

【作者】 王永莲

【导师】 叶祥松;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国农村发生了巨大的变化。但是,在这些变化的背后,农村公共产品供给的低水平严重制约了我国农业的发展、农民的增收、社会主义新农村建设及农业现代化的实现。因此,如何改变我国农村公共产品供给相对落后的面貌是我国政府和理论界必须解决的一个重要问题。关于农村公共产品供给问题,国内外学者们的意见并不统一,他们分别从政府供给、市场供给、社区供给、自愿供给和多元供给等角度进行了论述。在对这些观点以及公共产品的相关理论进行梳理后,本文认为政府供给、市场供给、社区供给及自愿供给都是我国农村公共产品供给应该借鉴的模式。当前,在我国农村公共产品供给中出现了严重的政府失灵现象,主要表现为政府供给总量不足及供给结构失衡。原因就是政府供给意愿不强、供给决策机制失误以及政府财权与事权的不统一等。要解决这些问题,就必须提高政府供给意愿,完善农村公共产品政府供给的科学决策机制,明确农村公共产品的政府供给范围。由于政府失灵、公共产品项目的资金短缺、技术进步以及市场经济的发展,市场供给也成为农村公共产品供给的重要方式。但是,由于市场发育不足等原因的存在,我国农村公共产品供给市场失灵现象比较严重,市场供给的范围和数量都远远不够。因此,必须引入市场机制,确定适合市场供给的农村公共产品,发挥政府在农村公共产品市场供给中的作用,完善相关的配套措施和制度保障。在我国农村公共产品的供给中,国家和市场的力量固然不容忽视,社区也发挥着很大的作用。但是,目前我国农村社区供给的公共产品数量仍然很少。一方面,社区缺少资金来源,另一方面,作为社区供给的主要方式——“一事一议”存在缺陷。因此,在当前,应该为社区确定稳定合理的收入来源,进一步对“一事一议”制度中不合理的地方进行改进,以此来完善农村公共产品的社区供给。我国农村公共产品的自愿供给具有一定的理论依据及现实需要,但在当前,由于居民整体收入低下、公共意识薄弱、非营利组织发展乏力以及慈善事业的不规范发展动摇了社会公众的信心等因素的存在,我国农村公共产品的自愿供给总体是不足的。因此,就应该采取措施切实增加居民和农民收入,培养和增强人们的公益意识,大力发展非营利组织,还应该规范地方公共组织及慈善公益事业的行为,以此来促进农村公共产品的自愿供给。由于政府供给、市场供给、社区供给和自愿供给各有优缺点,考虑到各种供给方式的特点以及我国的现实情况,在我国农村公共产品供给机制的改革中,应建立以政府供给为主、市场供给和社区供给为辅、自愿供给为补充的多层次的农村公共产品供给机制。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up, China’s rural areas have undergone tremendous changes. However, behind the tremendous changes, the low-level supply of rural public goods has seriously hampered the development of China’s agriculture, the peasants’ income, the building of a new socialist village and the realization of agricultural modernization. Therefore, how to change the situation is one of the important problems the Chinese government and the theory fields should solve.The views of scholars at home and abroad are not uniform on the supply of rural public goods. They discussed respectively from the aspects of government supply, market supply, community supply, voluntary supply and multi-supply. After study these opinions and the relative theories of the public goods, this article holds that we should learn from the models of the government supply, market supply, community supply and voluntary supply.At present, there are serious government failures in the supply of public goods in China’s rural area, which mainly express as the total supply shortage and the imbalance between the supply structures. The reasons are the weak supply will, the mistakes in decision-making mechanism and the non-uniform of government financial authority and power, and so on. To solve such problems, it is necessary to enhance the supply will of the nation, make clear the range of the public goods and perfect the government decision-making mechanism.The market supply of public goods in rural areas becomes an important supply mode because of the government failures, the shortage of funds of the public goods projects, the technical progress and the development of market economy. However, due to such reasons as the inadequate development of the market, the market failure in the supply of rural public goods is quite serious. The volume and the scope of market supply are also far from enough. Therefore, the market mechanism must be introduced to determine what kinds of rural public goods are suitable to be supplied by the market. Also the government should play an important role and we should improve the relevant countermeasures and the institution securities.The power of the state and the market should not be ignored in the supply of rural public goods, but the rural community also plays a big role. However, at present, the public goods supplied by the rural communities remain low in China. On one hand, the communities run short of sources of financing, on the other hand, the system of "yishiyiyi"has some defects. Therefore, in the present, we should create reasonable revenue sources for the village communities. In addition, the unreasonable rules in the system of "one case one meeting" should be improved in order to promote the community supply of public goods.At present, the voluntary supply of rural public goods also has a certain necessity and possibility. However, China’s voluntary supply of rural public goods is far less than enough because of the residents’ low income, the poor public awareness, the weak development of non-profit organizations (NPOs) and the the low confidence of the public owe to the non-standard development of the charitable causes. In order to promote the voluntary supply, we should effectively increase the residents’ and the peasants’ income, cultivate and enhance people’s public awareness, take measures to vigorously develop the NPOs and standardize the local public organizations and charitable acts of public welfare undertakings.Since there are both advantages and disadvantages in government supply, market supply, community supply and voluntary supply, taking the characteristics of the supply models and the reality of our country into account, we should establish a multi-layered rural public goods supply mechanism in which the government supply is the main part, the market supply and the community supply are the assistant parts and the voluntary supply is supplementary in the reform of our rural public goods supply.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期