

A Study of the Social Structure and Social Stratification in Contemporary Arab Countries

【作者】 詹晋洁

【导师】 黄民兴;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 二战以来,阿拉伯国家经历了从传统农牧业社会向现代工业社会的巨大转变,伴随着民族国家的构建和现代化进程的深入,阿拉伯国家的社会结构出现较大变动,多元化趋势成为战后阿拉伯国家社会结构演进的基本特征。其中统治集团的变更导致阿拉伯国家在政体、经济发展、国家现代化道路的选择、外交理念与政策以及社会生活上出现重大转型,社会中间阶层力量的壮大冲击了传统社会结构的基础,城乡社会关系的变化对阿拉伯国家的政治、经济与社会生活产生深刻影响。本文对当代阿拉伯国家的社会结构与社会分层问题进行体系化的研究。在总结以往西方社会结构理论的基础上,初步分析阿拉伯国家社会结构与社会分层理论;在研究中试图将前人学术成果中极为分散的相关学术观点、论题与史料联系起来,将其放在整个阿拉伯国家向现代社会转型的大框架中去,在吸收西方学者和我国学者研究成果的基础上,构建当代阿拉伯国家的社会分层体系,从多个角度初步分析当代阿拉伯国家社会结构转变的影响因素,客观展示社会各阶级、阶层或群体的变迁进程,尝试归纳总结当代阿拉伯国家社会结构转变的影响,并对阿拉伯国家社会结构演进的基本特征与类型以及公民社会的发展作出自己的判断。研究方法上,本文始终以历史学的分析为主线,同时重视社会学、统计学等多学科理论与方法的交叉与互补。全文共分为六大部分。绪论主要阐释了本文的研究意义,国内外学术界关于阿拉伯国家社会结构问题研究现状,最后阐述了本文研究框架、主要内容及创新之处等。第一章以西方学者关于阶级和社会结构的理论为依据,阐明了社会结构研究的领域和对象,并通过与西方社会结构的比较,探讨了阿拉伯国家社会结构与社会分层的标准。第二章主要探讨二战以来存在于阿拉伯国家的主要社会阶级、阶层与群体。将阿拉伯国家社会各阶级划分成上层(部落与王室家族、地主、乌里玛、军事精英、大资产阶级)、中间阶层(中产阶级)与下层(游牧民和农民、工人阶级、外籍劳工、妇女以及民族与教派)三个阶层。其中使用的资料多以沙特、伊拉克、埃及与叙利亚为主。通过对社会阶级、阶层和群体的分析,试图客观揭示当代阿拉伯国家社会结构的历史嬗变。第三章着重分析了二战后影响阿拉伯国家社会结构转变的诸因素。社会革命改变了统治集团的构成和社会基础,现代化改革中所涉及的国家资本主义政策、土地改革和教育政策以及石油繁荣和城市化进程冲击了传统社会结构,经济结构、社会分工、职业结构和劳动性质的变动催生出许多新兴社会群体,现代中产阶级逐步成长起来,一种新型的城乡社会关系得以构建和发展。第四章主要从政治体制的重构、政治思潮与外交政策以及多向度的社会变迁等方面分析社会结构变动对阿拉伯国家所产生的深刻影响。其中重点阐明了社会结构的变化导致在阿拉伯国家形成共和制与君主制两大政治体制类型,各国的政治民主化进程逐步深入,伊斯兰原教旨主义运动也发生转型;探讨了纳赛尔主义的内涵及其指导下埃及外交政策的发展变化;最后分析了非政府组织的兴起和社会文化观念的变迁。第五章探讨了阿拉伯国家社会结构演进的基本特征与类型。从现代化理论出发,提出当代阿拉伯国家社会结构的变迁具有“外源型”的特点,二战后大多数阿拉伯国家社会结构正在向“埃菲尔铁塔型”过渡和转换,并从政治民主化进程与经济发展、伊斯兰教的影响、阿拉伯国家现代化进程中的知识分子阶层等方面分析了构建阿拉伯国家公民社会的一些受限因素。

【Abstract】 The Arab countries have undergone great changes from agrarian (and Animal Husbandry) society to Modern industrial civilizations after World War II. With the construction of nation-state and the modernization driving, the great changes of the social structure have taken place in Arab countries. The diversity is a basic characteristic for social structure evolution of Arab countries. The changes of ruling group caused the enormous transformation in regime, economic development, and the choice of modernization, the diplomatic idea and policies as well as social life in Arab countries. The growth of the social intermediate strata has impacted the foundation of traditional social structure, the changes of social relationship between urban and rural areas which have profound influenced on the political life, economic life and social life of Arab countries.This dissertation is to investigate the social structure and social stratification in Contemporary Arab Countries. Firstly, it analyses the theory of social structure and social stratification in Arab countries which based on the theory of Western social structure. Secondly, it analyzes and summarizes the social stratification system, the factors which result in the changes of social structure, effects and significance of the social structure changes, and the basic characteristics and types of social structure evolution of Arab Countries since World WarⅡ. It depends on multi-disciplines intercourse of history, sociology, and statistics in methods.This dissertation includes six Parts.In the introduction, I mainly present the issues and objects will to be solved in the article, review relevant achievements, give the aims and meanings of the study, and state the framework of analysis, the writing methods and the innovation in the dissertation.In Chapter 1,I explain the research field and object which based on the western theories of social structure, and then I discuss the criterions of social structure and social stratification in Arab Countries. Chapter 2 provides the main social classes in the contemporary Arab Countries, which include upper classes (tribes and the royal members, landlords, ulema, military elite, big bourgeoisie), middle classes and lower classes (Nomads and farmers, industrial working class, foreign labor, Muslim women and nation and religious denomination). Take Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt and Syria for instance, through the analysis of the social class, social stratum and social groups in these countries, I attempt to Present social structure evolution of the Contemporary Arab Countries objectively.Chapter 3 examines the factors which result in the changes of social structure in Arab countries since World WarⅡ, for example, social revolution, modernization, oil prosperity, agrarian reform and social relations in rural areas, urbanization and development of education.Chapter 4 analyses the influence of transformation of social structure in Arab countries. It includes reconstruction of political system, changes of political thought and foreign policy and several dimensions social change, etc.Chapter 5 discusses the basic characteristics and types of social structure evolution in Arab countries, and then focuses on the analysis of the chief obstacle to construction of Arab civil society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期