

Study on the Systematic Learning about the Spring and Autumn Annals in the Northern Song Dynasty

【作者】 侯步云

【导师】 张岂之;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 《春秋》,孔子据鲁史《春秋》修作而成,始自鲁隐公元年,终于鲁哀公十四年,共十二公,二百四十二年。其后解经的五家之传形成,流传最广的是三传:《春秋左传》、《春秋公羊传》、《春秋谷梁传》,并最终取得经典地位。从《春秋》学整个发展史看,宋代研究《春秋》的著作数量众多,而对宋代《春秋》学,尤其是北宋《春秋》学与理学思潮的萌芽、发展关系的系统、专门探讨却很薄弱。这方面的研究存在诸如“着重于经学意义的梳理,疏于社会学的考察”、“重个案研究,轻系统论述”等问题。有鉴于此,本文以北宋《春秋》学发展为主题,试图揭示其与理学的互动关系,以期小益于拓展宋代学术的研究视野。政治危机、儒学困境以及政府与学人共同做出的努力是北宋学人研究《春秋》的前提条件,三者之间紧密联系。政治危机实质是追寻理想的政治宪纲,而《春秋》本身具有历史批判、政治批判的功能,蕴含“大中之道”。所以,政治危机为北宋儒者研究《春秋》提供了现实土壤。儒学面临自身困境,而外部佛道二教的成长、壮大有力地挑战儒学权威。因此,儒学需要做出更新。《春秋》整体上既有被树立的资源,也有被批判的资源,其所含有的王道主题也可以在一定程度上应对佛老。因此,儒学困境为北宋学人研究《春秋》准备了学术动力。为解决现实问题,北宋政府及学者所做出的积极反应,为北宋《春秋》学的产生、成长指明了研究方向。北宋《春秋》学研究主要包括理学的解经与一般儒学的解经两种模式。宋初疑经惑古思潮下的《春秋》研究,主要是一般儒学的阐释,其中蕴含理学解经的萌芽。范仲淹、欧阳修、“宋初三先生”、刘敞等以回向儒家之道为学术宗旨,或怀疑、批判汉唐训诂式的《春秋》注疏,以至对经本身产生怀疑、作出修改,或重视、重申《春秋》中相关的伦理道德规范,这为理学的崛起扫清了障碍。熙宁新法前后,《春秋》学者既承接了前期学人一般儒学的解经方式,又开始或有意或无意探索到新的解读视角,即理学的研究。王安石与《春秋》的关系一方面对《春秋》学发展有一定的阻碍作用,另一方面间接开启了《春秋》学发展的新方向:苏辙《春秋集解》主张以“道”“势”解读《春秋》,直接推进了“道”与《春秋》的关系,同时对《春秋》研究中的一般问题也有涉猎;孙觉承宋初学人胡瑗、孙复等人的“尊王”思想,明确《春秋》的“王道”主题,又受当时学术环境的影响而使得《春秋经解》带有“理”的味道,这一时期的《春秋》学有承上启下之功。之后到两宋之际,《春秋》学两条路径的进程更加明朗化。一是义理化的《春秋》,《春秋》完全从属于“理”,同时又为“理”的实现准备了文化载体。周敦颐、邵雍、张载等构建形上范畴“理”,《春秋》在此过程中只是起到辅助性作用。二程尤其是程颐对《春秋》的认识全面而理性,“理”成为阐释《春秋》的唯一、最高依据,并形成“理”与《春秋》的道与器、形上与形下之势。胡安国《春秋传》吸收程氏《春秋》观的“天理”依据,又加入现实政治的元素,塑造出体用相合的学术风格,《春秋》学至此在最高层面上施展其济世功能。另一路径是一般儒学的《春秋》研究,这一时期在《春秋》的研究方法上有新的突破,崔子方、萧楚、叶梦得三人各有所得。两条路径的发展并非独立平行,而是相互有交叉点。从北宋《春秋》学的历史发展来看,学人们在研究方法的总体导向上存在一变化过程,即由依据制度化、伦理化的儒家之道解经转向依形上意义之“理”解经。这种转变是合乎逻辑、合情合理的,具体表现为对《春秋》经、传、史关系的不同认识。北宋学人在解读《春秋》思想的过程中表现出强烈的致用性、与理学的互动关系等特点。可以说,北宋《春秋》学丰富了宋代学术的繁荣,为理学的兴起、发展提供了实践资源,而其中所表现出的现实关怀更值得我们继承和发扬。北宋学人对《春秋》的研究于宋代学术不无功劳与贡献。

【Abstract】 The Spring and Autumn Annals is modified by Confucius,which original material is the history about Lu states.This book contains twelve monarchs from Lu Yin to Lu Ai,and the total time is 242 years.Then five commentaries are formed,three of them are famous and spread here,that is "Zuozhuan Gongyangzhuan Guliangzhuan".From the history of development about the Spring and Autumn Annals point of view,there are many works or papers on the Spring and Autumn Annals in the Song dynasty.But it’s a little that studying the relationship between the Spring and Autumn Annals and Neo-Confucianism.Until this day, there are some problems about this subject.In view of this condition,the author decides to reveal the interaction between the Spring and Autumn Annals and Neo-Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty in this article,and broaden the Academic vision about Song Dynasty.In order to state some viewpoints,the author considers that:First,there are three premises that scholars study the Spring and Autumn Annals,such as the crisis of politics providing realistic condition for understanding the Spring and Autumn Annals,the difficult position of Confucianism which includes its own trouble and external Buddhism and Taoism challenge,the active efforts of government and learned man that specifying the developmental direction of studying the Spring and Autumn Annals in the Northern Song Dynasty.Second,this monographic study is divided into two types,one is the Neo-Confucian understanding,and the other is the general Confucian comprehending.It has three successive phases.The first stage shows suspecting and criticizing the exegesis on the Spring and Autumn Annals of Han-Tang dynast,even suspecting and revising Confucian scripture,for example Fan Zhong-yan,Ou Yang-xiu,"three scholars" in early Song Dynasty,Liu chang and so on.Later,the scholars not only carried on the formers explaining pattern,but creates new studying type,that is through metaphysical reason to understand the Spring and Autumn Annals,such as Wang An-shi,Su zhe,Sun jue.So we think that this period above forms a connecting link between what comes before and what goes after.Finally,between Northern and Southern Song Dynasties,two types of research are more and more obvious,just like the above-mentioned.On the one hand,the metaphysical reason is the determining and unique basis to study the Spring and Autumn Annals.On the other hand,the general Confucian comprehending indicates different studying means.Moreover,two types of research doesn’t completely separate.In fact,they are interrelated each other.Third,the studying methods have a change process,that is to say,the research basis is from physical Confucian way to metaphysical reason.We consider that this changing is fair and reasonable.The Systematic Learning about the Spring and Autumn Annals in the Northern Song Dynasty has some characteristics,such as practice,connection with the Neo-Confucianism and so on.Besides,it provides practical resources for the growing of the Neo-Confucianism. So,the studying on the Spring and Autumn Annals makes contribution to the academic of Song Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】710