds and glossaries.Thirdly, chapter six values quoted Confucian classics in five parts, such as correcting errors, collecting old versions and different versions, emending dictionaries, gathering scattered writings. Chapter seven analyzes the existing problems of quoted Confucian classics from many fields, such as quotation in meaning, renegade words, redundant words, wrong words, perversion sentences, mixed quotation and wrong name or author.The last one is some sheets. Every sheet contains quotation of one Confucian classic. It can be used for comparing and reviewing.

【关键词】 初学记引经異文张说
【Key words】 Chuxuejiquoted Confucian classicsdifferent charactersZhangshuo
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期