

Evidence Evaluatione

【作者】 陈惊天

【导师】 樊崇义;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以证据评判为视角,对所涉及的证据法学系列问题进行了新的探索,在前人的大量研究成果基础上进行了全新视角的综合与演绎,提出了诸多创新性观点。全文共分六章,分别就证据评判的若干相关概念、理论基础、基本原则、基本结构、评判机理等内容展开综合论述,最后简要概括了证据评判理论视野下的实务建议。第一章证据评判概说,分四节,分别就证据评判的主体、客体、内容等问题展开了探讨,总结了证据评判的实质内涵。第一节证据评判的涵义,区分了证据评判和证据评价、证据裁判的概念,释明了证据评判的实质内涵。第二节证据评判的主体,强调了证据评判应当以审判程序为中心的观念,对法官的主体资格进行了阐述;第三节证据评判的客体,以证据与证据信息的概念剖析为起点,对证据资格以及证据的真实性、关联性和合法性问题进行新的阐释;第四节证据评判的内容,对证明能力和证明力进行了辨析和论述;第二章证据评判的理论基础,分三节。第一节诉讼认识论,提出了证据评判的认识论基础,在辨证唯物主义认识论的基础上强调了诉讼认识的特殊性,总结了法官个体认识的相对性、主观性和有限性特点,提出了诉讼认识正当性建构的重要性,进而指出正当性建构的两大核心是正当法律程序理论与价值选择、利益衡量理论;第二节正当法律程序理论,在介绍了正当法律程序的历史及其内容的发展变化之基础上,总结了正当法律程序的核心要素(程序法定、程序公平、程序公开、程序止争与程序救济及制裁。),进而强调了规则裁断制度建构的重要性,概括了证据评判的程序要求。第三节利益衡量理论,为事实真伪难断状态下的案件裁判指明了一条重要的通道,并对利益衡量的方法进行了简要概括。第三章证据评判的基本原则,分四节。分别就客观公正原则、情理判断原则、综合评判原则与理由公开原则的基本内涵进行了阐释,对各原则在实践运用中存在的问题进行了探讨,然后对各原则在证据评判中的体现进行了概括,说明和论述了基本原则在证据评判中的重要作用和功能。第四章证据评判的基本结构,分七节,勾勒了证据评判的整体框架。第一节证据评判的基石,指出了从神示裁判到证据裁判的历史必然性,突出了证据裁判制度的核心地位;第二节证据评判的方式,强调了法官心证的重要作用,从法定证据制度和自由心证制度的演变和比较中,提出了我国法官心证的规范思路;第三节证据评判的基本方法,将经验法则和司法认知、逻辑规则和司法推理、利益衡量与司法推定进行结合论述,从全新的视角揭示了认知、推理和推定的内涵和外延;第四节证据评判的证明标准,首先比较了证明、诉讼证明和审判证明的概念,在逻辑学同一律的指导下对诉讼证明的概念进行了视角的调整(这种调整必然带来证明责任、证明标准等系列概念的调整),然后系统论述了将排除合理怀疑作为证明标准的理由和根据;第五节证据评判的应然目标,剖析了客观真实与法律真实的关系,突出了客观真实作为证据评判的方向性指引的重要性;第六节证据评判的实然结果,深入探讨了裁判事实的客观性和绝对性、主观性和相对性问题,指出了在实践检验有限性情况下的裁判事实正当化道路。第五章证据评判的运行机理,分四节,综合运用哲学、逻辑学、信息学、符号学等知识,详细剖析了证据评判的整个过程,揭示其完整的工作运行之机理。第一节从客观事实到主观事实,在哲学和逻辑两个层面上系统论述了事实的双重属性问题,解读了人们对事实认识存在的误区并剖析其根本原因;第二节从证据到信息,引进了可识素因的概念,揭示了可识素因在从证据到信息过程中的重要作用;第三节从信息到符号,系统论述了信息与符号的形成过程以及各自的性质与特征,从人与信息以及人与符号的相互关系角度,揭示了从信息到符号的整个过程;第四节从符号、命题到裁判事实,分析了符号与命题的关系,证据、事实与命题的关系,命题与裁判事实的关系,展现了从证据到裁判事实的整个评判经过。第六章证据评判理论视野下的实务建议,以证据评判理论的视角,对当前实务中的若干重要问题进行了粗略的说明,为今后的研究明确了重点。

【Abstract】 This dissertation probes into a series of relevant issues on evidence law with the perspective of evidence evaluation. Based on plenty of research achievements by other scholars, the author launches a synthetic and deductive study on the topic and proposes many innovative perspectives. There are totally six chapters, which are comprehensive comments and discussions on relevant definition, theoretical foundations, basic principles, basic structure and evaluation mechanism respectively. The final part summarizes practical proposals based on the theory of evidence evaluation.Chapter One“A Generalization of Evidence Evaluation”consists of four sections. These four sections discuss the subject, object, contents and other issues of the theory of evidence evaluation respectively. At the last part of the Chapter, the author summarizes the essential contents of evidence evaluation. Section One“Essence of Evidence Evaluation”distinguishes the definitions of evidence evaluation, evidence appraisal and evidence judgment. It also explains the essential connotation of evidence evaluation. Section Two“Subject of Evidence Evaluation”stresses the view that evidence evaluation should center on judicial proceedings and discusses the qualifications for a judge’s role as the subject of evidence evaluation. Section Three“Object of Evidence Evaluation”starts with the detailed analysis on the definitions of evidence and evidential information and elaborates evidential qualification and the truthfulness, relevancy and lawfulness of evidence with a new perspective. Section Four“Contents of Evidence Evaluation”, distinguishes and discusses the proof capability and strength of proof.Chapter Two is“Theoretical Foundation of Evidence Evaluation”. It consists of three sections. Section One“Procedural Epistemology”states the epistemic foundation of the theory of evidence evaluation. Based on the epistemology of Dialectical Materialism, it emphasizes the distinctive feature of procedural epistemology and summarizes the features of relativity, subjectivity and restrictiveness of individual judge’s epistemology. It also stresses the importance of the procedural epistemology’s validity construction and thus points out that the dual cores of validity construction are the theory of due process and the evaluation theory between value election and benefit evaluation. Section Two“The Theory of Due Process”summarizes the core factors of due process, based on the introduction of the history of due process and evolution of its contents. (These core factors are“procedure is determined by law”,“procedural fairness and justice”,“procedural openness”,“procedural resolution of disputes”and procedural remedies&sanctions.) This section also emphasizes the importance of the construction of the system of rule judgment and summarizes the procedural requirements of evidence evaluation. Section Three“The Theory of Benefit Evaluation”proposes an important alternative to adjudication of a case where the truthfulness and falsity of fact cannot be determined. It also briefly discusses the methods of benefit evaluation.Chapter Three“Basic Principles of Evidence Evaluation”consists of four sections. It explains the basic connotations of the principle of objectivity and justice, the principle of reasoning judgment, the principle of comprehensive evaluation and the principle of open reasoning respectively and probes into the problems of these principles in the practice. Then it summarizes these principles’utility in evidence evaluation and discusses these principles’important functions in evidence evaluation.Chapter Four“The Basic Structure of Evidence Evaluation”consists of seven sections and outlines the general structure of evidence evaluation. Section One“Cornerstone of Evidence Evaluation”points out the historical inevitability from the god directed judgment to evidential judgment and emphasizes the essential role of the system of evidential judgment. Section Two“Ways of Evidence Evaluation”stresses the importance of judge’s internal conviction. Based on the developments and comparisons of the systems of evidence determined by law and evidence determined by the judge’s internal conviction, this section proposes the regulative theory of judge’s internal conviction in our country. Section Three“Basic Methods of Evidence Evaluation”synthetically elaborates empirical principles and judicial notice, logical rules and judicial inference, benefit evaluation and judicial generalization. It also demonstrates the connotations and extensions of judicial notice, inference and generalization with a new perspective. Section Four“Proof Standard of Evidence Evaluation”first compares the definitions of proof, procedural proof and judicial proof and adjusts the perspective into the definition of procedural proof under the guidance of the principle of identity in the study of logics. (This adjustment inevitably brings in adjustments in the definitions of burden of proof, proof standard and other relevant terms.) It then systematically discusses the reasons and basis for the standard“beyond reasonable doubt”as the proof standard. Section Five“Inevitable Goal of Evidence Evaluation”analyzes the relationship of objective truthfulness and legal truthfulness and stresses the importance of objective truthfulness as the directive guidance of evidence evaluation. Section Six“Practical Outcome of Evidence Evaluation”discusses in depth the objectivity, absoluteness, subjectivity and relativity of evaluative facts and points out the correct ways to evaluate the facts in the circumstance of restrictiveness in practical operation.Chapter Five“Operative Mechanism of Evidence Evaluation”consists of four sections. It comprehensively utilizes the knowledge of Philosophy, Logics, Information study, Semiotics and other fields, analyzes in detail the general process of evidence evaluation, and reveals its whole operative mechanism. From objective fact to subjective fact, Section One probes into the dual features of the fact based on two levels between philosophy and logics and explains people’s misunderstandings of facts with analysis of its reasons. From evidence to information, Section two introduces the definition of recognizable factor and demonstrates the important role of recognizable factor in the process from evidence to information. From information to symbol, Section Three systematically discusses the evolution process of information and symbol, their respective nature and features. In the perspective of relative relationship between people and information or symbol, this section also demonstrates the whole process from information to symbol. From symbol to proposition and evaluative fact, Section Four analyzes the relationship between symbol and proposition, between evidence, fact and proposition, between proposition and evaluative fact. It also demonstrates the whole evaluation process from evidence to evaluative fact.Based on the theory of evidence evaluation, Chapter Six“Practical Proposals with the Perspective of the Theory of Evidence Evaluation”explains several important issues in the practice by adding the finishing touch and points out the right direction for future research and study.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】1
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