

【作者】 姚聪莉

【导师】 任保平;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 建国60年以来,我国基本上建立起了较为完善的工业体系,工业化取得了显著的成效。然而传统工业化道路是以资源的高投入为基础,以环境污染和生态破坏为代价的,随着传统工业化道路与资源约束的矛盾日益凸显,同时信息化时代这个大机遇和发达国家“先发优势”制约的挑战日益明显,新型工业化道路是我国面对各种国际机遇和挑战冲击下的必由之路,也是在我国现有资源约束条件下实现经济持续健康发展的必然选择。基于此,本论文将资源环境约束下的我国新型工业化道路作为主要研究对象,不仅对于保证中国新型工业化战略与政策方向的正确性具有重要意义,而且对加快中国经济发展方式的转变具有重要的现实意义。本论文对国内外相关文献进行综述和评价的基础上,分别针对工业化发展的不同阶段的相关约束条件进行分析,并就粗放型经济增长方式和集约化经济增长方式中工业化的资源利用进行了探讨。在理论上分析了资源环境约束与工业化发展的关系,在此基础上建立了资源环境约束下工业化发展的模型,进而对模型的含义进行进一步解释;在对改革30年我国工业化进程演进的特征分析基础上建立工业化指标体系,并利用指标体系对中国现阶段工业化的状态进行评价;在对我国资源环境状态进行评价的基础上,进而分析我国资源环境状态对工业化的约束;对资源环境约束下中国工业化的任务、方式、路径、结构和途径的转型一一做出分析,提出资源环境约束下中国新型工业化道路实现的路径,主要包括调整工业结构、建立工业循环经济模式、加快工业技术进步、强化工业环境管理和建立生态工业体系。本论文就正式制度、非正式制度以及制度环境等三个方面提出资源环境约束下中国新型工业化的制度创新,并从产业政策等五个方面阐述资源环境约束下的中国工业化道路转型所需要的政策支持。本论文基于我国资源环境约束这个现实国情,提出我国走新型工业化道路的必然性。对资源环境约束条件下中国新型工业化道路进行设计,同时将经济转型与新型工业化的战略转型相结合,对于我国走新型工业化道路的结构、方式以及路径的选择有着极其重要的理论意义和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Since the founding of the People’s Republic, China has basically established a relatively complete industrial system, and industrialization has achieved remarkable results. However, the traditional path of industrialization based on high input of resources is at the cost of environmental pollution and ecological damage. With the contradiction between traditional industrialization path and resource constraints becoming increasingly prominent, while the great opportunity of information time and the challenge of "first mover advantage " of developed countries are more and more obvious ,new-type industrialization path is not only a necessary road to industrialization when our country face the impacts of various international opportunities and challenges, but also an inevitable choice to achieve sustained and healthy economic development when our country are under the conditions of the existing resource constraints. Therefore, this thesis’s main research subjects are the industrialization path under environment and resource constraints, which not only has great significance to ensure that China’s new-type industrialization strategies and policies, but also has practical significance to speeding up the transition of China’s economic development.Based on organizing and evaluating the relevant literatures both at domestic and abroad, this thesis analyzes constraints at different stages of industrialization respectively, and then analyzes the use of resources for industrialization both at the extensive mode of economic growth and the intensive mode of economic growth. Then this thesis analyzes the relationship between environment and resource constrains and industrialization theoretically, based on which this thesis sets up a mode of industrialization under environment and resource constraints, and then explains the further meaning of the model; establishes an indicator system of industrialization at 30 years’ reform and the evolution of China’s industrialization process, and evaluates the status of industrialization at the present stage based on the indicator system; at the bottom of analyzing the status of resource and environment, this thesis analyzes the bound of environment and resource’ status to our country’s industrialization; explores the mission, way, path, structure and means of China’s industrialization respectively under strong constraints of the environment and resource, and argues the path to realize China’s new-type industrialization under strong constrains of the environment and resource, including adjustment of industrial structure, establishment of industrial circular economy mode, acceleration of industrial technological progress and strengthen of industrial environmental management and establishment of eco-industrialized systems; this thesis argues institutional innovation of China’s new-type industrialization under strong constrains of the environment and resource from the three aspects of formal institution, informal institution and institutional environment, and then illustrates political support for the transition of China’s industrialization under strong environment and resource constraints from five aspects, such as policies.Based on the reality of environment and resource constrains of our country, this thesis argues that the inevitability of path of new-type industrialization, and then designs a new way for China’s new-type industrialization under environment and resource constraints ,at the same time, it combines the economical transition with the strategic transition of Chinese new-type industrialization, which has a theoretical and practical significance to the structure, pattern and a selection path for our country’s taking a new-type industrialization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F424;F205
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】3020
  • 攻读期成果