

Studying on Shangshu in the Song Dynasty

【作者】 张建民

【导师】 张岂之;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 宋代是中国历史发展过程中的一个多难的时期,又是中国文化发展的高峰期,以此,宋代文化与社会问题的胶结尤为引人注目。《尚书》是中国最早的文献记录,也有着最为复杂的问题,而宋代作为中国学术史上的重要一页,对《尚书》学的发展有着独特的贡献。就宋儒而言,学术与政治不是孤立的,而是很好地结合在了一起,《尚书》学在宋代的发展即为其表现之一。对宋代《尚书》学加以研究就是以宋儒的《尚书》学为切入口,探讨宋儒经典研究的学术特点与价值以及社会效益。目前学术界对宋代《尚书》学的研究已有相当成果出现,在前人研究的基础上,从学术史的角度,利用文献学、文化学等的方法,把学术研究与社会史研究结合起来,并突显社会思潮的作用与特点等是《宋代<尚书>学研究》的原则与方法。结论认为:一、宋代学术表现为义理考据的并行。但又引发求真与求用之间的紧张。固然,这不是宋代独有的现象,却在宋代表现得十分突出。二、宋儒重视“内圣外王”的追求。他们在道德性命论证的基础上,注重道德修养,强调社会关怀,二者并没有偏向。在现实中,由于皇权的参与,宋儒的“内圣外王”往往表现出此偏彼重的表象,但这不是宋儒的真实面貌。三、宋儒有着强烈的皇权主义意识,也有着道高于势的理想追求,从而在宋儒身上表现出内在张力,也造成道与势的冲突。他们期望限制皇权,突显士大夫的政治地位以行道。得君行道的努力体现出士大夫在道势之间的折衷,而“与士大夫共治天下”的理念则是君主与士大夫相互妥协的结果。四、学术与政治的不协调在宋代突出地表现为学术多元化与政治一体化之间的矛盾。这种矛盾不是宋代的独有现象,但在宋代尤为集中而明显。五、《尚书》在宋代不是最受关注的经典,但宋儒的多种著作也显示出《尚书》学在宋代的重要地位。同时,宋代《尚书》学在一些问题上的突出贡献不但推动了《尚书》学的良性发展,也对后世《尚书》学研究提供了有益的问题与思考。

【Abstract】 Song dynasty was the age with political difficulties and rapid cultural development so that influence on each other between cultural problems and social problems, particularly catch the attention. <shangshu> is the earliest historical documents in China and has the most complicated questions.Song dynasty as the important stage in the academic history of China did its special bit for learning on <Shangshu>. As for the Confucianists in Song dynasty, learning or politics wasn’t isolated ,but combined with each other well, and learning on <Shangshu> in Song dynasty was a good example for this. Studying learning on <Shangshu> in Song dynasty is making learning on <Shangshu> in Song dynasty as starting of studying for recearching into the academic feachers and social effect from recearching into classics in Song dynasty.At the moment, many achievements come into being in research on <Shangshu> in Song dynasty, so my methods and principles of study on research into <Shangshu> in Song dynasty are that by the point of view of academic history ,theories of research into documents and culture are used and research into learning and research into social history are combined and social trend of thought is stressed . Conclusion are that : 1) One of the academic characteristics in Song dynasty was that ways for achieving thought or truth coexisted so that conflict between them existed .Certainly, this phenomenon wasn’t unique ,but was quite distinct in Sung dynasty. 2) Confucianists layed stress on pursuit of being sage and achieving benevolent government in Sung dynasty. Based on demonstration of morality or life , they attached importance to moral cultivation and payed attention to solicitude for society equally.In fact, imperial power made "being sage and achieving benevolent government" unequal ,but this wasn’t the truth for the confucianists in Song dynasty. 3) The confucianists in Song dynasty had strong conciousness of respesting imperial power and had ideal of way superior to power so that conflict existed between way and power . They hoped to limit imperial power and heighten political position of literati and officialdom . Hard work of using ways through imperial power showed a kind of harmony between way and power and point of view that the emperor and literati and officialdom governed the station in common meaned that the emperor and literati and officialdom come to terms . 4) Uncoordination between scholar and politics obviously indicated a kind of contradictions between a variety of academic trend and single political trend .And the contradictoins wasn’t unique in Song dynasty, but ,particularly ,was concentrated and distinguished. 5) <Shangshu> wasn’t payed the most close attention to ,but many books of the confucianists in Song dynasty meaned that research into <Shangshu> was important .And contribution of confucianists in Song dynasty about research into <Shangshu> improved the research into <Shangshu> and raised many good questions for research into <Shangshu> after Song dynasty.

【关键词】 宋代《尚书》儒家士大夫
【Key words】 Song Dynasty<Shang-shu>confucianistliterati and officialdom
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期