

The Study of Chinese Medicine Works in Middle Ancient Times

【作者】 王前

【导师】 王云路;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中古医书从上古医书传承而来,不但继承了上古医书的博大精深,而且具有自身的一些语言特点。本文以《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》、《脉经》、《肘后备急方》、《诸病源候论》五本书为研究对象,旨在对中古医书语词做较为系统的研究,为整个汉语词汇史研究提供一定的参考。本文共分五章。第一章,论述中古医书语料的特点。本章从专业性、口语性、复杂性三个方面分析中古医书语料的特点,认为中古医书的语料既有其独特的方面,同时也与其他文献用语息息相关,书中的很多语词来源于上古医书或其他文献,同时也包含了独有的新词新义、后人添加或讹误的语词及类推仿造的语词等。第二章,论述中古医书语词的研究价值。本章从中古医书语词研究与文本校勘、中古医书语词研究与辞书编纂两个方面论述了中古医书语词研究的价值。可见中古医书语词研究可以为汉语史研究及大型辞书编纂提供更多的语料。第三章,辨析中古医书中的同义词。中古医书中包含了大量的同义词,本章不但对书中的一般同义词做了辨析,对同素异序同义词及特殊结构同义词也有所论及,从中不但可以看出中古医书同义词的整体面貌,而且可以看出同义词的发展演变的过程。第四章,分析中古医书中的构词语素。中古医书中包含了丰富的构词语素,大体可以分为两大类:第一类是单义语素,第二类是多义语素,本章既分析了这两类构词语素本身的含义,也对其构词的机制做了初步的探讨,从中可以看出这些构词语素的构词能力极强。第五章,举例分析了中古医书中的专类语词。中古医书中涉及了很多指称病症名称、身体部位名称及其相关的语词,本章主要分析了这些专类语词的使用情况及发展演变过程,尝试探讨其中蕴含的一些规律,从中看出同一概念可以有多个不同称谓以及同一语词可以指称不同的事物。

【Abstract】 The Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times followed the ones of ancient times. They are not only as broad and profound as the works for Chinese medicine of ancient times, but also characteristic in language. In order to study the words of the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times thoroughly and provide more overall reference to the whole study of the history of Chinese vocabulary, the another taking the five books ShangHanLun、JinGuiYaoLue、MaiJing、ZhouHouBeiJiFang and ZhuBingYuanXouLun as research objects.This thesis consists of five chapters.In chapter 1, the characteristics of materials of the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times are analyzed from five respects including the professional trait, oral features and the complexity. It is found out that the words of the Chinese medicine materials of middle ancient times are closely linked with the words of other literatures as well as having its own characteristics. Some of the words root in the works of ancient times and other works. The particular new words and acceptation are consist of the middle ancient times medicine works. The words appended by the posterity and the imitated by the author are include in the middle ancient times medicine works.In chapter 2, the research value of the words of Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times is discussed from four respects: the study on the words of the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times and the textual collation, the study on the words of the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times and words traceability, the study on the words of the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times and the history of Chinese language. The study on the words of the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times can provid more language materials for Chinese historyand the dictionary compilation.In chapter 3, this thesis discriminate the synonyms in the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times. There are lots of synonyms in the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times. this chapter not only discriminates them, but also discusses the synonyms with same morphemes but different order and the synonyms with special structure, which can reflect the whole image of the synonyms in the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times. Some of the synonyms’ evolvement are analysed too.In chapter 4, the word-formation morphemes which are contained in the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times are analyzed. The first type has single item while the second type has multiple items. The word-formation morphemes’ meaning are analysed. And the wordbuilding are analysed too. By analyzing, we can draw a conclusion that these two types of word-formation morpheme both have very strong word-building ability.In chapter 5, the special type words in the Chinese medicine works of middle ancient times is analyzed with examples, because many words about disease name, body parts and something related are involved in it. Then this chapter mainly analyses the use condition and the evolution process of these special type words, tying to explore some implicated laws. By analyzing, we can draw a conclusion that the idea of one and the same can have many title. And the one and same word can delegate different business.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期