

Study on Culture of China’s Enterprise Management

【作者】 林峰

【导师】 郑海航;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 劳动经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 企业是国民经济的基本单位。管理文化是企业发展的最持久的因素。这是因为管理文化是社会文化的一部分,是社会文化的典型的、直接的体现。在市场经济条件下,我国企业要想成功地持续发展,并能做大做强,在全球市场的角逐中取胜,还有赖于能给企业带来无限生机的管理文化。如何根据我们的现实环境形成有中国特色的管理文化,需要从理论上加以探讨。这无疑对于提高企业的管理水平,发展国民经济,乃至对整个社会文化的发展都有着重要的意义。目前,国内外对于企业文化的研究已有不少论著,并在实践中发挥了一定作用。但是将文化因素与管理职能紧紧结合起来,进行比较深入系统地探讨管理文化的研究还比较少见。本文正是针对已有研究之不足,着力探求文化因素对管理职能的作用力和正负效应。具体通过分析传统文化与西方文化对管理的影响,在吸取其精华。摈弃其糟粕的基础上,创新适合中国企业发展的决策文化、组织文化、激励文化与领导文化。全文分为三个部分共七章。第一部分包括第一章和第二章,是全文的基础和起点;第二部分包括第三章、第四章、第五章和第六章,分别探讨了文化因素在企业决策、组织、激励及领导中的作用,分析了中国企业的现状,提出企业决策文化、组织文化、激励文化及领导文化的变革与创新,是全文的核心部分;第三部分是第七章,包括管理文化面临转型与发展,创造良好的外部环境及跨文化管理等内容,是文章的结尾。第一章:导论。阐述了本文的研究背景、研究目的和意义,分别对国内外关于企业文化的各类研究成果进行综述和评价,提出了论文的研究思路和研究方法,说明了本文可能的创新点。第二章:企业管理文化的理论基础。本章首先概述了文化、企业文化的内涵,是出了管理文化的概念,即体现为企业价值观、经营理念和行为规范,揭示文化对管理的影响,渗透于企业的决策、组织、激励及领导等管理过程中,提供文化与管理匹配的最佳模式。其次对人性假设理论、人的需要层次理论及文化结构层次进行了概述和评价。人性假设理论提出的“经济人”、“社会人”、“自动人”和“复杂人”假设及对其所适用的管理措施的分析,对于认识人的特点及制定相应的管理方式具有一定的借鉴作用;需要层次理论则为管理者了解人的主导需求,有针对性地调动人的积极性提供指导;而文化结构层次论则有利于人们认识文化中的物质、精神与制度三者之间的关系。最后阐述了文化与管理的关系,即管理也是一种文化,文化与管理具有共生性,文化具有管理功能等。第三章:企业决策文化塑造。本章探讨了决策进程中六阶段性应具有的文化理念,文化差异对决策的影响,决策失误的文化根源及决策文化的现代化等。重点分析和总结出决策失误的文化根源。一是企业家所处的文化环境根源。几千年的封建传统农业文化至今仍然束缚着企业家的思维习惯和行为习惯,使他们无法超越传统价值观和小农经济观念的束缚成为现代真正的企业家。农业文化中重农抑商政策使商人地位低下,加上“学而优则仕”思想的长期灌输造成了中国企业家的文化水平和综合素质偏低,同时,计划经济向市场经济过渡的特殊时期体制的不完善也造成了决策的非理性。二是企业家的双重社会角色根源。中国企业家既是官又是商的双重社会角色,使其决策行为无法摆脱政府的直接控制而完全以市场为导向。企业家双重社会角色的文化根源就在于旧体制下计划经济模式排斥企业家精神及企业家受传统文化中“官本位”意识的影响。三是企业决策机制缺乏科学性。通过对企业家决策失误原因的分析,指出文化根源造成企业决策失误的事实还未引起人们的正视。本章最后根据中国企业的决策现状,提出决策文化的现代化,即建立具有决策、参谋、反馈和监督四个功能齐全的科学决策机制及对企业家决策行为进行调适。第四章:企业组织文化变革。本章首先分析了传统文化对现代企业制度创新的约束,对家族企业制度变迁的影响和企业组织结构的现状。我国人文背景的特异性与现代企业制度要求的人文精神在以下方面发生矛盾,即集权意识与分权意识的矛盾、服从意识与独立意识的矛盾、情理意识与法理意识的矛盾、素质低下与素质高要求的矛盾。家族文化对家族企业制度变迁的影响表现在:过小规模的企业缺乏制度化的动力;企业资本很难与社会资本相融合;社会信任资源匮乏两权分离困难等。在剖析阻碍建立现代企业制度的文化根源的基础上,指出实现企业组织文化变革需要在改造传统文化、注重信用制度建设、加强企业制度及调整文化意识形态等方面做出努力。提出了变革组织文化的“着力点”:1.培养组织文化中的制度意识,包括树立制度管理意识和权力制衡理念;2.处理好组织文化中的两种关系,即组织文化与组织制度的关系、制度管理与人本管理的关系:3.构建学习型组织文化,从以下四个方面入手,即改变组织结构、学会如何学习、主动学习与系统培训并重及建立学习性基础设施等。通过以上三个方面使组织文化沿着价值取向、人本取向和创新取向的方向发展。第五章:企业激励文化创新本章首先对古代管理中有关激励思想的内容进行了梳理,并分析了日、美企业激励文化与其背景的关系,在继承和发扬中国传统文化之精华和借鉴日、美价值观中积极因素的基础上,创新中国企业价值观体系。本着博采众长,不割断历史;借鉴别人,有所创新的思想,在充分认识人的需要的基础上。避免企业发展中曾出现过的只注重精神激励或单搞物质激励的片面性,设计激励文化的务实与务虚两个方面的内容,务实层面是由有效的管理技术性手段和措施而形成的激励模式,分为层次模式、分工模式和生命周期模式三种;务虚层面是通过倡导爱国、敬业、创新等信仰、追求,从而提升价值观的激励模式。第六章:领导文化与企业家精神。以高度集权的专制统治为核心的中国传统领导文化,反映在企业管理中就是专制型领导文化。任人唯亲、独断专行的家长式领导作风不仅表现在家族企业和乡镇企业中,也广泛存在于国有企业中。专制型领导文化的根源就是封建专制主义,它严重影响着企业的发展,彻底肃清专制主义是提升领导文化的需要。本章重点论述了以企业家精神改造传统的领导文化,即企业经营者要求实、敬业和创新。指出虽然传统文化制约着企业家精神的生成,其消极的一面与企业家精神之间存在着激烈冲突,但是传统文化中自强不息、崇德重义、修身自律、勤俭节制等精神品质却能在更高的层面上提升企业家精神。提出中国企业经营者需克服先天素质不足的“基础特质”和小商品经济和法律不健全造成的“道德特质”迷失的双重人格缺陷,以经过筛选、整合过的传统文化来完善、提升企业家精神,与社会文化相融合共进,共同锤炼和造就一种适合中国现代化事业和市场经济发展需要的、与时俱进的企业家精神。第七章:中国特色企业管理文化的转型与发展。本章主要包括四个部分。首先,提出了管理文化转型与发展的总体思路:继承优秀的文化传统→排除传统文化和世俗文化中的糟粕→借鉴西方管理科学的优秀成果→创新我国现代企业管理文化。其次,分析了来自传统文化、旧体制及世俗文化中落后观念和不合理成分造成的文化困惑,指出摆脱文化困境,实现企业管理文化的转型是企业管理的重要任务之一。再次,讨论了企业外部环境的优化问题,包括规范政府行为,创造宽松的政策环境;健全适应市场经济的法律环境;营造良好的社会文化氛围等。最后,指出跨文化管理是企业面对WTO寻求发展的必然趋势,并阐述了实施跨文化管理需要经过认识文化差异、培养文化认同、进行文化培训,建立跨文化差异的价值观及实现管理本土化等几个步骤,建立合适的跨文化管理模式,确保企业战略目标的最终实现。

【Abstract】 The enterprise is the basic unite of national economy. However, the culture of management is the most important factor in the development of an enterprise for it is a part of social culture and usually embodies the social culture directly. According to China’s really, the theory about how to develop the management culture with Chinese characteristic should be firstly explored and studied, which has a great significance in improving the administration of enterprise, developing our national economy and even advancing the culture of the whole society.Today, although there have been many papers and books about the research of enterprise’s culture in China and foreign countries and they has played a certain role in practice, there are few systematic researches which tightly combined culture with the function of enterprise management. For this reason, this paper has mainly discussed the good and bad effects of culture factor on the administrative function of enterprise. Meanwhile, this paper has analyzed the effects of traditional and foreign cultures on the management of enterprise in order to establish the decision-making culture, the organizational culture, the inspiring culture and the leading culture, which are suitable for the development of China’s enterprises on the basis of assimilating the essence and reject the dross of traditional and foreign of management.Chapter One General IntroductionThis chapter has presented the research background, the purpose and importance of this whole paper. Through summarizing and evaluating various research results in enterprise’s culture from China and foreign countries, the chapter has put forward the research train of thought and research method of the paper, and presented the innovation mentioned in the paper.Chapter Two Theoretical Base of Enterprises’ Management CultureFirst, this chapter has summarized the connotation of culture and corporate culture and developed a conception of management culture, which embodied the view of values, the idea of management and the code of conduct. At the same time, it has shown the effect of culture on management in the process of policy decision, organization, inspiring system and leadership, and provided the best pattern for matching culture with management. Second, chapter two has generalized and evaluated the hypothetical theory of human nature, the hierarchal needs theory and the culture circle theory. Finally, chapter two has discussed the relation between culture and management. Management is a kind of culture and has much in common with culture; meanwhile, culture has the management function.Chapter Three Establishment of Decision-making Culture of EnterpriseThis chapter has discussed the effect of cultural conception and difference on six phases in policy decision of enterprise, analyzed the cultural origin of decision-making fault and put forward a viewpoint of modernization of decision-making culture. But it has mainly analyzed and generalized the cultural sources of decision-making culture. These sources are the follows:The first one is the cultural environment in which enterprises exist. Up till now, in China, the feudal traditional culture of agriculture has still affected enterprisers’ mind and act, which made them unable to get out of their traditional views of value and small-scale peasant economy. This has prevented enterprisers form becoming a real modern enterpriser. Therefore, Chinese traditional idea has caused lower educational level and comprehensive quality of Chinese enterprisers. And also the imperfect system has brought about some unwise decisions in the special period when the planned economy changed into the market economy.The second one is enterpriser’s double status in society. In those days, Chinese enterprisers who were not only officials but also businessmen were directly controlled by China’s government and not directed by market when they made decisions. Their double social status comes from the culture in which, under the old system of the planned economy had limited the development of enterpriser’s sprit and enterprisers were affected by the traditional culture.The third one is that enterprisers didn’t have a scientific decision-making mechanism. Through analyzing the decision-making fault of enterprisers, it was found that much importance was not attached to the fact that culture factor has contributed to decision-making fault of enterprisers. At the end of chapter three, on the basis of the present situations of China’s enterprises, the modernization of decision-making culture has been put forward.Chapter Four Change of Organization Culture of EnterpriseThis chapter has first analyzed the effect of traditional culture on the innovation of modern enterprise system, on the transformation of family enterprise system, and on the present situation of organization and structure of enterprise.On the basis of analyzing the culture sources hindering the establishing of modern enterprise system, the paper has pointed out that more efforts must be made to change the traditional cultural idea, to pay much attention to the establishment of credit, to strengthen the system of enterprises and to adjust the ideology if we want to change the organizational culture of enterprise. Therefore, some approaches are put forward in the followings: (1) to develop the awareness of system in the organization culture, including the awareness of administrative system and the ideology of balance of power. (2) to well treat two relationships in the organizational culture, namely, the relationship between organizational culture and organizational system, the relationship between management of the system and the personal administration.(3) to construct an organizational culture with learning as its main content, that is to say, to change the structure of organization; to learn how to study; to attach importance to the initiative study and the systematic training at one time; and to construct infrastructures for study etc.Chapter Five Innovation of Inspiring Culture of EnterpriseThis chapter has firstly rearranged the relevant contents of the inspiring ideology of ancient management and analyzed the relation between inspiring mechanism and culture background of enterprise in the U.S.A and Japan. Meanwhile, the system of values of China’s enterprises is changed on the basis of inheriting and developing the essence of Chinese traditional culture and of using the positive elements from Japanese and American Values for reference. According to the idea that enterprises learn widely from others’ strong points and that innovated spirit is used for reference, human needs are recognize to avoid an one-sidedness that either focused on spirit reward or on material reward; and the excitation culture is designed to deal with concrete matters relation to work and to discuss ideological guidelines, which is concerned with the means of managerial technology and the administrative measures. This excitation culture is made up of two inspiring patterns, one pattern consists of hierarchical pattern, labor-dividing pattern and life cycle pattern, the other is to advocate the spirit of patriotism, devotion to work and innovation, whose purpose is to improve values of staff.Chapter Six Leadership Culture and Enterprise’ SpiritThe Chinese traditional culture of leadership with the autocratic at its core appeared as an autocratic leadership culture in the administration of enterprise. The cause contributing to the autocratic leadership culture is the feudal autocracy that has severely held up the development of enterprises, thus, the autocracy should be eliminated to improve the leadership culture.The focal points of chapter six mainly focuses on remodeling the traditional leadership culture through enterpriser’s spirit. This chapter has pointed out that, although the Chinese traditional culture held up the development of an enterpriser’s spirit, some good things in Chinese traditional culture could held develop enterpriser’s spirit, and that the runners of China’s enterprises ought to overcome some obstacles, such as their innate deficiency, their moral quality caused by small-sized commodity economy and by imperfect laws, etc, and that the sifted and integrated traditional culture ,and the improved spirit of enterprises should be used harmoniously with social culture to establish a spirit that can promote the development of Chinese Modernization Cause and the growth of marked economy and can keep pace with the times.Chapter Seven Transformation and Development of Corporate Management Culture with Chinese CharacteristicsThis chapter consists of four parts. Firstly, it has put forward the general train of thought about the transformation and development of administrative culture: to inherit the excellent traditional culture→to reject the dross of traditional culture and mundane culture→to use the excellent results of western administrative science for reference→to create the administrative culture of China’s modern enterprises. Secondly, through analyzing the cultural perplexity caused by some backward ideas and some unreasonable elements in the traditional culture, the old system and the mundane culture, one of the most important tasks is to get out of the culture trouble and to implement the transformation of administrative culture for an enterprise. Thirdly, the chapter has discussed the optimization of the external environment of enterprise. This is mainly concerned with making good policies by standardizing government’s act, and is mainly involved with perfecting a law atmosphere suitable for market economy, and creating an excellent social environment of culture. Finally, this chapter also has pointed out that cross-cultural management is a trend for an enterprise according to the requirement of WTO, and stated that such measures as the awareness of cultural differences, the approval of cultural training, the cross-cultural training, the establishment of cross-cultural values and the implementation of native administration must be taken to construct a proper cross-cultural administrative pattern to achieve the strategic target of enterprises.

【关键词】 管理文化继承创新
【Key words】 administrative cultureInnovationinheritance