

Research on Rural Labor Migration in Resource Rich Area of Northern Shaanxi

【作者】 高岩辉

【导师】 刘科伟;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 在广泛而复杂的劳动力转移研究中,经济和社会因素一直是学者关注的核心因素,环境因素处于边缘地位。然而,现实中地理环境复杂、人文基础多样、发展水平不一,围绕人口迁移的各因素的重要性随研究对象及地方背景而改变。陕北地区人地关系复杂,受资源开发和退耕还林工程以及其他经济活动的影响,该地区人地关系变动剧烈。这种变化,一方面区使得该区域资源环境条件对农村劳动力转移的影响可能从边缘地位上升到主导地位,另一方面使得农村劳动力在产业间和空间上的成功转移对社会、经济和生态可持续发展有十分重要的意义。作者从决策与尺度的关联性入手,对农村劳动力转移相关理论进行了梳理,从条件、过程、影响三方面总结国内农村劳动力转移实践研究,并从地理学传统开始,分析资源、环境因素对人口迁移、农村劳动力转移的影响及资源富集地区农村劳动力转移问题的重要意义。在此基础上,本论文以陕北地区为例,遵循“背景—表现—解释—政策导向”的路线,对陕北资源富集地区农村劳动力转移进行了较为系统的研究,并尝试将社会、经济和资源环境因素纳入一个框架,利用多来源数据资料(普查资料、问卷调查、统计数据等)的分析比较,对陕北农村劳动力转移的背景、特征与模式进行总结,从不同尺度上解释陕北农村劳动力转移模式的形成,并提出政策建议。本文得出以下主要结论:(1)陕北地区是生态脆弱区、资源富集区与贫困区的重叠,经济问题、社会问题、生态问题交织在一起,区域发展的系统性与复杂性非常突出,在这类地域系统中,不仅社会经济主要特征的形成和变化受资源、环境因素的直接影响,人类活动的职业结构和空间结构及其变化亦与自然环境和资源条件关联密切。(2)当前陕北农村劳动力转移尚处于初级阶段,主要特征为外出劳动力规模小、外出率低、自发性强、兼业现象明显、从业质量低、本地城市吸纳能力小等。影响劳动力转移的一些现代化因素(如正规部门、教育、政府组织等)的作用尚不明显。从产业和地区流向看,陕北农村劳动力转移集中在本县地域内的传统第三产业和建筑业,从事制造业和远距离从业人员比重小。陕北农村劳动力转移的特殊性在于外出流向和从业结构,以及这种结构背后的区域经济、社会、资源环境因素起到的塑造作用。(3)个人素质、家庭条件、社区状况都影响到农村劳动力转移决策。城乡收入差异和家庭经营收入在成本收益比较中影响最大;在整体的区域背景之下,初中文化程度的转移劳动力占多数,相对于资源型经济占主导的区域经济结构来说,个体人力资本不能满足产业结构转换的需要;以家庭、邻里为主的传统关系有助于农村劳动力转移过程中获取工作信息,地方政府主导的基层关系网络则是通过劳务输出、技能培训等途径促进劳动力转移,并在资源的开采过程中积极争取地方利益,起到积极作用。(4)区域结构决定了就业机会供给数量、结构和空间分布。在原有薄弱的经济基础之上,资源主导的产业结构与以农业为主的就业结构之间的偏离日益加剧,成为区域最大的结构性问题,这一结构性错位从就业岗位供给的角度决定了从农业、农村转移出的劳动力集中于区内建筑业和传统第三产业,而非现代制造业。结构化问题在空间上表现为城乡结构中城市缺少能自我持续发展的现代产业基础,吸纳能力难以提高。(5)资源环境及其变化是改变区域结构的主要动力。自然生产条件决定了农业生产条件及其空间差异,所造成的空间分隔是劳动力迁移的障碍,但在一定程度上也是迁移的动力;生态环境治理对农村劳动力转移产生了巨大的推力,在一定期限内也提供了时间和经济上的保障,但其本身并不产生就业岗位;资源开采直接吸纳的农村转移劳动力数量较少,其主要作用是塑造了对劳动力转移有利有弊的经济空间。(6)影响农村劳动力转移的因素多而复杂,同一因素既可能产生直接的影响,也可能产生间接的影响,可能存在正向的促进作用,也可能产生阻碍作用。在这复杂的背景之下农民做出是否转移,转移到何处的决策。作者认为,区域特征使得陕北地区农村居民个人选择受到约束,而超越个人和家庭尺度的因素主导了劳动力转移模式的形成。最后,作者比较了不同模式的适用性,提出了陕北农村劳动力转移的战略,并提出,从高端劳务输出、特色农业产业化和城镇建设入手,拓展就业空间,缓解产业结构与就业结构偏离造成的矛盾;从减少交通、政策阻碍入手,促进要素流动、集聚,解决城乡结构矛盾,形成有自我持续发展能力的经济中心和合理的空间经济格局;围绕农民等主体,解决个体与区域就业环境对接中的技术、信息等问题。本论文的主要创新之处在于,作者尝试从尺度出发梳理劳动力转移理论,并将个人、家庭、社区、区域不同尺度与经济、社会、环境因素相结合,构建了资源富集地区农村劳动力转移的分析框架,发现并总结了陕北地区农村劳动力“本地化-跳跃式”转移模式及其动力机制,提出了针对性的政策。论文的主要结论和分析框架对理解西部资源富集地区和落后地区农村劳动力转移有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Now, China has been in to a economy and society rapidly changing periord. Employment, especially the employment of the rural-urban migrant, is a very importment question related to improvement of people’ life and social stability. Economical and social factors, not environmental, are considered in core of comprehensive labor migration study framwork. In real word, complicated geographical environment, diversified human foundation, varied level of development, these conditions can bring the status changes of migration related factors. For Mide and West China, interacttion between rural labor migration and vulnerable ecology are obvious, the former is regarded as key pre-conditions for economic -social development and ecological management.The Territorial System of Human-Nature Relation in Shanbei Area(Northern Shaanxi of China), is very complicated, and in greatly dynamic changing which caused by natural resources exploitation, ecological eanagement(such as Grain for Green Project), and economical activies. Rural labor’ industrial and spatial transitions, from agricultural occupation to nonagricultural sectors, from countryside to urban areas, play an important role in sustainable development of Northern Shaanxi. Through this research the author tried to summarize the main characteristics of labor transition, shaping and influence of migration.Multi-sourcing digital data and other information are collected, and both qualitative methods and quantitative methods were adopted in this research. The qualitative methods are mainly interviews with migrant worker and governmental officials in charge, and analyses of population census, questionnaire survey and historical materials from Statistical Yearbook of related areas. Serious quantitative methods are used only in minority analyses.Northern Shaanxi is multi-problem area, which economic, social and ecological problemes are intertwined together. Rural labor migration and ecological eanagement are highly interacted, natural resouce exploitation make situation more complex. Through muti-scale polices, resource and environment have direct and indirect influence on economic milieu and labor migration. Rural-urban polices and industrial polices are supporting factors.Rural-urban labor migration is in a early stage, small in volume and out percentage, organizational spontaneity, both manage farm work and nonagricultural activities, new works are low quality(such as lower pay, instability),cities and towns have low absorptive capability, et.al. Modern factors(such as, formal industrial sectors, eduction, government organization) are not the most importment forces to promote rural migration. In Northern Shaanxi, Out workers form countryside mostly flow in county, concentrate in traditional tertiary industry and construction industry, long-distant migration is not popular. The particular featue of migration are not the migrant’ personal characteristics, organization forms, nor the obstructiones in rural-urban migration and adapting to their new life, but the flow dorection in industrial srctors and space, the underlying shapping forces from economy, society and natural environment.Human capital, household and community conditions, all can affect migration. Rural-urban income disparity and income from household operations have most imporant role in cost-benefit weighing. Junior middle school eduction can offer elementary human capital to migrant, but can not satisfy the transition of regional industrial sector. Based on family and neighbourhood, traditional social relations can help migrant to acquire job opportunities, official organizations’ endeavor is reflected in exporting of labor services, training, protecting workers’ rights and local residenters’ benefit in resources exploiting.The supply, structure and spatial distribution of job opportunities are dominated by regional structure. Pushed by the addiction of natural resource exploit, deviation between industrial structure and employment structure is being more and more serious, and become the most importment structural problem in Northern Shaanxi. This structural dismatch brings the off-farm, out-countryside migrant workers concentrate in traditional tertiary industry and construction industry, not modern manufacturing industry. Another structural problem is rural-urban deviation, urban economies are too weak, lack of self-support modern industries.Regional structure is shaped by environmental factors and energy resources to a great degree. Physio geographic condition bring regional variation of farming conditions, and spatial obstruction, on the other hand, it is a push-force for migration. Ecological managements(such as Grain for Green Project) push rural labors leave land, but the project can not produce non-agricultural jod opportunities. Energy resources exploitation use only a few rural labors, but shape a pros and cons "social-economic-ecological" space.There are many factors should be considered in migration analyses. One factor can produce direct effect and indirect effect, positive effect and negative effect on rural migration. Rural labours make the decision in complicated situation. Polices framwork for rural migration has three sections. First, remove migration barriers and weakening regional structural issues gradually; Second, carry out reasonable spatial policies in order to facilitate flowing and aggregateing of production factor; Third, improve the human capital of rural labor and the enthusiasm of every behavioral agent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期