

【作者】 刘亚林

【导师】 吴冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 劳动经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 EAP是一项为工作场所中的个人和组织提供咨询服务的福利项目,由于其涉及员工的心理问题,很多因素难以做定量判断,因此对EAP的成本、效用的研究一直是组织和专家学者关注的重点和难点问题。撰写本论文的目的,一是使国内更多的组织和个人能够全面、深入了解EAP;二是为今后深入分析EAP的成本、效用提供理论研究视角;三是通过某一企业的典型研究,为组织提高EAP实施的针对性和有效性提供参考依据;四是提供可借鉴的EAP成本分摊模式;五是进一步拓宽并深化精神健康研究领域。本文主要采用理论分析和实证研究相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法。本文的创新成果主要是内容上的创新和方法上的创新:对EAP的内容进行了全面、系统的梳理;对EAP的成本、效用和实证研究进行了综述;对EAP的成本、效用进行了理论上的探讨;对国内企业实施EAP的情况进行了典型调查;建立了EAP效用的多元线性回归方程;用层次分析法建立了EAP的成本分摊模型。本文得出的结论是:在固定成本不变的情况下,EAP的成本与员工使用EAP的时间及次数有关系;EAP的使用倾向与人口统计学特征和其它因素有关;EAP的效用至少与个人对EAP的使用偏好有关;EAP的效用至少与7个因素相关;与上级的关系是工作场所中最重要的因素;个人的身体健康是EAP成本中花费最大的部分。

【Abstract】 EAP is a consulting service of welfare projects provided to individuals and organizations in the workplace. As it involves employees’ psychological issues and many other factors difficult to measure quantitatively, cost and utility research of EAP have been the major and difficult focus to organizations and experts.The purposes of writing this dissertation are: firstly, to let more domestic organizations and individuals thoroughly and deeply understand EAP; secondly, to provide theoretical perspective for the in-depth analysis of cost and utility of EAP; thirdly, to provide reference for improving the effectiveness and pertinence of EAP implementation for organizations through the typical sample research of one enterprise; fourthly, to provide a cost allocation mode of EAP for organizations; fifthly, to expand and deepen the mental health research scope.This dissertation adopts an integrated method of theoretical analysis and empirical research, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.Innovation achievements of this dissertation are mainly in the content and the method, namely: presents the content of EAP thoroughly and systematically; reviews the cost, utility and empirical studies of EAP; investigates the cost and utility of EAP theoretically, conducts the typical survey of the EAP implementation of a domestic enterprise; establishes multivariate linear regression equation of EAP utility; sets up an allocation model of EAP cost through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)This dissertation’s conclusion is that EAP cost is related to the time and frequency of EAP used by employee under the fixed cost, the tendency of using EAP is related to demographic characteristics and other factors, the utility of EAP is related to the personal preference of using EAP at least, the utility of EAP is leastwise related to 7 factors, the relationship with the supervisor is the most important factor in the workplace, personal health is the largest part of EAP cost.

【关键词】 EAP成本效用实证分析
【Key words】 EAPcostutilityempirical analysis
  • 【分类号】F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2671
  • 攻读期成果